Showing posts with label My personal greetings to you. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My personal greetings to you. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2025

March 8, 2025: Happy INTERNATIONAL WOMEN's Day!

 Today, on the International Women’s Day, I extend my most sincere appreciation to all of the women in my life for making the world a better place!
I’m wishing to all the amazing women I know to always stay confident and to continue to shine brightly!
Cu ocazia zilei de 8 Martie, doamnelor și domnișoarelor,
vă doresc să fiți sănătoase, fericite, respectate și iubite!
La mulți ani – mamă, fiică, iubită, bunică, soție...FEMEIE!
Îți doresc să fii mereu cu un surâs cald pe buze și cu soarele în suflet...să fii mereu frumoasă ca o primăvară!
Fie ca 8 Martie să vă aducă multe motive de bucurie, iar zâmbetul să rămână mereu cu voi!
● My previous posts on the same theme: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN's Day – 2024, 20232022202120202019

Saturday, March 1, 2025

March 1, 2025: “Mărțișor”

 Another March 1st has arrived, allowing Romanians around the world to celebrate an ancient custom, called “Mărțișor”, which is considered a symbol of spring to come and the awakening of a new cycle of life in nature.
To all my Romanian friends who honor this very old and truly beautiful tradition, I’m wishing them only the best!
De la mine, un Mărțișor în dar pentru fiecare, însoțit de un gând bun!
“Primăvara este în interiorul fiecărui gând, în faptele noastre, în privirea senină pe care o revărsăm asupra celor pe care-i privim, în zâmbetul larg și sincer, pornit din inimă, în mângâierea oferită unui copil, unei ființe dragi sau unui animal de companie, într-o îmbrățișare în care am împletit șnurul mărțișorului cel mai dorit și mai scump din lume, numit dragostea! Lăsaţi-o să vă decoreze inima, în miile de culori ale bucuriei, speranţei, credinţei, dăruirii, afecţiunii, înțelepciunii, înțelegerii, recunoștinţei și iubirii! Vă doresc mult bine și senin pentru zilele primăverii care e pe drum!”
● The legend of “Mărțișor” 
(as a courtesy, published here in Romanian language…to translate it into any other language, please use the automated translator installed at the bottom of the page…thank you!)
La marginea unui sat trăiau într-o coliba sărăcăcioasă o femeie cu fiica ei. Ca să câștige pâinea de zi cu zi și câțiva bănuți, femeia se îndeletnicea cu torsul lânii pentru oamenii din sat. Dar tot ce câștiga dădea pe doctorii pentru fata ei care era tare bolnavă. Într-o zi, pe când torcea și plângea de mila fiicei sale, femeia văzu o caleasca de foc trecând cu iuțieală dinspre pădure spre sat. Era Crăiasa Primăvara care, auzind-o, s-a oprit și a întrebat-o de ce este așa de necăjită. Aflând de boala copilei, Crăiasa a zis...
-,,Ține caierul acesta de foc și toarce-l firicel subțire, apoi leagă o fundiță și prinde-o de pieptul copilei. Puterile mele o vor trezi la viață, așa cum se trezește la viață întreaga natură după trecerea mea.
Femeia mulțumi și se apuca de lucru. Dar caierul îi ardea degetele și-i era cu neputință să rasucească un firicel cât de mic. Începu să plângă cu lacrimi grele și aproape că nu bagă de seama când o altă caleașcă de zăpadă se opri în dreptul colibei. Era Crăiasa Iarna, care dispărea cu iuțieală dinspre sat spre pădure și care, auzind necazul femeii, zise...
-,,Ține caierul acesta de zăpadă... Răcoarea lui va potoli fierbițeala celui de foc. Răsucește-le laolaltă, poate așa îți pot fi de folos și eu.
Femeia mulțumi din tot sufletul și se puse pe tors. Torcea laolalta fir roșu de foc cu fir alb de zăpadă și astfel ispravi de tors cele doua caiere. Iar după ce duse la capat lucrul, legă o fundiță de pieptul fetiței. Aceasta îndată prinse putere și culoare în obrajori, sări din pat și-și îmbrățișă cu drag mama. De atunci, în fiecare prag de primăvară, femeia împletea fundițe alb-roșii, împărțindu-le oamenilor din sat, să le aducă sanatate și bucurii.
In 2017, UNESCO decided to inscribe “Mărțișor“ on their list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity…please follow the links below for a more detailed reading about this significant gesture…thank you!
Brief historical background info about “Mărțișor” (March 1)
The name “Mărțișor” (mərt͡siˈʃor) is the diminutive of “Marț”, the old folk name for March (“martie”, in modern Romanian language), & literally means "the little March". The actual “Mărțișor” is made of a small decorative object, tied to a white & red string, with two hanging tassels, which is offered customarily on the 1st day of March to girls, women & men (in some parts of the country) as it is believed that the wearer will stay strong & healthy throughout the entire year ahead. In the old times “Mărțișor” was regarded more as a protective talisman, but in modern days, &especially in the urban areas, most of its talisman properties got lost and “Mărțișor” became more of a symbol of friendship, love, appreciation & respect, as well as a symbol of the coming spring in addition to the snowdrop flowers.
● Previous events I organized featuring MĂRȚIȘOR” –  2024, 2023, 2022202120202019
● My previous greetings on the same theme: MĂRȚIȘOR” – 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019

Monday, February 24, 2025

February 24, 2025: “DRAGOBETE” Day

 DRAGOBETE” – An old Romanian custom featuring Love (or the Romanian version of Valentine’s Day)
This authentic and special celebration of love continues to be one of the most beautiful Romanian old traditions, symbolizing romance, youth, hope and nature’s rebirth. To all my friends who observe his holiday, I’m wishing them a very happy “Dragobete” Day and a great spring to come!
Dragii mei, iubiți-vă mult, iubiți-vă sincer, iubiți-vă mereu, iubiți-vă până la final!
24 februarie 2025: DRAGOBETE – sărbătoarea iubirii, în tradiția românească.
La cumpăna dintre anotimpuri, atunci când pământul începe să se încălzească ușor, când ziua devine ceva mai lungă ca noaptea, iar frigul parcă devine ceva mai domol, chiar dacă mai sunt petice de zăpadă pe ici pe colo, românii sărbătoresc iubirea. Așa au ales ei să întâmpine primăvara – cu iubire. 
Să ne ținem de tradiții. La mulți ani de “Dragobete”!
Refreshing a brief historical background
“DRAGOBETE” is a day rich in traditions, which differ from region to region. In general, nowadays, many Romanians exchange gifts with their partners as a way of showing their affection for each other.
On the other hand, according to one of the many legends on the matter, this day is also known as the day of "The Engagement", "The birds accompanying" or "The birds wedding." According to a popular belief, birds gather in flocks, "courting", in an indescribable turmoil &, until the end, they’ll find their pair. Together they build the nest in which to grow their offspring. According to the same old legend, the birds that do not find their pair now, they remain single until next year.
Another legend says that “Dragobete” was the son of “Baba Dochia”, who is connected with the return of spring. The traditional story tells us the in the ancient times, young men and women together would go to search the meadows for fresh spring flowers. Nonetheless, a beautiful, old, tradition worth sharing further!
● My previous greetings on the same theme: ”DRAGOBETE” 2024, 2023, 2022, 20212020
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)

Friday, February 14, 2025

February 14, 2025: Happy VALENTINE’s Day!

 Dear friends, as a new Valentine’s Day is upon us, I’m taking a moment to wish you Joy, Happiness and above all, LOVE!
May the love always prevail!
● My previous greetings on the same theme: VALENTINE's Day  2024, 20232022202120202019

Friday, January 24, 2025

January 24’25: Union of the Romanian Principalities

 Revisiting an old page of Romanian history: The Little Union of the Romanian Principalities
January 24, 1859 – January 24, 2025. 166 years ago, the Union of the Romanian Principalities (also known as: “The Little Union of the Romanian Principalities”, or “The Little Union”, or “The Day of The Unification of the Romanian Principalities”) took place, under the leadership of Alexandru Ioan Cuza.
A new occasion for all Romanians around the world and back home to honor their history, their heroes and to appreciate their national achievements.
January 24’24: To all our Romanian friends, near & far: HAPPY UNIFICATION DAY!
"Grație unirii cresc lucrurile mici, prin dezbinare se prăbuşesc cele mai mari."
La mulți ani tuturor românilor de pretutindeni cu ocazia Zilei Unirii Principatelor Române!
● A concise historic briefing:
January 24th, also known as the Little Unification (Romanian: "Mica Unire") celebrates the political union of these 2 principalities, which is considered the foundation of modern Romania. The United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, also known as "The Romanian United Principalities", was the official name of the Romania following the 1859 election of Alexandru Ioan Cuza as the ruling prince (Romania: "domnitor") of both territories.
Years later, on December 1st, 1918, the Great Union happened (Romanian: "Marea Unire"), when the 3 Romanian Principalities (Wallachia, Moldavia & Transylvania) became one country, one voice, called "Romania", and December 1st became Romania's National Day.
● Remembering few old songs, relating to this historic moment: Unity Hora”  Ion Roată către Divan
● A short video clip I’ve put together a while ago for this occasionJanuary 24
● My previous greetings on the same theme: 
The Little Union of the Romanian Principalities, each year on January 24 – 2024202320222021

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2025 – Happy New Year!

Good bye, 2024! Welcome 2025! 
As the wheel of time is turning once again and the sun sets on this chapter, we gather our hopes ready for the next one, keeping courage close to heart!
Happy New Year, dear ones! Make it bright! Make it amazing!
Vă doresc ca  Noul An să vă aducă tot ce aveți nevoie…pace în suflete și armonie în case…să vă împlinească visurile și să vă păstreze sănătoși și fericiți…în Lumină, Credință, Iubire și Iertare! La mulţi ani, 2025!
● My previous greetings on the same theme: NEW YEAR – 2024, 2023, 2022202120202019

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

December 25, 2024: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Christmas – the time of the year when the entire world seems to slow down for a little while and the air fills with the magic of the season….this is the perfect time of the year when we all pause for a bit, and hold close what really matters…may your hearts be grateful, may your homes be warm and may your spirits be bright!
Crăciun  fericit, dragii mei!
Din casă în casă, din inimă în inimă, dintr-un loc în altul, căldura Crăciunului ne cuprinde pe toți, făcându-ne parcă ceva mai buni, ceva mai blânzi şi ceva mai înţelegători....să ne bucurăm de aceste momente aparte!
Un clopoțel nu este clopoțel până nu sună...un cântec nu este cântec până nu îl cântă cineva.” – Colinde  de  Crăciun
● My previous greetings on the same theme: CHRISTMAS 2023, 2022, 2021202020192018

Saturday, December 21, 2024

December 21, 2024: WINTER Solstice

 December 21, 2024: WINTER Solstice is marking the first day of the astronomical winter in our Northern Hemisphere …may it bring us peace and joy!
Iarna este sezonul miracolelor, plin cu basme și voioșie, cu multă armonie și noi așteptări...dar să nu lăsăm gerul iernii să ne intre în suflete, ci să-l privim doar de la fereastră....
● A brief oasis of poetry and inner reflection:
           (Ro) Iarna(poem de Vasile Alecsandri) – video clip
           (English)”Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening(Robert Frost) – video clip | Classical music for winter – video clip
● Short scientific background on HIBERNAL SOLSTICE:
What is a Solstice?(via National Geographic) – video clip | “What's Up: December 2024(Tips from NASA) – video clip
Winter solstice (also called the ‘hibernal solstice’), marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year for all the people who are living in the Northern Hemisphere. According to the definition of the seasons, the winter solstice also marks the beginning of winter season, which lasts until the vernal equinox (March 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere, or September 22 or 23 in the Southern Hemisphere). After the shortest day of the year slowly turns toward a greater length, this will embrace again the return of sun and the coming of spring.
● My previous greetings on the same theme: WINTER solstice 2023, 2022, 2021202020192018

Sunday, December 1, 2024

December 1, 2024: ROMANIA's NATIONAL Day

Each year, on December 1st, Romanians throughout the world and in the country, celebrate their National Day with a renewed sense of national pride.
Romania is an old country, with a rich culture and by honoring their roots, Romanians always bring forward their beautiful traditions, songs or poems.
La mulţi ani, România! La mulți ani tuturor românilor de pretutindeni!
● Brief historical background:
This is one of the most important Romanian national holidays, and it is called the “Great Union Day” or the “Unification Day” (Romanian: "Ziua Marii Uniri") and in many parts of the world it is known as “National Romania Day”.  This special holiday marks the unification of Transylvania, Bessarabia and Bukovina with the Romanian Kingdom in 1918. According to ‘Alba Iulia Proclamation’, all these Romanian regions joined Romania as a country.
The Union marked the country’s history forever, but after that Romania had to pass through many other changes and challenges and some of them included the World War II, the Communist regime and the 1989 Revolution. Despite numerous hardships, it is also appropriate to mention that Romania still looks ahead with sound optimism, but it does not forget its past. 
● My previous greetings on the same theme: ROMANIA's NATIONAL Day 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 

Monday, November 11, 2024

November 11, 2024: REMEMBRANCE Day

The annual commemoration of the nation’s heroes – “Remembrance Day(also known as the “Veterans’ Day” or the “Memorial Day”), each year on November 11th  The time of the year to pay tribute, to reflect and to honor all those brave veterans who risked their lives so we can live in peace today, which reminds us again that in fact freedom does have an expensive price! Lest we forget!
● Basic background info:
ARTICLES: Remembrance Day in Canada” | 10 Quick Facts on... Remembrance Day”  (documentation offered by the Government of Canada)
Remembrance Day: History and traditions (documentation offered by the Government of Canada)
● My previous greetings on the same theme: REMEMBRANCE Day  2023, 2022, 202120202019

Monday, October 14, 2024

October 2024 – Message for THANKSGIVING Day

 Today (October 14’24) in Canada we celebrate a new Thanksgiving Day, occasion which allows me to send along another bunch of heartfelt wishes to all my dear friends (old & new, closer or more distant), collaborators (occasional or recurrent) and at large sympathizers of ALICE & Friends Circle™ for their ongoing support throughout the almost 7 (seven) years of existence of our literary and socio-cultural group!
I always enjoy working with thoughtful and positive people! Please continue stay close, to be compassionate, to be wise, to lend a hand, because in the end I believe that we all will be blessed with the splendid joy that only kindness brings along...that special Joy which is so uplifting and refreshing for our souls.
Nay  we  continue to enjoy each other's presence, while attending our Circle's events!
My previous greetings on the same theme: Thanksgiving Day2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018

Sunday, September 22, 2024

September 22, 2024: Happy AUTUMN, dear friends!

Officially speaking, today (September 22’24) is the first day of a new autumn (also known as the autumnal equinox) in our Northern Hemisphere,
occasion which allows me to send along my best regards to all for a prosperous season ahead!
Pleasing harvest, dear ones! Let the bounty of this autumn fill your hearts and homes!
"Coboara toamna-ncet din slava. Naframa galbena-i rasare...." (Octavian Goga)
A brief oasis of poetry and inner reflection:
          (Ro) ”Şi totuşi, vine toamna... Şi tu o simţi şi o îngâni... Şi totuşi, vine toamna... Şi vai, suntem bătrâni!
                                    Totuşi toamna(poem de Adrian Păunescu;  interpretare Tatiana Stepa)video clip
          (English)...September musical notes...Try To Remember, the kind of September(song interpreted by Harry Belafonte)
Short scientific briefing on AUTUMNAL EQUINOX:
The Autumnal Equinox is an astronomical event, nearly noticed by everyone, marking the arrival of fall in Northern Hemisphere. During the equinox, the night & day have almost the same length (12 hours) throughout the world. The word "equinox" derives from Latin, meaning “equal night". The equinox happens when the equator passes the centre of the sun. This is when the North & South Poles of the Earth are not tilted towards or away from the sun, as at other times, but are aligned so as to give, theoretically, the same amount of daylight in both of the Earth's hemispheres.
● My previous greetings on the same theme: AUTUMNAL EQUINOX – 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018

Saturday, September 21, 2024

September 21, 2024: INTERNATIONAL PEACE Day

September 21st 2024 reminds us that the entire world unites to celebrate International Peace Day, and the theme for this year is “Cultivating a Culture of Peace.”
PEACE…what is “Peace”? Peace is the path we each take if we wish to bring along growth and prosperity, in order to make our society a better place to live in.
It has been observed countless times that if we do not have peace and harmony within ourselves first, achieving political strength, economic stability and cultural growth will be impossible. Therefore, if we truly wish to transmit the notion of peace to others, it is vital for us to make sure we have it within, while keeping in mind that is not only a certain individual’s responsibility, but everyone’s duty.
”World peace can be achieved when, in each person, the power of love replaces the love of power.
Historical background info:
“The International Day of Peace, also officially known as World Peace Day, is a United Nations-sanctioned holiday observed annually on 21 September. It is dedicated to world peace, and specifically the absence of war and violence, such as might be occasioned by a temporary ceasefire in a combat zone for humanitarian aid access. The day was first celebrated in 1981 and is kept by many nations, political groups, military groups, and people.” (Source: Encyclopedia)
● My previous acknowledgements on the same theme: PEACE Day – 2023, 2022, 2021

Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 31, 2024: ROMANIAN LANGUAGE Day

August 31st highlights the ROMANIAN LANGUAGE DAY, which offers Romanians (around the world & in the country) a new occasion to honor their roots.
May we each take a moment to remember Eminescu’s comment vis-à-vis of this, which says: “The language is the very flower of Romanians' ethnic soul”. 
Cine nu gândeşte în limba maternă şi-a uitat drumul spre casă.
● Academia Română (follow the link to learn more about the Academy.... Romanin Academy) – Sesiunea festivă „Ziua Limbii Române (video clip)
● Historic background info:
Romanian Language is mother tongue of around 30 million individuals, taught as a foreign language in universities, in 45 countries.
Romanian Language Day is “celebrated nationally on August 31, starting from the year 2013 when the law establishing this holiday was enacted. The programs and cultural-educational events, with evocative or scientific characteristics, dedicated to this day emphasize the importance of the Romanian language not only as a means of communication but also as a repository of history, culture, and national identity”. (Source: Business Reviews News)
● My previous greetings on the same theme: ROMANIAN LANGUAGE Day – 2023, 20222021
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)