Showing posts with label 1d. SOCIAL networking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1d. SOCIAL networking. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2024

Socializing: Summer Picnic 2024 & Travel Stories

 The complete briefing will be available soon. Thank you!
Meanwhile, please continue to enjoy the ongoing summer!
Warm regards,

Monday, July 1, 2024

Socializing: CANADA Day 2024 – Morning Coffee Talks

 The complete briefing will be available soon. Thank you!

Friday, March 8, 2024

Socializing: 2024 – INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s Day

‘8 Martie – Ziua Internaţională a Femeii’
(in Ro language)
‘March 8 – International Women’s Day’
(in English language)
     A beautiful Friday on March 8, 2024, when we had a brief on-line reunion around noon time, honoring the annual
International Women’s Day! A super busy day for most of us, but we’ve quickly meet to voice few thoughts within our lovely Circle before we each spread out for different engagements of the evening.
     At this gathering, my guest of honor was Deputy Consul General Stefana Rotaru & Plenipotentiary Minister of Romania in Vancouver, who shared with us her vision as she begins a new mandate in Vancouver, as well as a beautiful message for the Romanian women who are competent contributors to the society they live in.
Consul Stefana Rotaru was kind to offer only to all participants of this gathering a consular consultation without previous appointment...indeed, a very nice gesture!

     Aside of that, during our group discussions I’ve read a poem about women, and our dear friend Dorina enumerated few remarkable Romanian women who brought significant contributions to the world; also, Dorina wrote for “Observatorul” from Toronto, an article called “Ochii Mamei” (please follow this link to read it).
     On the other hand, I would like to let you know that in Romania, on March 8th people salute not only the International Women’s Day, but also Mother’s Day as well, making it a double celebration of womanhood.

     Our group conversations this time as well were heart-felt and to the point, reminding us to appreciate even more all the women we each have in our lives.
     Pondering a bit further on this, I would like to refresh that women have the power to take the world by storm, and at the same time they could help the world transform into a better place for all.
     We concluded our gathering on a warm note, wishing each-other only the best for the spring to come!

Until next time, my warmest regards dear ladies, and once again: Happy International Women’s Day!

Prominent feminine personalities:
Since the focus of this meeting was International Women’s Day, here I’m glad to share with you some names of famous women who changed the world.
          ✰ Few prominent ROMANIAN WOMEN:
Dr. Ana Aslan (1897- 1988) was a Romanian biologist & physician, founder of the first National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics in the world, having famous patients, such as John Kennedy, Charles de Gaulle, Augusto Pinochet, Indira Gandhi, Salvador Dali, Charile Chaplin, Claudia Cardinale, Josiph Broz Tito, Marlene Dietrich, Konrad Adenauer, Kirk Douglas, Miguel Asturias, etc.
– Architect Virginia Andreescu Haret (1894–1962) was a Romanian architect and is credited as the first woman to graduate with a degree in architecture in Romania. She is also the first woman to reach the rank of Romanian Architectural Inspector General
– Eng. Aurora Gruescu (1914-2005) was the world’s first female forestry engineer as well as the first Romanian person in the Guinness Book
– Mathematician Silvia Creangă (1894-1952) was the first female in Romania mastering the PHD in mathematics
– Physicist Ștefania Mărăcineanu (1882-1944) was 
an internationally renowned Romanian chemist and physicist who formulated theories about radioactivity, artificial radioactivity and the process of artificial rainfall
          ✰ Few prominent WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD: 
Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179):  Mystic, author and composer, she lived a withdrawn life, spending most of her time behind convent walls. However, her writings, poetry and music were revelatory for the time period. She was consulted by popes, kings and influential people of the time. Her writings and music have influenced people to this day.
Joan of Arc (1412–1431) The patron saint of France, Joan of Arc inspired a French revolt against the occupation of the English. An unlikely hero, at the age of just 17, the diminutive Joan successfully led the French to victory at Orleans. Her later trial and martyrdom only heightened her mystique
– Jane Austen (1775–1817) One of the most famous female authors of all time. She wrote several novels, which remain highly popular today. These include Pride and Prejudice, Emma and Northanger Abbey. Jane Austen wrote at a time when female writers were not encouraged, helping pave the way for future writers
– Emily Dickinson (1830–1886) One of America’s greatest poets, Emily Dickinson lived most of her life in seclusion. Her poems were published posthumously and received widespread literary praise for their bold and unconventional style. Her poetic style left a significant legacy on 20th Century poetry
Eleanor Roosevelt (1884–1962) Wife and political aide of American president F.D.Roosevelt. In her own right Eleanor made a significant contribution to the field of human rights, a topic she campaigned upon throughout her life. As head of UN human rights commission she helped to draft the 1948 UN declaration of human rights.
Previous events I organized on the same theme: 
Socializing – INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s Day: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019
Some of my additional greetings referring to the same matter: 
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN's Day! – March 8: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 

Friday, December 22, 2023

Socializing: Pre-Christmas Reunion 2023

As we all truly love team bonding, on Friday (December 22’23) I had the pleasure to meet on line (this time with a very, very small group of dear friends) for our yearly pre-Christmas reunion, which was also our last social gathering for the current year. 
Without any doubt, a great occasion to extend my appreciation for the beautiful loyalty ALICE & Friends Circle™ received over time, to raise a glass of sparkling wine while toasting for good health, prosperity and happiness during this holidays’ season. Our talks were truly open, relaxed, and relaxing, filling my heart with real joy….and….yes….there is a lot to be grateful for! Once again, dear friends  THANK YOU SO MUCH for your ongoing support, which is truly appreciated!
"May your heart be light, may your season be bright and may your Christmas be white."
Sărbătoarea Crăciunului este receptată în funcţie de aptitudinile şi trăirile sufleteşti ale fiecăruia. Uităm de pierderi, uităm de eşecuri, de resentimente, de supărări şi visăm la împlinirile viitoare. Marile bucurii pe care ni le aduc Sărbătorile ne “conectează” la bucuria şi armonia tuturora şi ne apropie mai mult unii de alţii, iar prin asta sperăm să fim mai buni, mai înţelegători, mai înţelepţi. Nu întâmplător, metaforic vorbind, Moş Crăciun ne „aduce” şi daruri de preţ: dragoste, bucurie, iertare, împăcare, pace.
 Vă doresc zile pline de frumos și mulțumire sufletească!
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture. 
● Previous events I organized on the same theme: Social Pre-CHRISTMAS Reunion 2022, 202120202019
 Some of my additional greetings about CHRISTMAS  2023, 20222021202020192018 

Friday, August 4, 2023

Socializing: Summer Picnic 2023 & Mini Fashion Show

 The complete briefing will be available soon. Thank you!
Meanwhile, please continue to enjoy the ongoing summer!
Warm regards,

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Socializing: CANADA Day 2023 – Morning Coffee Talks

A lovely Saturday morning on July 1, 2023, when I’ve meet on-line with a fairly small group of dear friends, willing to share impressions about Canada 
– the country we all live in & appreciate. 
Each year, our social gathering on Canada Day brings forward new perspectives about our lives here, new thoughts, new experiences (best, good or just lesser), as well as useful life wisdom, worth referring to.
As I always do, for everybody’s benefit, I invite at the dialogue table (under my brand of “Morning Coffee Talks with Alice”), friends belonging to different spheres of life, in order to cover as many angles as possible; learning from each other helps each of us make our lives a little better every day – when you learn something new every day, you can teach something new every day, which reminds us that in fact life is an ongoing learning process. The authenticity of our talks was heartwarming, and the kindness that was in our midst was truly beautiful. Once again, to each and every guest of this gathering, many thanks for joining me this time and for honestly speaking about your views with the rest of the group…your contribution is truly appreciated!
Last, but not least, to all my Canadian friends, from our house to yours: Happy Canada Day!
This event was featuring the Canadian life & culture.
Previous events I organized on the same theme: CANADA Day – 2022, 2021, 2020
My greetings referring to CANADA Day – 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 
● Few articles about Canada
     > The recent article our dear friend Dorina Aldea wrote for “Observatorul” Magazine, about Canada: “Impresii dupa 22 ani de Canada

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Socializing: 2023 – INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s Day

On Wednesday (March 8, 2023), I was truly happy to be able to meet on-line with several dear friends for a quick celebration of 
International Women’s Day!

At this gathering, before we proceeded with
In loving memory of
  Rodica Phillip
our talks, we held a moment of silence to honor the memory of our dear friend, Rodica Phillip, who recently transitioned. Rodica was part of our Circle, a wonderful human being, who always brought interesting  perspectives to our group conversations. 
I truly loved Rodica because she was a positive lady, with a great attitude, always willing to learn and grow, and (as I’ve said before) she was a wonderful supporter of our Circle. Without any doubt, she will be deeply missed by many! Taking that moment of silence, allowed us to really be reflective and remember all those beautiful moments when we laughed together! Sometimes, a moment is all you need to feel grounded in both yourself and your community; it is fascinating how something so focused on sharing could be also so individualistic!

Then our evening continued with the theme of the day: womanhood! Lots of questions were tossed around, personal perspectives were openly shared, and useful tips were freely given away.  Also, I was truly grateful that Mihai joined us, because he clearly explained, from a medical standpoint, how many external factors could affect woman’s femininity, and the link between women’s femininity and women’s health. Super interesting concepts, eye opening and definitively worth pondering upon! The evening continued with a number of poems that I and few other ladies from the group recited. It was truly lovely!

Also, since the focus of this meeting was International Women’s Day, here I’m glad to share with you some names of famous women who changed the world.
· Only few famous ROMANIAN WOMEN:
Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu (1887–1973): she was the first female engineer in Europe. She was born in the Romanian town of Galați. She intended to attend “Bridges and Roads University” in Bucharest, but was rejected because she was a female. She qualified as engineer in Berlin (Germany), at the “Royal Technical Academy”. During World War I she managed a hospital in Romania.
Elena Caragiani Stoenescu (1887–1929): she was the first woman aviator in Romania. She graduated from the pilot school in Bucharest, but her applications for a license were rejected by the Romanian authorities, at that time. For this reason, she left for France, and two years later, she received her license, issued by the “International Aeronautical Federation”, being one of the first 15 female pilots in the world
Elena Văcărescu (1864–1947): she was a Romanian aristocrat writer, having a rich literary activity in Paris. Twice, she was a laureate of the “Académie Française”, for her writings (called “Chants d’Aurore”). In 1925 she became member of the Romanian Academy (in Bucharest)
Elena Negruzzi (1876–1948): she was a women's rights activist (in Romania), and the first female lawyer in Romania (1913). She was allowed to join the Iasi Bar only after 6 years of systematically applying and being rejected due to the fact that she was a woman. She was a co-founder of the women's organization “Association for the Civil and Political Emancipation of Romanian Women“ (1917), the “Group of Democratic Lawyers” (1935) and “The Women's Front” (1936)
Elena Ghica (1828–1888): she was the first woman to climb the Swiss Alps. She came from a wealthy family and already at the age of 10 could speak 9 languages and at age 14 she translated into German language Homer’s “Iliad”
Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu (18761955): she was a famous Romanian writer…a novelist of the Romanian interwar period, and her most famous novels were “Bach music concert”, “Hidden road”, and “Roots”
· Only few famous WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD: 
Marie-Sophie Germain (1776–1831): she was a French mathematician whose work is still used in the construction of skyscrapers. She was also physicist and philosopher. Despite initial opposition from her parents and difficulties presented by society, she gained education from books in her father's library, including ones by Euler, and from correspondence with famous mathematicians such as Lagrange, Legendre, and Gauss (under the pseudonym of Monsieur LeBlanc). One of the pioneers of elasticity theory, she won the grand prize from the “Paris Academy of Sciences” for her essay on the subject. Her work on “Fermat's Last Theorem” provided a foundation for mathematicians exploring the subject for hundreds of years after. Because of prejudice against her sex, she was unable to make a career out of mathematics, but she worked independently throughout her life
Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (1815–1852): she was an English mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. She was the first to recognise that the machine had applications beyond pure calculation, and to have published the first algorithm intended to be carried out by such a machine. As a result, she is often regarded as the first computer programmer (as she created the concept of an operating system, or software)
Marie Curie (1867–1934): she was a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She is regarded as the mother of modern physics. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person to win a Nobel Prize twice, and the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two scientific fields. Her husband, Pierre Curie, was a co-winner of her first Nobel Prize, making them the first-ever married couple to win the Nobel Prize and launching the Curie family legacy of five Nobel Prizes. She was, in 1906, the first woman to become a professor at the University of Paris
Clarissa Harlowe Barton (1821–1912): she was an American nurse who founded the American Red Cross. She was a hospital nurse in the American Civil War, a teacher, and a patent clerk. Since nursing education was not very formalized at that time, she did not attend a nursing school, but she provided self-taught nursing care. Barton is noteworthy for doing humanitarian work and civil rights advocacy at a time before women had the right to vote. In 1973, her name was added to the National Women's Hall of Fame
Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf (1858–1940): she was a Swedish author, and the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature (in 1909). She published her first novel ("Gösta Berling's Saga") at the age of 33. Additionally, she was the first woman to be granted a membership in the Swedish Academy, in 1914.

As you can imagine the list of amazing women is absolutely enormous, and here my intention was to mention only a couple in order to emphasize yet again that women make history too and they also make our lives better, either by making amazing discoveries, or by writing phenomenal stories, or by participating in politics, or by advocating for human rights, while they love and take care of their families as well.

Our time together was heart-nourishing, and we concluded this warm evening on a peaceful note, wishing each-other only the best for the spring to come!
Until next time, my very best regards to all, and once again, dear ladies: 
Happy International Women’s Day!
Previous events I organized on the same theme: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s Day – 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 
My additional greetings referring to INTERNATIONAL WOMEN's Day! – March 8: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Socializing: Pre-Christmas Reunion 2022

This December brought along a very heavy snow fall, preparing all of us for a truly white “Noel”, fact which compelled me to use again the technology by meeting on line (on Thursday, December 22, 2022) for our annual pre-Christmas reunion, which was also our last social gathering for the current year.
Talking with several friends who could join for a while filled my heart with joy, while I was able to express my most sincere gratitude to those who are still part of Alice & Friends Circle™, to those who understand the purpose of this project, to those who value the altruistic community contribution over the personal gain, to those who love and appreciate what we are doing here, and continue to be by my side in emphasizing the beauty and significance of arts and culture, while doing their outmost in this busy, consumerist social environment we all “swim” in.
Everybody knows that each year end is encouraging us to review our up to date achievements, to re-asses our goals, to strategize for the future as we continue this beautiful journey….and…so we did….and it was good. 
In closing, dear ones, I hope that the special spirit of this special season will stay with you throughout the year ahead!
Warm greetings to each of you for a very merry Christmas and a really happy New Year!
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture. 
● Previous events I organized on the same theme: Social Pre-CHRISTMAS Reunion 202120202019
 Some of my additional greetings about CHRISTMAS – 2021202020192018

Friday, August 5, 2022

Socializing: Summer Picnic 2022 & Plein Air Painting

Since the ongoing summer is spoiling all of us with nice warm days, on Friday (August 5’22) I organized by the side of the Pacific Ocean (in Vancouver) the annual picnic for my Circle, this year being conjugated with soft jazz music and a demonstration of plein air painting, graciously offered by painter Victor Gligor.
Even though the pandemic related constraints lessened a lot in our province, at the welcoming table, amongst other things, my guests were greeted with a large tray of hands sanitizers (as the safety protocol is still closely observed).
But before I will tell you few things about our beautiful evening together, firstly I would like to share that my special guest (painter Victor Gligor) is a member of the Federation of Canadian Artists, and over time he had numerous exhibitions, both in Granville Island at the Federation’s Gallery and in other well-known art galleries and places of reference in BC.
For your edification, here is Victor’s biography as well as his website. I was truly happy that Victor honored my invitation with such kindness and elegance.
Also, I was glad that on that Friday, Victor sold a very nice painting to one of my guests, and once again I would like to wish the new owners to fully enjoy it! 
Now briefly talking about our gathering: this is the second summer in a row I am organizing a picnic for my group and each time the outcome was heart-warming.
After more than two years of social austerity, for each of us a new occasion to meet face to face brings us all real joy. Spending time in nature, with like-minded friends, while talking about art and having a soft jazz music in the background mixed with the sound of the ocean waves is absolutely perfect for a summer evening.
And so it was our gathering! 
For this picnic I chose a place where the consumption of alcohol was legally accepted and having a sip of a good quality wine on top of everything else brought along a different vibe.
On the other hand, as you already know, each time I put together an original surprise for my friends and this evening I brought few liters of a traditional Romanian summer soft drink, called “Elderflower cordial” (Ro: ”Socată”) I’ve prepared at home.
To everyone's delight, this gesture reminded them all about dear childhood moments, when many Romanians back home consumed it with great pleasure; I could easily state (without any exaggeration) that this summer beverage meant for all of us what Coca-Cola meant to those who grew up on the North American continent.
Last, but not least, much appreciation to our friend Sandu who delighted us with a great jazz music!
For your enjoyment, here is a short video clip I’ve created for this occasion... 
It was really satisfying to be able to spend few hours together, socializing in a pleasant and relaxing setting while catching up on the latest developments in each other’s lives….good quality time and easy going bonding, which filled our hearts with so much joy!
Dear ones, until our paths will meet again, my best wishes to all for a great rest of the summer!
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture. 
 ARTICLE featuring our event on August 5, 2022, published by OBSERVATORUL (from Toronto)

● The previous picnic I organized for my Circle: Socializing...Summer Picnic 2021 & Book Launch