
~ On this page I'm sharing with you few highlights of existence, acknowledgements, news & brief announcements relating to ALICE & Friends Circle™ ~ 
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January 15, 2023: A thankful acknowledgement 
Dear friends, here I’m glad to announce that on January 15, 2023, I was pleased to receive a meritorious diploma from the “Observatorul” Newspaper from Toronto for some of my professional achievements, for my dedication in several areas of expertise, as well as my continuous community work.
Message received from "Observatorul" Toronto, together with the enclosed meritorious diploma:
Bun găsit doamna Alice Vasile,
2023 în sănătate ÅŸi cu speranÅ£e împlinite vă dorim!
Grupul de la Observatorul (colaboratori ÅŸi prieteni ai revistei Observatorul, cenaclul Nicăpetre, editura de pe lângă Observatorul) acordă diplome meritorii  anuale, de ziua lui Mihai Eminescu ÅŸi a culturii naÅ£ionale, unor persoane cu activitate deosebită din comunitatea românească.
Ne face plăcere să vă comunicăm ca aţi fost nominalizată şi apreciată pentru dedicaţie, pasiune şi profesionalism (vezi diploma attached).
Cu prietenie şi consideraţie,
ÃŽn numele grupului de la Observatorul
Dumitru Puiu Popescu
NOTE: For your reference, here are some additional details
The festive literary evenings I organized in Vancouver featuring Mihai Eminescu & Romania’s Culture Day, each January, in years:
December 31, 2022: Year-end personal appreciation note
Dear friends,
As the entire world is preparing to wrap up another year, I’m taking a moment here to reflect upon how good was 2022

Good bye, 2022! WELCOME, 2023!

ALICE & Friends Circle™
Well, reviewing the last 12 months I’m glad to observe that despite the international turmoil, our Circle was having a balanced activity. We all know that there are years that ask many questions and years that bring some needed answers. For our Circle, 2022 was actually a combination of both perspectives.
On the other hand, I’m super grateful that each time my loyal friends are promptly responding to my invitations, and together we could continue to promote arts and culture to the best of our abilities.
My most sincere appreciation to all those who are still part of 
ALICE & Friends Circle™, to those who understand the purpose of this project, to those who value the altruistic community contribution over the personal gain, to those who love and appreciate what we are doing here, and continue to be by my side in emphasizing many noble concepts, our ancestral traditions, and the beauty and significance of arts and culture in general. Also, I would like to refresh that at this Circle we all respect each other, we recognize our diverse professional capacities, and we all value the fact that having a good character, a high sense of morality and impeccable integrity are the fundamentals of a happy and fulfilled life.
It has been documented time and time again that focusing on the positive aspects of our daily existence could bring along a fair share of gratitude, which is very nourishing for our souls. I’m sure you all approve that nowadays, maintaining a contemplative calm in a chaotic world is truly priceless.
Many believe that a year end is neither an end nor a beginning, but rather a going on with all the wisdom acquired up to date, and I can’t agree more with this.
In short, dear friends and loyal enthusiasts of ALICE & Friends Circle™, once again, THANK YOU so much for the beautiful support you offered to our Circle this year and for the year to come I’m wishing you peace, joy, good health and lasting prosperity!
“What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring into the New Year.”
As the journey continues, here are few additional remarks to meditate upon....enjoy this light reading! "January 2023: Thoughts at the beginning of the year" 

August 5, 2022: Quick update regarding another old Romanian practice - "Socata"
On Friday (August 5, 2022) I organized by the side of the Pacific Ocean (in Vancouver) the annual picnic for my Circle, this year being conjugated with soft jazz music and a demonstration of plein air painting, graciously offered by painter Victor Gligor.
As you already know, each time I put together an event for my Circle, I prepare an original surprise for my friends and this evening I brought few liters of a refreshing traditional Romanian summer soft drink, called “Elderflower cordial” (Ro: ”Socată”) I’ve prepared at home.
To everyone's delight, this gesture reminded them all about dear childhood moments, when many Romanians back home consumed it with great pleasure; I could easily state (without any exaggeration) that this summer beverage meant for all of us what Coca-Cola meant to those who grew up on the North American continent.
It was really satisfying to be able to spend few hours together, socializing in a pleasant and relaxing setting while catching up on the latest developments in each other’s lives….good quality time and easy going bonding, which filled our hearts with so much joy.
NOTE 1: here is the briefing of the socio-cultural evening I organized in Vancouver on August 5’22 ... SOCIALIZING: Summer Picnic 2022 & Plein Air Painting
NOTE 2: additionally, here is the briefing of another socio-cultural evening I organized on August 27'21 ... SOCIALIZING: Summer Picnic 2021 & Book Launch

June 24, 2022: ROMANIAN BLOUSE DAY - honoring our ancestral roots
Dear friends, as you all might know, The Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse (Rom: "Ziua Iei"), each year on 
June 24th, has become a global event celebrated on six continents, 55 countries, 130 cities, with lots of gatherings throughout the world organized by Romanians who are proud of their ancestral heritage…in my opinion, this is a noble effort that has contributed decisively to the rebirth and a refreshed interest in our traditional Romanian culture. The Romanian blouse ("ie" by its original Romanian name) is not a simple traditional peasant blouse, but it became a symbol of Romania, with its legends, stories & significance. 
For the members of ALICE & Friends Circle™ this was a marvelous occasion, which allowed us to join the movement with national pride and honest appreciation for our ancient roots. 
Aside of that, June 24 marks the Midsummer Day – “Sânzienele” in the Romanian folk beliefs.
At our gathering that evening (at the welcoming table), my guests were greeted with a large tray filled with several distinctive gifts I specially prepared for them: 
I offered each lady a manually crafted head flower garland & to each gentleman a “tricolor” bracelet…I was so happy that my gesture brought them so much joy!
NOTE 1: here is the briefing of the socio-cultural evening I organized in Vancouver (by the side of the Pacific Ocean), June 24, 2022: Celebrating the ROMANIAN BLOUSE Day
NOTE  2: additionally, here is the briefing of a similar Romanian cultural evening I organized in Vancouver, June 24, 2021: Celebrating the ROMANIAN BLOUSE Day
May 2022: A heart-felt "THANK YOU!" on the fourth year anniversary
Dear ones, after 4 years of existence, the website belonging to 
ALICE & Friends Circle (literary & socio-cultural group) reached 100,000 (one hundred thousands) views, beautiful occasion which allows me to gratefully extend another warm thank you to all my supporters and loyal friends belonging to my circle!
Friendships make life more beautiful!
NOTE 1: here is the briefing of the social gathering I organized in Vancouver on May 4, 2022, called: 4 Years Anniversary of ALICE & FRIENDS CIRCLE™
NOTE  2: additionally, here are the previous anniversaries of our Circle...3 Years Anniversary of ALICE & FRIENDS CIRCLE™ (May  4, 2021) |
2 Years Anniversary of ALICE & FRIENDS CIRCLE™ (May 4, 2020) | 
1 Year Anniversary of ALICE & FRIENDS CIRCLE™ (May 4, 2019)
March 8, 2022: ALICE & Friends Circle™ reached a great milestone
At this moment I am super grateful to acknowledge that our meeting on March 8'22 marked a wonderful achievement of our literary and social cultural group...this is the 50th event I organized for my ALICE & Friends Circle. Needless to say that my profound appreciation goes to each loyal supporter of my dear Circle, who proved that friends who are on the same wave length, owning beautiful hearts, could accomplish impressive projects together!
NOTE: here is the briefing of the social gathering I organized in Vancouver on March 8, 2022, called Socializing: 2022 – INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s Day
December 31, 2021: Year-end personal appreciation note
Dear friends,
The end of each December offers us all the perfect time to reflect on the past 12 months, to celebrate our successes and to take learnings from the obstacles encountered along the way.

Good bye, 2021! WELCOME, 2022!

 As I ponder upon, I realize that despite the ongoing social austerity relating to this prolonged pandemic, ALICE & Friends Circle had an incredible year, benefiting from the great advantage technology offered us (technology, which in fact, the entire world benefitted from during these atypical times in order to keep relatively functional).
In my observations, I was so happy to notice that our gatherings were always harmonious, pleasant, interesting, engaging and cheering for each of us, and that in itself is for me a great compliment, stating that determination leads to satisfaction!
Also, I’m glad to acknowledge that new friends are joining our cultural group, and this fills my heart with profound gratitude.
So, at this moment, once again, a warm THANK YOU to each of you for being by my side, and...please stay!
Please continue to be compassionate, to be wise, to welcome one another, to lend a hand, as by the end I believe that we all will be blessed with the splendid joy that only kindness brings along...that special Joy which is so nourishing and refreshing for our souls.
In closing, dear ones, I wish you peace, happiness, good health, and amazing opportunities for the year ahead…may your solo or shared journeys through these unusual times be touched by inner light and (as Dante wrote) “the Love that moves the Sun and the other stars.”
As the journey continues, here are few additional remarks to meditate upon...enjoy this light reading! January 2022: Thoughts at the beginning of the year 
December 1, 2021: A grateful acknowledgement
On December 1st, 2021 I was honoured to receive from the General Consulate of Romania in Vancouver, represented by Dr. Ovidiu Grecea*, an appreciation Diploma for my ongoing community contribution while promoting the richness of the Romanian cultural heritage as well as Romania’s image in Canada.  
*Dr. Grecea is the Head of the Romanian Diplomatic Mission in Vancouver as well as Plenipotentiary Minister of Romania
NOTE 1: here is the briefing of the literary evening I organized in Vancouver on December 1, 2021, called Group celebration – ROMANIA’s NATIONAL Day 2021
NOTE 2:  additionally, here are few similar Romanian cultural evenings I organized in Vancouver...
Honoring together Romania's National Day (December 1, 2020) 
Romania Day: Celebrating our roots (December 1, 2019) Celebrating together the Romanian Centenary (December 1, 2018)
June 22, 2021: Building cultural bridges
~ Cultural talks with a few Romanian officials & several other fellow Romanian-Canadians from across Canada ~
On Tuesday (June 22, 2021) I was invited to a videoconference with 3 Romanian officials - Mrs. Oana Ursache (who is the current State Secretary for Romanians Abroad, representing DRP), Hon. Bogdan Manoiu (who is the current Romanian Ambassador to Canada, representing the Romanian Embassy in Ottawa) and Hon. Ovidiu Grecea (who is the current Head of the Romanian Diplomatic Mission in Vancouver & Plenipotentiary Minister of Romania, representing the Romanian Consulate in Vancouver), as well as several fellow Romanian-Canadians from across Canada, and the main purpose of this was to establish a functional collaboration and a cultural bridge with our home land while strengthening the cultural ties amongst Romanians from Canada. Indeed a beautiful initiative that honors our roots!
May 4, 2021: Awards offered
"True happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose."
I am fully aware that ALICE & Friends Circle™ has a number of wonderful participants and in my opinion they each deserve to be recognized in a way or another, but above and beyond, on May 4, 2021, I was pleased to nominate two special friends (Dorina Aldea & Dana Secu) for walking the extra mile and proving their outstanding loyalty to our group. As I’ve said many times before, I truly appreciate all those who join us when they can, but it really warms my heart to see how some people make time to join our events and the two rewards of the evening are an example of such attitude, which fills my heart with so much gratitude!
“Nothing is more noble, nothing is more venerable than fidelity. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of human mind.” (Cicero)

NOTE: here is the full briefing of the literary evening I organized in Vancouver on May 4, 2021, called 3 Years Anniversary of ALICE & FRIENDS CIRCLE™
May 2021: A warm "THANK YOU!" on the third year anniversary
Dear ones, here I'm glad to acknowledge with much gratitude that after 3 years of existence the website belonging to 
ALICE & Friends Circle (cultural-literary group) reached 65,000 (sixty-five thousands) views and at this time, I'm extending a renewed heartfelt thank you to all my loyal friends for their continuous support!
In life, it is often the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey even more.
January 15, 2021: A grateful acknowledgement 
Dear friends, here I am pleased to announce that on January 15, 2021, ALICE & Friends Circle literary & socio-cultural group from Vancouver was honored to receive an appreciation diploma from the official representatives of "Observatorul" Newspaper from Toronto, for our successful ongoing cultural activity.
Message received from "Observatorul" Newspaper from Toronto together with the enclosed appreciation certificate:

Happy Birthday, good health and growth on all aspects in 2021!
The group from the "Observatorul" from Canada (collaborators and friends of the newspaper, the Nicapetre group, participants of different professions) gives on January 15 (the birthday of our great poet Mihai Eminescu, which later became the National Culture Day) in memory of some Romanian community members, appreciation diplomas to some people whom we respect and appreciate.
At this time, we are happy to send our appreciation to those who initiated, developed & ensured the success of Alice & Friends
 Cultural Group. 
With friendship and consideration,
On behalf of the Group from "Observatorul",

Dumitru Puiu Popescu 

(Ro) Mesajul primit de la "Observatorul" din Toronto ce a insotit certificatul de apreciere oferit grupului cultural: Alice & Friends
La Multi Ani, sanatate si spor in toate cele in 2021!
Grupul de la ziarul "Observatorul" din Canada (colaboratori si prieteni ai ziarului, cenaclul Nicapetre, participanti de diferite profesii) acorda in 15 ianuarie (ziua de nastere a marelui nostru poet Mihai Eminescu, devenita apoi si Ziua Culturii Romane), in memoria unor membrii ai comunitatii romanesti, diplome de apreciere unor persoane care se bucura de respect si apreciere. 
Suntem bucurosi sa va trimitem aceasta apreciere pentru cei care au initiat, dezvoltat si asigura succesul Grupului Cultural ALICE & Friends
Cu prietenie si consideratie, in numele grupului de la "Observatorul",
Dumitru Puiu Popescu.

NOTE: For your reference, here are some additional details 
- The festive literary evening I organized in Vancouver on January 15, 2021, called Eminescu & Romania's Culture Day
- The ARTICLE featuring our event from January 15, 2021, published by OBSERVATORUL Magazine (from Toronto)
- Here is the briefing of similar Romanian cultural evenings I organized in Vancouver: 
January 2020: Eminescu & Romania's Culture Day | January 2019: Eminescu & Romania's Culture Day 
December 31, 2020: Year-end personal appreciation note
Dear friends,
As this challenging and tumultuous 2020 is finally coming to an end, I would like to take a moment to send along my most sincere appreciation to all those dear and loyal friends who were present and willing to graciously offer a constant support to ALICE & Friends Circle community initiative during this difficult year.
Good bye, 2020! WELCOME, 2021!
Despite the fact that over the last 9 months, officially speaking, our world was functioning under a multitude of rigors, precautionary measures and restrictions concerning the ongoing pandemic, we were able to persevere with our activities using technology in order to relate with each other, which brought us all real joy and gratitude - both valued "luxuries" in the perspective of imposed "social distancing" as well as the harshness of the times we all are currently observing.

Personally, I'm also very thankful to see that in my group, my invited guests are truly receptive to several concepts I will continue to promote, such as: mutual respect at all times, honest recognition of each other's abilities, polite appreciation for the diversity of ideas, perspectives and experiences, as well as the willingness to remain flexible and open to adjust stance fittingly, while embracing an attitude that encourages collaboration & adaptability.
Determination, resilience and diligent work proved me, time and time again, that beautiful projects are worth working for.
Also, here I'm sharing some further observations to ponder upon as the journey continues...enjoy this light  reading!
January 2021: Thoughts at the beginning of the year 
"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try." 
May 2020: A new "THANK YOU!" on the second year anniversary 
Dear ones, after 2 years of existence, ALICE & Friends Circle website reached 35,000 views and for this I would like to extend another heartfelt thank you to all my dear friends who are part of this circle! Definitively, teamwork is at the heart of beautiful achievements

NOTE: here is the full briefing of the literary evening I organized in Vancouver on May 4, 2020, called 2 Years Anniversary of ALICE & FRIENDS CIRCLE™
March 2020: a swift update on "Mărțișor"- another old Romanian tradition
MărÈ›iÈ™or“ is an ancient tradition Romanians still celebrate nowadays, each year, on March 1st
In essence, according to reliable archaeological research (as published by several ethnographic journals) “MărÈ›iÈ™or” traces its history more than 8,000 years ago and some ethnologists believe that “MărÈ›iÈ™or” celebration is in fact an old Dacian tradition.
On March 
1st, in Dacia, the Dacians (the ancestors of Romanians nowadays) would celebrate the New Year, as well as the 1st day of spring, dedicating ample festivals honoring the rebirth of vegetation, as the entire nature would come back to life after the long winter hibernation.
Since 2017, MărÈ›iÈ™or“ was added to UNESCO List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The name “MărÈ›iÈ™or” (mÉ™rt͡siˈʃor) is the diminutive of “MarÈ›”, the old folk name for March (“martie”, in modern Romanian language), and literally means "the little March". On the other hand, the actual “MărÈ›iÈ™or” is made of a small decorative object, tied to a white and red string, with two hanging tassels, which is offered customarily on the 1st day of March to girls, women & men (in some parts of the country) as it is believed that the wearer will stay strong and healthy throughout the entire year ahead. In the old times “MărÈ›iÈ™or” was regarded more as a protective talisman, but in modern days, and especially in the urban areas, most of its talisman properties got lost and “MărÈ›iÈ™or” became more of a symbol of friendship, love, appreciation and respect, as well as a symbol of the coming spring.

Two years in a row (2020 & 2019) I was truly happy to be able to organize gatherings honoring the ancient “MărÈ›iÈ™or” tradition, as well as gifting my guests with “mărÈ›iÈ™oare” I personally crafted for these occasions. For as long as we all will be able to meet in person (in this format), I will be delighted to continue with this beautiful tradition, which brings so much joy to all involved. 
January 2020: an additional commemorative gesture featuring Mihai Eminescu 
On January 15, 2020, ALICE & Friends Circle honored the 170th birth anniversary of reputable MIHAI EMINESCU, who is considered (nationally & internationally) one of the most important poets of Romanian language. Eminescu was proclaimed Romania's national poet, not because he wrote in an age of national revival, but rather because he was received as an author of a paramount significance by Romanians in all provinces. Eminescu’s life, work and poetry strongly influenced the Romanian culture and his poems were and still are studied in all schools in Romania. His verses span a large range of themes, using frequently metaphysical, mythological and historical subjects, and his latest ones are evoking his childhood years with a profound nostalgia. It is important to mention that Eminescu’s poems have been translated in more than 60 languages.
Since 2010, the birthday of Romania's greatest poet became the National Day of Culture in Romania, and many Romanians honor the occasion (in the country and abroad)At my circle, we all were glad to join together to pay our respects to Mihai Eminescu, whose poems, for each of us, enriched our school years & not only. 
             “People are not so different in speech, but rather in deeds.” (Mihai Eminescu)
To further complete  Eminescu’s  commemoration cycle,  I’ve acquired a flowers  wreath, I customized it  fittingly & after having it accompanied by a ceremonial service 
(on Jan.26'20) it was rested upon a traditional Romanian triptych, located on a property belonging to a Romanian community worship place, in our area. As already mentioned before, Eminescu is Romania’s national poet, venerated and respected by many generations and I found truly appropriate to have his commemorative garland placed on a piece of land belonging to Romanians rather than having it hanged somewhere else or in a place that Eminescu would’ve been less relevant for others. 
I was glad to see that my initiative was embraced with much appreciation by all friends belonging to my circle as well as the other Romanians who’ve heard about it. 
To the best that we each can, may we all continue to honor all those special people who influenced our lives, helping us becoming better & kinder! 
NOTE: here is the full briefing of the literary evening I organized in Vancouver on January 15, 2020, called Eminescu & Romania's Culture Day
December 2019: quick briefing regarding an old tradition..."The fresh wheat" custom

Note per December 31, 2019: 
There is an old common tradition in Romania, still kept today by some people, which consists in planting wheat seeds (on the day of November 30, when is Saint Andrew's Day) and to keep the pot indoor until the New Year's Eve, when you would put it on your dining table as on original center piece as well as a natural symbol of prosperity and abundance for the coming year.
I was happy to be able to offer my friends this experience on Nov.30'19, when I organized a Romanian literary evening called CELEBRATING OUR ROOTS.
                                                        A culture grows on the vine of tradition. 

October 2019: Speaking about my homeland
This October I was delivering a speech to a nice group of Canadian friends about my birthplace (Romania), as few people are planning to visit it sometime soon; sharing with them a page of old history as well as several aspects of the cultural heritage and some traditional customs gave me such a genuine joy.
Without any doubt, appreciating our similarities & respecting our differences is the beginning of a great collaboration. 

May 2019: A very special "THANK YOU!" 
After 1 year of existence, ALICE & Friends Circle website reached 18,000 views and for that I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all my dear friends who are part of this community - their genuine ongoing support is deeply gratifying and truly appreciated! Certainly, unity is strength
May 4, 2019: First Year Anniversary of 'Alice & Friends' Initiative 
On the 1styear anniversary of ALICE & FRIENDS CIRCLE I was honoured to receive from the General Consulate of Romania in Vancouver,
represented by Dr. Ovidiu Grecea*, the Romania's 100 anniversary medal for my continuous community work. 

*Dr. Grecea is the Head of the Romanian Diplomatic Mission in Vancouver as well as Plenipotentiary Minister of Romania

December 18, 2018: a joyful day
I was honoured to receive, from the General Consulate of Romania in Vancouver, the Romania's 100 years anniversary bracelet for my community work. 
Honoring a beloved grandfather
Each year, during the
Remembrance Day (on November 11, in Canada) the picture of one of my beloved grandfathers, who was also a veteran of the Second World War & a scientist in his civilian life, comes to me so vividly, melting my heart more than ever!

My grandfather was a very kind and wise man, who had a tremendous respect for life.
As I was growing up, often he was sharing with us kids extremely valuable stories featuring an enormous understanding and a profound respect for this precious gift called ‘life’ skillfully encompassing a multitude of facets.

It was autumn when he transitioned (many, many years ago) and my parents organized a funeral attended by all the notable and less notable names in the city at that time; for 3 days, our house was full of those people who kept coming to pay their last respects to him. At that time I was a teenager, but I still remember very clearly that on the second day of his funerals, at the gates of our residence, a significant group of beggars did show up, all of them crying and being in distress. Both my parents were quite concerned to see them there especially since nobody invited them and none of us knew who they are, but after my father approached them to see what is going on (I was shadowing my father very closely) to our surprise we’ve learned that they knew my grandfather (by his name to our further surprise) for a number of years because during his walks as a retired person each time he would’ve seen beggars on the street he either would’ve give them some money to eat, or would’ve take them to the closest restaurant to feed them, or would’ve have a good encouraging word for them or giving them some good advice for life, or would’ve take them with him to the closest pharmacy if they would’ve need to buy medicine and they didn’t have any money. I recall that my father spent a number of hours with those beggars hearing from each of them their story of how did they meet my grandfather. My mother was there too as well as the rest of the family. Beyond any doubt we all were extremely surprised as none of us knew all these things, because my grandfather never told us of how many people did he help; we all knew that he was a good man helping many people but we never knew that he was helping beggars and homeless people as well…we found out all these stories at his funerals, after he passed away and our hearts were deeply, deeply touched!

His entire life, my grandfather was a very humble person even though he was a known scientist in his circles. 

His modesty, his strong integrity, his dignity, the respect he always extended to each soul (no matter of the social status)his attitude of being of total unconditional service to each soul he would’ve met, his good deeds, his grace and more than anything else his deep respect for life in itself, offered him a special place in the hearts of all who knew him as he was always the embodiment of these virtues.

Many years after he transitioned, each time I went to visit him at his last resting place I always found at his monument new different bouquets with fresh flowers brought by people who knew him.
He was a beautiful soul, a brave veteran (he received a number of decorations for his bravery during the WWII, while saving many lives under harsh conditions), a wonderful grandfather, a loving father & a tender husband.
Even now, after so many years, his image and his voice are still resonating in my heart, while his timeless life teachings to me are truer than ever.

Love you, grandpa! Honor you, grandpa! Miss you deeply, grandpa!
"Silence" (video clip)
A message for "Father’s Day"
Each June we celebrate, on this part of the world, "Father’s Day" (this year on June 17, 2018), which allows me to honor my father as well.
This is a time when, with enormous gratitude and respect, I’m remembering again my father’s wisdom, dignity, unshakable integrity, compassion, generosity, kindness & his amazing attitude toward life. 
Only being a parent myself I could appreciate even more how special both my parents were…needless to say that I miss them deeply!!!
My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person; he believed in me!
Thank you, father, for being part of my life!
  A father is someone who wants to catch you before you fall, but instead picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again.
A father is someone who wants to keep you from making mistakes, but instead lets you find your own way, even though his heart breaks in silence when you get hurt.
A father is one who holds you when you cry, scolds you when you break the rules, but has faith in you even when you fail, and shines with pride when you succeed.
To all fathers out there: Happy Father's Day!
"You Raise Me Up" (video clip)
A message for "Mother’s Day"
As many of us celebrate each May (on this part of the world) “Mother’s Day” (this year on May 13, 2018), with tremendous appreciation I’m remembering vividly
my mom’s nobility, grace, sincerity, and her amazing tender care…thank you mother for being part of my life!

To all beautiful mothers out there: Happy Mother’s Day!
Mother’s Day Poem
As I look back at my life
I find myself wondering...
Did I remember to thank you enough
for all that you have done for me?

For all the times you were by my side
to help me celebrate my successes
and accept my defeats

Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
good judgement, courage, and honesty?
I wonder if I've ever truly thanked you
for the simple things...

The laughter, the smiles, and the quiet times we've shared?
If I have forgotten to express my gratitude
For any of these things, I am thanking you now...
and I am hoping that you've known all along,
how very much you are loved and appreciated.
“The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.” (Honore' de Balzac)
Mama (video clip with Luciano Pavarotti)