Tuesday, January 15, 2019

January 2019: Eminescu & Romania's Culture Day

January 15, 2019: An evening of poetry featuring Mihai Eminescu & Romania's National Culture Day

Today (Tuesday - January 15'19)I was very pleased to meet with a group of dear friends, via teleconference, to honor the memory of MIHAI EMINESCU (1850-1889)who is considered the most famous & influential Romanian poet, as well as the last major representative of the European Romanticism, and a significant promoter of the enlightened nationalism.

Aside of that, it is timely to mention that ever since 2010, the National Culture Day of Romania it is celebrated every year on January 15, which is also the day marking the birth of the greatest Romanian poet, Mihai Eminescu.

Our evening together commenced with a short array of mundane remarks and after we settled in, we began the program. This time my guests were invited to bring with them a freshly made cup of tea so they could each enjoy as the conversations would progress.  

Firstly, I was glad to present them an audio fragment from the famous poem called “Luceafărul“, recited in duet by Gheorghe Cozorici & Ion Caramitru.

Then, briefly speaking, our evening unfolded as per below:
– Our friend Dorina Aldea read us all a list of interesting facts, less known about Mihai Eminescu. On the topic, she wrote an article as well, which she sent over for publication (with Dorina's permission, the article I'm referring to is posted in comments section)
Ileana M. was kind to share with us how this poet impacted her life and then she recited for us the poem, called “Rugaciune” (the original it is published in the comments section)
– Then Teodor T. brought a generous number of personal remarks about Eminescu’s contribution to the Romanian culture as a poet, novelist, journalist and philosopher, as well as being a great patriot. He also reminded us of our old school professors who persevered in emphasizing the value and depth of Eminescu’s creation. Subsequently, Teodor shared with us a number of personal compositions about Eminescu, beautifully crafted
– Next our friend Camelia G. had a short and beautiful personal expose about the significance of the poet’s contribution to our culture, from her perspective. Then she reminded Eminescu’s famous poem, called “Glossa” and recited the poem called “Criticilor mei” (the original is published in the comments section)
– The evening continued with Lidia’s contribution, who discussed the poem called “Pe langa plopii fara sot” (this poem is published in the comments section below, both in the original language and an English version as well). Then she mentioned Eminescu’s love for nature in general and for linden trees in special. Also, Lidia mentioned that her accompanying tea for our evening together was made of linden flowers.
– Then our friend Ioana R. expressed her heartfelt pleasure for joining the group and how delightful it was for her to hear how impactful Eminescu was for each of the presenters up to that moment, and how many beautiful poems were brought into conversation. Also, she mentioned her own experience and how Eminescu impacted her life as well, sharing with us the memory of a precious book with Eminescu’s poems that she received in the past from a famous Romanian Conductor. Heart touching, indeed! Then she recited for us the poem called, “Cand Marea” (the Romanian version of this poem is published in the comments section)
– Our night together followed with Rodica’s contribution. She was kind to share with us some family memories from Radauti (situated in the historical region of Bukovina) and how close to her family at that time Eminescu’s poems were.  She also recited for us a poem called “Colind pentru Eminescu”, written by Grigore Vieru (the original is published in the comments section)
– Then our friend Dean Phillip reiterated Eminescu’s geniality as well as his extraordinary abilities in journalism and philosophy. Even though Eminescu didn’t have many degrees, even though he attended a number of University courses in Vienna, from his writings one could tell how advanced and well-rounded his thinking was for his time; needless to say that his writings were, are, and will continue to be for generations to come inspirational in many ways.
– After that, our dear friend Manuela C. shared with us her gladness of belonging to our circle as well as her views about the universality of Eminescu’s writings and the thought she pondered upon was ‘the eternal contemporaneity’ of this amazing poet.
– Further, our friend Monica T. shared her state of gratitude for our evening together and then she recited for us the poem called “La steaua care a rasarit” (the original is published in the comments below)  
– Also, Iuliu T. joined us sharing a beautiful song interpreted by Ion and Doina Aldea Teodorovici, called “Eminescu”.
– Then, our next presenter was Maria M., who told us all how delightful she was to be part of this evening. Then she mentioned a dear poem called “Mai am un singur dor”, and Teo was kind to recite it for us all (the original is published in the comments section below).
– Last but not least, our friend Dana S. expressed her satisfaction that she was able to join us for this festive evening, refreshing how nourishing it can be to stop once in a while from the daily rush and just simply enjoying a cup of tea, in company of good friends while talking about poetry at its best.
As discussions progressed, when appropriate, I was also truly happy to be able to intercalate in between some presentations few audios, such as: the poem “Si daca(by Mihai Eminescu, interpreted by George Vraca), "Ion Creanga - A doua scrisoare catre Mihai Eminescu" (recited by Radu Beligan)and the beautiful poem called “Dintre sute de catarge(in a musical arrangement, performed by 'Pro Musica') 
The time we spent together flew by very quickly, and my friends expressed again their regrets as there is still so much left to talk about, but knowing that there will be a “next time” we adjourned for the night.
Once again, from my heart to each of my dear friends, a genuine “THANK YOU!” for joining me so together we could honour the poet we all love and respect. 
Until we meet again, my warmest regards to each of you!
“I understand that a man can have everything having nothing and nothing having everything.” (Mihai Eminescu)
 This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture.