Friday, August 5, 2022

Socializing: Summer Picnic 2022 & Plein Air Painting

Since the ongoing summer is spoiling all of us with nice warm days, on Friday (August 5’22) I organized by the side of the Pacific Ocean (in Vancouver) the annual picnic for my Circle, this year being conjugated with soft jazz music and a demonstration of plein air painting, graciously offered by painter Victor Gligor.
Even though the pandemic related constraints lessened a lot in our province, at the welcoming table, amongst other things, my guests were greeted with a large tray of hands sanitizers (as the safety protocol is still closely observed).
But before I will tell you few things about our beautiful evening together, firstly I would like to share that my special guest (painter Victor Gligor) is a member of the Federation of Canadian Artists, and over time he had numerous exhibitions, both in Granville Island at the Federation’s Gallery and in other well-known art galleries and places of reference in BC.
For your edification, here is Victor’s biography as well as his website. I was truly happy that Victor honored my invitation with such kindness and elegance.
Also, I was glad that on that Friday, Victor sold a very nice painting to one of my guests, and once again I would like to wish the new owners to fully enjoy it! 
Now briefly talking about our gathering: this is the second summer in a row I am organizing a picnic for my group and each time the outcome was heart-warming.
After more than two years of social austerity, for each of us a new occasion to meet face to face brings us all real joy. Spending time in nature, with like-minded friends, while talking about art and having a soft jazz music in the background mixed with the sound of the ocean waves is absolutely perfect for a summer evening.
And so it was our gathering! 
For this picnic I chose a place where the consumption of alcohol was legally accepted and having a sip of a good quality wine on top of everything else brought along a different vibe.
On the other hand, as you already know, each time I put together an original surprise for my friends and this evening I brought few liters of a traditional Romanian summer soft drink, called “Elderflower cordial” (Ro: ”Socată”) I’ve prepared at home.
To everyone's delight, this gesture reminded them all about dear childhood moments, when many Romanians back home consumed it with great pleasure; I could easily state (without any exaggeration) that this summer beverage meant for all of us what Coca-Cola meant to those who grew up on the North American continent.
Last, but not least, much appreciation to our friend Sandu who delighted us with a great jazz music!
For your enjoyment, here is a short video clip I’ve created for this occasion... 
It was really satisfying to be able to spend few hours together, socializing in a pleasant and relaxing setting while catching up on the latest developments in each other’s lives….good quality time and easy going bonding, which filled our hearts with so much joy!
Dear ones, until our paths will meet again, my best wishes to all for a great rest of the summer!
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture. 
 ARTICLE featuring our event on August 5, 2022, published by OBSERVATORUL (from Toronto)

● The previous picnic I organized for my Circle: Socializing...Summer Picnic 2021 & Book Launch