Monday, March 8, 2021

Socializing: 2021 – INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s Day

On Monday (March 8’21) we had our annual reunion celebrating International Women’s Day! Unlike the years before (when we had the chance to meet in person, enjoying as a group a cheerful ambiance, in a public space), this time we gathered ‘on line’ due to the prolonged austerity measures of the times we are living.
Needless to say that it was nourishing at least to see each other and reconnect on a subject we all hold in high regard.
This time, we opened the evening with a toast (as each invited guest, from the comfort of their own living room, was accompanied by a glass of good wine), honoring all the amazing women we each have in our life - to the women who are wise, kind, positive, compassionate, smart, diligent, resourceful, beautiful & unique!
Once more, I’m wishing all women out there the strength to continue to inspire, the strength to continue to smile, and the strength to continue to love!
Even though it was not a literary evening, but rather a social gathering, a number of significant writings featuring women have been referred to and to further uplift the understanding of womanhood, here I will enumerate a few:
Poems: “Balada doamnelor de alta data(by Francois Villon) | "De-or trece anii" (by Mihai Eminescu)
Books: “Don Quixote de la Mancha(by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)
Trecute vieti de doamne si domnite” (by Constantin Gane) | Adela” (by Garabet Ibraileanu) Enigma Otiliei” (by George Calinescu) 
Ultima noapte de dragoste, intaia noapte de razboi(by Camil Petrescu) Patul lui Procust(by Camil Petrescu)  

Also, a number of famous Romanian women have been mentioned, and here I am glad to share those names with you:
Smaranda Gheorghiu (poet & novelist), Sofia Ionescu (first female neurosurgeon in the world),
Lucia Sturdza-Bulandra (a very well regarded actress of her time), Sarmisa Bilcescu (was a Romanian lawyer, the first European woman ever to obtain a license and a PhD in Law from the University of Paris), Ana Aslan (biologist & physician, founder of the first institute of Geriatric), Elena Caragiu (actress & writer, wife of the well-known actor, Toma Caragiu), Smaranda Braescu (Romanian parachuting and aviation pioneer, former multiple world record holder), Ecaterina Teodoroiu (WWI heroine of Romania), Maria Rosetti (a well-known Romanian political activist, journalist, essayist, philanthropist and socialite).

International acknowledgements featuring special women around the world (in different fields of expertise):
Appropriate for the occasion, here are few more highlights (slideshows): “Women who changed the world”, 
500 Years of Female Portraits in Western Art”, 
The most inspiring women in the world”, The Atlas of Beauty”, 2021-Women personalities in the world.
ARTICLES: "70 Famous women who changed the world" (listed in chronological order), "Meet 10 women in science who changed the world"

In addition, several original poems were recited, more thoughts were voiced and personal perspectives were shared, in a smooth ambiance of mutual appreciation.
We wrapped up the evening on a positive note, trusting that the coming spring will bring us renewed joy. Until next time, my warmest regards to each of you!

● Previous events I organized on the same theme: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s Day – 20202019 
● Some of my additional greetings referring to the same matter: