Friday, August 27, 2021

Socializing: Summer Picnic 2021 & Book Launch

Since the social austerity in our province at this very moment is slightly more relaxed, on Friday (August 27, 2021) I was happy to organize (in a public park), a summer picnic together with my group, this being the only ‘in person’ meeting of the current year.
Also, that evening, we all were very pleased to have with us again two dear guests of honor – Dr. Ovidiu Grecea together with his wife. As already mentioned few times before, Dr. Grecea is the Head of the Romanian Diplomatic Mission in Vancouver, as well as Plenipotentiary Minister of Romania in Canada.
In his remarks, Dr. Grecea congratulated ALICE & Friends Circle
 for the ongoing cultural activity, re-emphasizing again the role the group plays in the local cultural arena, as well as refreshing the special tenderness Romanians (in general) are capable of.
On this occasion, I’ve included into our program a “book launch section” as two friends of my group – Teodor and Cristian Trandafir (father & son) – were each publishing at the same time a volume of poetry. I did find appropriate to present the audience these two books, as nowadays it is quite seldom to encounter such synchronicities…father & son, both amateur poets, each publishing a poetry book…a nice coincidence that I enjoyed highlighting at my Circle.
Aside of that, at this gathering I suggested Teodor to invite some of his personal friends, who are not coming at our usual events, and I was pleased to notice that all of them enjoyed the evening. After I introduced these 2 books, Consul Grecea as well as few other guests shared some personal remarks on this matter too.
In brief about the 2 books presented:
·         Teodor’s poetry book called “Balsam pentru suflet” is mainly a collection of religiously inspired poems, patriotic poetry, short elegies, brief meditations, plenty of friends’ anniversaries and lots of wishes he formulated for his close fellows belonging to Romanian community from Vancouver.
·         Cristian’s book, called “Cuvinte alese” includes poems that illustrate feelings, personal experiences he collected over a number of years, as well as thoughts, opinions, impressions and appreciations, all springing from the overflow of his soul.
Each guest received a poetry book, and Teodor together with his wife Marcela were kind to interpret a few for the audience.
Next, while we enjoyed the light refreshments brought along, we continued the evening with a number of group songs. At this point in time, I was glad to distribute few brochures with several well-known Romanian songs so we all could sing together…some guests loved the gesture so much that they didn’t even return the copies back, but rather preferring to keep them as a souvenir and eventually using them as further templates for other occasions. I found that amusing!
Our evening together was pleasant and relaxing, and the fresh air from that secular forest brought upon each of us a splendid sense of peace and emotional sanity.
Concluding my briefing here, once again I’m sending along my appreciation to each guest of the evening, wishing them all best personal regards!
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture. 
Message gratefully received from “OBSERVATORUL”, from Toronto
Please use the automated translator installed at the bottom of the page to translate this message into any language you wish…thank you!
(In Romanian Language) 
"Bucuroşi să vă prezentăm un alt eveniment cultural reuşit al grupului ALICE & FRIENDS CIRCLE™  din Vancouver.
Plăcere să publicăm crónica colaboratorei noastre, doamna 
Dorina Cornelia Aldea la  şi o poză de la acest picnic şi lansare de carte la:
Sănătate şi numai bine vă dorim!"

  ARTICLE featuring our event on August 27, 2021, offered by OBSERVATORUL (from Toronto, Canada)
Începând cu anul 2000 Revista Observatorul face parte din 'The National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada' (o organizație ne-guvernamentală, care reprezintă publicații, ce servesc 150 de limbi şi comunități culturale din Canada).  
Relațiile între membrii organizației au devenit apropiate, ne cunoaștem sărbătorile tradiționale, participăm, ne felicităm la diferite ocazii speciale, aniversări, împărțim informații diverse.

La pagina 8 (în acest link:, este redat picnicul organizat de
Alice & Friends Circle (articol & fotografie),
pe data de 27 august 2021. Este o plăcere să vedem acest articol şi fotografia aferentă în forma tiparită. Lectură plăcută
  ARTICLE featuring our event on August 27, 2021, offered by Uniunea Ziariştilor Profesionişti din România, under their “BREAKING NEWS” section  (from Romania)
 ARTICLE featuring our event on August 27, 2021, offered by Ziarul românilor din Andalucía, under their “Cultură, Români în lume” section (from Spain)