“DRAGOBETE” – An old Romanian custom featuring Love (or
the Romanian version of Valentine’s Day)
This authentic and special celebration of
love continues to be one of the most beautiful Romanian old traditions,
symbolizing romance, youth, hope and nature’s rebirth. To all my friends who
observe his holiday, I’m wishing them a very happy “Dragobete” Day and a great
spring to come!

mei, iubiți-vă mult, iubiți-vă sincer, iubiți-vă mereu, iubiți-vă până la
24 februarie 2025: DRAGOBETE – sărbătoarea iubirii, în
tradiția românească.
La cumpăna dintre anotimpuri, atunci când pământul începe să se
încălzească ușor, când ziua devine ceva mai lungă ca noaptea, iar frigul parcă devine ceva mai domol, chiar dacă mai sunt petice de zăpadă pe ici pe colo, românii
sărbătoresc iubirea. Așa au ales ei să întâmpine primăvara – cu iubire.
Să ne
ținem de tradiții. La mulți ani de “Dragobete”!
● Refreshing a brief historical background
“DRAGOBETE” is a day rich in traditions,
which differ from region to region. In general, nowadays, many Romanians
exchange gifts with their partners as a way of showing their affection for each
the other hand, according to one of the many legends on the matter, this day is
also known as the day of "The Engagement", "The birds
accompanying" or "The birds wedding." According to a popular
belief, birds gather in flocks, "courting", in an indescribable
turmoil &, until the end, they’ll find their pair. Together they build the
nest in which to grow their offspring. According to the same old legend, the
birds that do not find their pair now, they remain single until next year.
legend says that “Dragobete” was the son of “Baba Dochia”, who is connected
with the return of spring. The traditional story tells us the in the ancient
times, young men and women together would go to search the meadows for fresh
spring flowers. Nonetheless, a beautiful, old, tradition worth sharing further!
NOTE: Dear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed).