Showing posts with label Some of my writings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Some of my writings. Show all posts

Thursday, February 6, 2025

FEBRUARY – perceived as the “month of Love”

While February is the second month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, it was originally the very last month added to the Roman calendar. Originally, the calendar was 10 months because winter was considered a dormant, month-less period. January and February were added by the Roman king Numa Pompilius to better align the calendar with the lunar year, and February was moved to its place as the second month.
February comes from the Latin word “februa” – which means “to cleanse.” It was named after “Februalia”, the Roman festival of purification, which was a month-long festival of cleansing and atonement that took place this time of year. The month has 28 days in common years and 29 in leap years, with the 29th day being called the leap day.

But why February has been so heavily associated with love almost throughout the entire world, and why so many people at this time of the year tune into love and connectivity?
Apparently, it is presumed that the association with love might’ve been originated from the popular belief that birds paired in mid-February during middle ages, and since then, by extrapolation, humanity adopted the concept.
Additionally, February has earned a steady reputation as the month of love, primarily due to the widespread celebration of Valentine’s Day on February 14th.
This day is dedicated to expressing affection and appreciation for loved ones through cards, gifts, and romantic gestures.
However, the roots of Valentine’s Day trace back to ancient Roman and Christian traditions. One theory suggests that Valentine’s Day is linked to the Roman festival of “Lupercalia”, celebrated in mid-February to honor fertility and the coming of spring. Over time, this pagan celebration merged with Christian traditions, eventually evolving into the Valentine’s Day we know today. 
The association of February with love and romance has since become deeply ingrained in cultures around the world. It is a time when hearts beat a little faster, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of romance. As we turn the page on the calendar and step into this enchanting month, there’s an undeniable sense of anticipation and excitement that permeates the atmosphere. 
February is also a time to reflect and emphasize love in our lives, and it can be a month for self-love and self-care, fostering relationships with family and friends, and loving others.

I’m sure that all of you know by now that each February, Romanians celebrate LOVE twice….on VALENTINE’S DAY (which is on February 14’25, this being the Western celebration of Love), and on “DRAGOBETE DAY” (which is on February 24’25…this being the ancient celebration of Love in Romania).
And as I’ve said few times by now….when we talk about LOVE, I guess the more the merrier…anyhow, I’m wishing you all a nice February, full of Love & Joy!
“Loving is not just looking at each other, it’s looking in the same direction.” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Thoughts at the beginning of the year (January 2025)

The beginning of a new year is a new BEGINNING for each of us – a fresh start unfolding like a brand new chapter waiting to be written
(by each of us) ….we each will be the authors of our personal stories, weather we realize it or not! Aside of that, countless times, life has shown us that it is wise to further proceed equipped with the wisdom we’ve gained over the last 12 months as well as the strength we’ve each built, allowing them all to fuel our dreams and projects of the year ahead! And may we each remember that every New Year it is ours to shape, to grow, to bloom, to rise, to shine and to become….may we each embrace this concept with grace, with open hearts and widely open minds.

A New Year (a short poem by William Arthur Ward)
Another fresh new year is here …
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!
This bright New Year is given me
To live each day with zest …
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!
I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs!
Do not wait until all given conditions are perfect to begin.
A new beginning makes the all given conditions perfect.
(A. Cohen)

Sunday, December 15, 2024

The keepers of HOPE

In this troubled world where uncertainty touches every corner of our existence, blessed are those rare souls who carry the eternal flame of hope within their hearts. Those are the beautiful spirits, the possessors of wisdom and kindness, whose goodness and compassion are “bright” enough to illuminate the paths of others lost in darkness. Most of them are touching many hearts, in ways never thought possible! Those are the contributors, the philanthropists, the donors, the supporter, who share with generosity their precious time and their resources in order to remind their fellows that the happiest people in the world are the givers. This type of people are beacons of light, illuminating from far away in a world that often preaches consumerism and selfishness.
So, dear ones, as December reminds us to be good, I strongly encourage you to please do not hesitate to reach out, to share your table, to open your hearts, to be present – it costs you nothing, but it means a lot for less fortunate ones!
“In this symphony of life, let us be the notes that create harmony. Let peace flow from heart to heart, like ripples across still waters, until it touches every shore of human existence. Together, we light the way. Together, we heal. Together, we rise.”

Friday, November 15, 2024

POEM: “Come, Little Leaves”

George Cooper's poem "
Come, Little Leaves" is a delightful and whimsical tribute to the changing seasons and the beauty of nature's cycle. 
Through simple yet evocative language, Cooper invites his readers to embark on a journey through the transition from summer to winter, told from the perspective of the changing leaves.
A classic poem that captures the autumn leaves' journey from the wind's call to the winter sleep, as well as the joy, the farewell and the beauty of nature's cycle in a simple yet suggestive manner.

short video clip (this poem in audio version) ~

Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Beauty of Love & Trust

Upon recent observations, here I’m sharing with you all a short and very simple tale, where trust and true love are beautifully highlighted. Pleasant reading, dear ones!
STORY: Hold My Hand
Once upon a time, a little girl and her father were crossing a tall bridge. Father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter, "Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river."
The little girl said, "No, Dad. You hold my hand."
"What's the difference?" asked the puzzled father.
"There's a big difference," replied the little girl…"If I hold your hand & something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go, but if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what, you will never let my hand go."
The best proof of love is trust!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

About the human BEHAVIOUR

Time has showing us repeatedly that human behavior is a truly vast and fascinating subject, clearly emphasizing an intricate web of emotions, actions and reactions which in essence set us apart from other living species on this planet.
Extrapolating a bit, we could safely affirm that human behavior refers to the way people act, interact and/or react with others and with the surrounding world, aspects which could be influenced by many things, such as feelings, the environment, or past experiences (more or less significant, but with extensive ramifications).
In other words, human behaviour encompasses everything from our thoughts and feelings to our physical actions, which are often shaped by where we are and who we are with (for instance, if we are with friends, we might act differently than when we are alone).
Anyhow, clear is the fact that every day, we make choices that reflect our behavior, or choices that shape our behaviour.
Personally, I truly believe that human behaviour is an interesting blend of both nature and nurture, having on one hand the individual’s genetic predisposition, and on the other hand having culture, upbringing, as well as peer influence….all leaving fantastic and long lasting imprints on people.
The reason I’m bringing this subject forward is to emphasize how important it is for each of us to realize how much we could be influenced by others, many times without even realizing it! Human conduct is very complex and at times it does help a lot to pause, to reflect and only then to proceed (with cautious, if necessary).  
Of course, there will never be a one-size-fits-all kind of explanation for why we do what we do, but I’m confident that the ongoing research and continuous advancement in neuroscience combined with psychology’s constant achievements will keep people on the right track towards gaining a much deeper and clearer understanding of the intricacies of mankind behavioural matters, benefiting the entire world as a whole!
“With knowledge comes power – power to change patterns for better decision making, fostering healthier relationships and creating societies where everyone feels understood and valued.”

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Few LESSONS life is teaching us

 We all are fully aware that life is beautiful, but definitively not always easy…it has its occasional difficulties, and the challenge lies in facing them with courage, grace and dignity! Happiness or sorrow, victory or defeat, day & night, etc. are affecting each life on Earth.
For your enjoyment, here I’m sharing the perspective of a 90 years old lady about life in general, wisdom worth pondering upon…peaceful reading, dear ones!

“To celebrate growing older, I once wrote few lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written.
– Life isn't fair, but it's still good. – Life is too short…enjoy it. 
– When in doubt, just take the next small step, one at the time.
– Your job won't take care of you when you are sick.
But for sure your true friends and family will be there for you.
– Pay off your credit cards every month.
– You don't have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.
– Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
– Save for retirement starting with your first pay check.
– When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
– Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
– It's OK to let your children see you cry.
– Don't compare your life to others under any circumstance.
Truth to be said, you have no idea what their journey is all about.
– If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
– No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
– Take a deep breath. It calms the mind. – Get rid of anything that isn't useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.
– Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger. – It's never too late to be’s all up to you and no one else.
– When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer. – The most important organ is the brain.
– Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special. – Over prepare, then go with the flow.
– Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple. | – Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'
– Always choose life. Forgive, but don’t forget. What other people think of you is none of your business.
Time heals almost everything. Give time time. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. | Believe in miracles. 
Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now. Growing old beats the alternative of dying young. Your children get only one childhood.
All that truly matters in the end is that you loved. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere. (I love this one!)
If we all through our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have not what you need.
The best is yet to come. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
“Always stay strong as you live your life and always remember your blessings,
no matter what circumstances you might need to face.”

Monday, July 22, 2024

Summer vibes of 2024

As these days I’m taking my time to enjoy every summer day more intensely than ever before, I realized that I’ve become even more observant of my surroundings, of my neighbours, of my friends, of all the people we meet along the way during our walks in nature – my conclusions are truly astonishing, but what I find really interesting is the fact that people sense the presence and the authenticity in a very pleasing manner.
Usually folks love to be at the center of the world, but I would rather prefer a peaceful corner where my entire world could be.
Generally speaking, you may think that you are not important at all in this world, but actually you are because your thoughtfulness, your compassion, your positivity, your genuine amiability leave behind fragrant echoes of kindness, which is quite marvelous!
Just think about these…if someone drinks coffee every morning from the favorite cup you gave them,
Or if someone heard a song on the radio that reminds them of you,
Or if someone is reading a book you recommended and it's stuck in their head,
Or if someone remembered a joke of yours and smiled coming home from work in the evening,
Or if someone now loves themselves a little more because you gave them a nice compliment, you really brought a certain amount of kindness into this world.
Never think that you don't influence anything, because it is impossible to erase the beautiful traces you leave behind, even with small deeds.
Dear friends, I wish you  enjoy the ongoing summer - flower by flower!
Summer time” – by George Gershwin (classical music)

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Benefits of TRAVELLING

According to many, travelling should be considered an essential human activity because it seems to be in our genes, as extensive scholastic studies are demonstrating that it is not natural for us to be sedentary.
Historically speaking, for most of the time our species existed, people lived as nomadic hunter-gatherers moving around quite often, approach which proved to be quite useful.
Personally, it feels to me that the very nature of travelling entails a fair share of wishful thinking, demanding at the same time a leap of faith and imagination. From making you happier, to reducing stress or by teaching you about the world or yourself, travelling could be considered an exquisite nourishing “food” for the soul.
Whether traveling for a vacation, business trip or some other adventure/s, whether taking a quick weekend getaway or a multi-month sabbatical around the world, travel offers a wide range of benefits, and for your convenience, here is a concise list various experts put together:
- Travelling could improve your communication skills, your creativity, and it could help expand even further your personal development
- Travelling could help you achieve a lasting peace of mind (by reducing stress & anxiety) and it could boost your self-confidence effectively
- International travelling could make you more tolerant and it could broaden your understanding of different cultures
- Travelling could help you appreciate even more the beauty of our nature and Earth
- Travelling could expand your horizons and your social network, while giving you the possibility to create new lifetime memories
- Travelling could sharpen your mind, it could shift your perspective about life in general, and (if needed) it could help you find a new purpose
- World travelling could help you appreciate even more your home, your friends, your country or your life.
Concluding, dear friends, I truly believe that travelling it is not always or necessarily about a certain place or specific destination, but rather about what we bring to it and how we interact with it. Extrapolating, we could state that travelling it is not necessarily about the destination or about the journey in itself, but rather about how you transform yourself during the experience…it is not necessarily about leaving your home, but about leaving behind old habits that are not serving you any longer.
Wherever life might take you next, I wish you happy and safe travels!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

TIME – priceless in every way

The most extraordinary feature of time is its fantastic preciousness – its value is unfathomable, its power is truly inestimable, and its potential is something which we cannot even begin calculating. We’ve all noticed often that a minute is enough to win a victory, a second could be enough to make you the richest man in the world, and a fraction of a sec­ond can make a difference between life and death.
As we go through life, we realise for ourselves that, if there is anything in the world which will never come back, it is time; once time crosses into the threshold of the past, it never again returns to the ‘present’. Those who have realised this basic truth of life, never allow time to pass away unused.
Until and unless we set up a time-table for ourselves and make a general division of time for the various tasks and jobs at our hand, time will keep slipping away with its golden opportunities unnoticed...unplanned living is the surest way to waste it….
For your enjoyment, here are few thoughts received from a dear friend, worth sharing further….pleasant reading, dear ones!
“Canon in D Major” – by Pachelbel (classical music)

“In the last Quarter of Life”
“A lot of us are in the last quarter of life and I share without politics, religion, race cards. Just gentle thoughts: You know, time has a way of catching you off-guard about how quickly it travels.
It feels like just yesterday that I was young and ready to start adult-life. And in a way it feels like eons ago, and I wonder where the years have gone.
I know I lived them all. I remember all my hopes and dreams. I remember the plans I made.
And suddenly, here I am in the last quarter.
How did I get here so fast? Where have the years gone and where did my youth go?
I can recall looking at older people, thinking how long it will take for me to get where they are. That I am still in my youth, that I have many years ahead. At that time I could not even think of being where I am now. And yet, here I am.
My friends are retired, they all have grey hair, they move much slower than they did and when I look at them, I see older people. Some are in a better and some a worse condition than me. But I see the big difference. They are no longer the youthful, carefree, full-of-life friends.
Just like me, age shows. And we are now the older people we used to look at and thought it was still a long way off.
I find that these days, taking a shower takes its toll on my breath and energy levels. And an afternoon nap is not just a treat, it’s become a necessity. And if I don’t, I find myself sleeping in the same chair I started reading or watching television in.
Now I have entered this new season of my life, totally unprepared for the discomfort, aches and pains, loss of energy and strength and ability to do what I could, yet sometimes didn’t. At least I know that, even though I am in the last quarter and I have no idea how long this quarter will be, when my time on earth is over, a new adventure awaits too. Yes, I do have things I wish I I had never done. Yet so thankful for those I did. It is all in a lifetime.
And if you are not in the last quarter yet, I want to remind you that it comes faster than you could anticipate. Do the things you still want to do as soon as possible. Do not procrastinate. Life runs on fast legs. Do today what you can. There is no promise that we will all see the seasons of life. Live for today. For now.
Say the words to the ones you love. Often. Hopefully some will appreciate the things you did for them. And if they don’t, it is also okay.
Life is truly a gift. Just be happy. It is after all your choice. And remember that health is a treasure, not wealth, gold and silver, property or your bank balance.
You may think that going out is the best, but believe me – coming home is much better. 
You may forget names and that is okay, because some have already forgotten that they knew you.
The things you cared about previously, you may lose interest in. If you fall asleep in your favourite chair, stay there.
Growing older is wonderful. It is comfortable. It is loaded with memories that you never grow tired of. It is an absolute treasure. Look after yourself.”
“Living in the present is a sign of practical wisdom!”

Friday, May 24, 2024

MENTAL well-being

Mental health is extremely important for everyone and it needs to be carefully taken care of in order to have a good quality life. But what is this “mental health” since so many people are talking about in our society nowadays?
Well, before I progress with my thoughts on it, here I begin (as I often do) with the scholastic definition, most accredited academics of the world agreed upon: "Mental health encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being, influencing cognition, perception, and behaviour".
According to several organizations from the health field, mental health is "the state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can contribute to his or her community". In other words, "it determines how an individual handles stress, interpersonal relationships, and decision-making, including subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, intergenerational dependence, and self-actualization of one's intellectual and emotional potential, among others".
Pretty complex, isn’t it?! Of course it is, and that’s why governments allocate tremendous resources (accessible and comprehensive) in order to empower individuals with knowledge, but it is up to each person to be willing to stay informed and up to date on this matter. 

For your reference, here I’m sharing a fragment from the Government of Canada's website
(the Division of Public Health Services), which lists few valuable points, concerning mental health:
Fragment: "How can you take care of your mental health?"
Take care of your mental health in the same way you would take care of your physical health. It takes practise, patience and support.
You can maintain or improve your mental health by following the advice below:
- Know and accept that life can be challenging.
- Know and accept your strengths and weaknesses.
- Set realistic goals for yourself.
- Accept yourself and others. This is the basis of self-esteem.
- Learn to recognize and understand that you and others have both positive and negative feelings.
- Create a sense of meaning in your life by learning and trying new activities, like starting a hobby.
- Create healthy, trusting relationships with people who accept and support you.
- Building a supportive community is an important way to improve mental health.
- Making meaningful connections with your family, friends, peers, colleagues and other members of your community can help you feel: like you belong, safe and secure, free to express your thoughts and feelings on issues that are important to you.
- You can help create a healthy and safe environment where you live, learn, work and play by:
* knowing and accepting that everyone has difficulties in their lives
* taking part in local events and getting to know your neighbours
* finding ways to get involved and giving back to your community
* supporting and including people of different ages and backgrounds in your community
Also, for my Romanian readers, below I’m publishing a text written by professor, doctor Leon Dănăilă, for whom I have a tremendous respect.
(As a courtesy, here I’m publishing the text in original, asking the non-Romanian speaking readers to use the automated translator installed at the bottom of the page. Thank you!)
NOTE: Neuroplasticity is the brain’s capacity to continue growing and evolving in response to life experiences.
"Dragii mei, dragile mele,
Astăzi vreau să împărtășesc cu voi câteva modalități simple de a stimula neuroplasticitatea:
- Utilizați mâna nedominantă: Faceți activități zilnice, cum ar fi spălatul pe dinți sau folosirea furculiței cu mâna mai puțin folosită. Acest exercițiu, cunoscut sub numele de neurobice, consolidează conexiunile dintre celulele creierului.
- Călătoriți: Explorați locuri noi și expuneți-vă creierul la stimuli inediți și medii înconjurătoare noi pentru a deschide noi căi neuronale.
- Antrenați-vă memoria: Utilizați mnemotehnici pentru a vă exersa memoria, stimulând conectivitatea rețelelor neuronale.
- Citiți ficțiune: Cititul unui roman și implicarea în acțiunea acestuia îmbunătățesc conectivitatea creierului și activitatea în regiunile responsabile pentru senzații și mișcare.
- Dansați: Practicarea dansului reduce riscul de dezvoltare a bolii Alzheimer și îmbunătățește conectivitatea neuronală, datorită implicării multiplelor funcții ale creierului.
- Asigurați-vă un somn adecvat: Somnul ajută la consolidarea învățării prin creșterea spinilor dendritici și transferul informațiilor între neuroni. Recomandat este un somn de minim 7 ore pe noapte.
- Faceți exerciții fizice și meditați: 30 de minute de exerciții fizice zilnic sau meditația contribuie la formarea de noi sinapse, iar consumul de flavonoide (cacao, afine) și antioxidanți (ceai verde) susține plasticitatea creierului.
Încercați aceste metode pentru a vă menține creierul în formă și a spori agilitatea mintală, indiferent de vârstă!"
So, dear friends, reading only the brief thoughts shared above, I guess we could safely imply that more often than we think, our mental health is in our hands and taking it seriously is an essential part of our overall well-being.
Your mental health is crucial; make time for it like your life depends on it, because it does!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

POEM: “Mother o’ Mine”

Piano Concerto No. 1” – by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (classical music)
Here is a short poem, written by Rudyard Kipling, highlighting the unconditional love of a mother for her child. Depicting different situations, the author assures that his mother’s love would sustain him throughout any hardships he might encounter in life.
Extrapolating a bit, this poem is focusing on a personal and universal theme, which “reflects
the Victorian era's emphasis on domesticity and family values, while exploring the enduring power of maternal love. Through its concise language and evocative imagery, the poem encapsulates the timeless bond between a mother and her child”.
short video clip (this poem in audio version) ~

Monday, April 29, 2024

Quick insights on CONTINUITY

       According to a number of significant scholars, continuity provides valuable perspectives on how people navigate through life, while maintaining a healthy sense of self-continuity, wisdom based on which we could gain a deeper understanding of what shapes us as individuals and how we could further promote personal growth and well-being.
      Generally speaking, continuity is a pretty subtle concept, explained as “the state or quality of being continuous” in relation to various contexts, according to Oxford English Dictionary.
      This term could be also understood as a flow of action without interruptions or changes, which provides security in life, emphasizing a positive effect (when continuity is seen as a dynamic process where changes are a part of life), or a negative one (based on its static facet, it might be difficult to fit into a constantly changing world).
      Personally, I truly believe that it is wise to have on the table a number of adaptive strategies based on past experiences, which could be used to deal with unforeseeable changes while creating stability in life.
      Another interesting way to understand a person's multifaceted experiences of continuity in life it is from a philosophical point of view.
      Some people “consider continuity as a prerequisite for human life, and how central it is in order to further develop our personalities in relation to social structures, process occurring by maintaining relationships across time and space, through both daily routines and social relations”.
“Continuity – a unique lens through which we can examine the intricate journey of human development.”

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Positive ATTITUDE, positive THINKING

Joie De Vivre” – by Frederic Francois Chopin (classical music) 
       Once upon a time, I’ve read in one of Dale Carnegie’s books something that caught my attention and stayed with me for a number of it is:  “Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think. So start each day by thinking of all the things you have to be thankful for. Your future will depend very largely on the thoughts you think today. So think thoughts of hope and confidence and love and success.”
       Yes, I’m more and more convinced that a significant part of the entire whole, it is about gratitude and positive thinking!
For some people it might be obvious that having a positive attitude could help them live a happier life, but the actual practice of expressing it, it is something that not very many people do.
       The wonderful opportunity for a greater peace of mind is lost, because many choose to focus on what others do, to criticize them every way they can, to blame everyone and everything hoping that by blowing someone’s candle their might shine brighter, but history has shown us time and time again that this is not the way things work.
       It you desire more happiness in your life, it is important to be positive, to live in the moment and to do things that bring you joy. When you are joyful, you shine and you will attract more like minded people into your life!
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


I truly believe that one of life's most treacherous races is to live without any questions, to live without any curiosity, to live without any novelty – in other words to live a “flat” life….
Without any doubt, nobody would desire hardship or suffering, but if life is lived without any horizon, flooded only with inner laziness (“blasé” style), or indifference, easily it could become quite dull and depressing.
Further pondering upon these concepts, here are some additional thoughts:
- When you no longer have questions, you no longer look "up", but "down" and you might be tempted to believe that this is enough
- When you run out of questions, you end up believing that you don't have any questions because you have all the answers, which is a big error
- When you run out of questions, nothing can convince you of anything else; most of the time the obvious could be in front of you and you might not be able to see it (which is often the case)
- When you no longer have questions, you lose your candor and humility
- When you let go of candor and humility, you automatically adopt sufficiency, and you become enough
- When you become enough, you become arrogant…and arrogance manifests right before decay.
In order to avoid sliding on this down spiral, scholars believe that doing the following might be helpful to correct yourself:
- Cultivate an inquiring and humble spirit
- Understand that no one can have all the answers, but at least keep your sense of wonder, which would keep you “alive”, and more than anything, would make you loop up more often…
“The ability to ask questions is the greatest resource in learning the truth.” (C. Jung)

Friday, January 5, 2024

Thoughts at the beginning of the year (January 2024)

Another year has passed by and nobody can change that. Things may not have gone always as expected, and many of us might’ve had to face obstacles and hardships, but the lessons of the past are the best teachings that could help us face the eventual future ups and downs of life….a precious wisdom worth carrying further, as I truly believe that all lessons of the past could awaken in our soul true compassion, which naturally gives a good rise to tolerance and forgiveness.
Few brief thoughts that 2023 clearly re-emphasized and
what I would take with me into the New Year
- Let us free ourselves from suffering and the causes of all our sufferings
- Let us remove from us the three poisons that disturb our lives: hatred, ignorance and attachments
- Let's find refuge in the quiet, serene shelter of our own soul and transform ourselves!
“- Nu poți forţa clipa, poţi doar să o trăieşti.
- Nu poţi să controlezi nimic din afară, doar să veghezi asupra a ceea ce se petrece înăuntrul tău.
- Nu poți schimba părerea nimănui despre tine, poți doar să lucrezi la părerea ta despre tine.
- Nu poți să fii tot timpul cum vrei tu, unde vrei tu, poţi doar să fii prezent oriunde şi oricum eşti.
- Nu poţi să te întorci în timp, dar poți să înveţi să te bucuri de ce ai acum, aşa cum eşti tu.
- Nu poți mulţumi pe toată lumea, poți doar să fii mulţumit tu cu tine şi cu ceilalţi.
- Nu poţi să forțezi iubirea şi grija nimănui, poţi doar să le primeşti cu bucurie de unde le găseşti şi să pleci de unde nu eşti primit.
- Nu poţi să zici mereu "da" când e "nu" doar ca să primeşti validare, poți doar să fii autentic şi real ca să nu trăieşti o minciună.”
May we each gain the wisdom to accept what we cannot change, the courage to make the changes we dream of and the necessary awareness to understand the difference!