Guest book

~ From Purpose to Impact ~
This page has been created to allow feedback collection on ALICE & Friends Circle . 
It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it & why — the strengths & the passion you bring at the table no matter where you’re seated. Although you may express your purpose in different ways in different contexts, it’s what everyone close to you recognizes as uniquely & would miss most if you were gone.
NOTE 1: If you wish to share your feedback, please email your message (at the address provided below) & I will be happy to publish it. Thank you!
NOTE 2: If you wish to translate the content to any other language, please use the automated translator, installed at the bottom of this web page. Thank you!
NOTE 3: Comments below are listed in chronological order (as arrived, newest down the page)...check the leaf frequently, as often new messages are coming in. 

In December 2017 I've put together the concept of the Canadian-Romanian literary & socio-cultural group named ALICE & Friends Circle,
officially came into existence at the beginning of 2018.
Feedback / Impressions collected / Testimonials 
  • Message from Asiza Demetrian (per May 2019) 
    (Asiza is a supporter of ALICE & Friends Circleand a talented painter

    Dear Alice,
    I want you to know that I really appreciate the dedication you put into this soul project, called "ALICE & Friends Circle", and I am glad to see how beautifully this initiative has grown over the course of a year.
    Personally, I am very pleased to participate to your literary evenings because they give me the opportunity to recite many poems composed by my mother, who died in 2001, here in Vancouver; it was a very sad year for me. In life, I was really blessed that my mother was very passionate about poetry and painting, aspects that influenced me to choose the artistic path - painting. Until the age of eleven I lived in Bucharest (Romania) and I can say that the most beautiful memories from my childhood are those when my mother took me to the Opera.
    Why do I mention my mother so often in this comment? Because you and my mother were friends and I remember the conversations with my mother who told me how much she liked to read you the poems she composed and then the subsequent discussions you two have had about them. My mother loved you very much. 
    Now, having the possibility to recite my mother's poems at "ALICE & Friends Circle" I feel her close to me, present among the lines I read in those moments, and everything has a very special meaning for me, when time and space disappear, leaving only the words. 
    Also, from another point of view, I consider that your literary evenings do a great service to the Romanian culture here in Canada, as they bring a lot of joy to our souls, and I am absolutely convinced that if my mother would've been still alive, she would be extremely happy to participate as well.
    Once again, "Happy Birthday!" on the occasion of the 1st year anniversary of this initiative, and I wish you much success in the future!

    • Message from Cathy Williams (per June 2019) 
      (Cathy is an observer of ALICE & Friends Circle, a long-time friend & an outstanding professional belonging to corporate world) 

      Dear Alice,
      I’m visiting your website once in a while and I have to say that I’m really impressed with how nicely you put into practice this project & how well it grew over time!
      I like to read your writings, notes and the briefings you give on all the events you organize. For instance, because of the literary evenings you put together for your Romanian friends here in Vancouver, I’ve learned a lot about the Romanian culture, about their old and new traditions, as well as the Romanian people.
      Also, I really enjoyed the photo coverage you assembled for Romania’s national poet, priory I knew nothing about; I found that very educational.
      On the other hand, I appreciate all what you do to emphasize the Canadian culture too.
      Knowing you for a long time, and being aware of how busy you are with your professional life, as I’ve said many times before, I admire your community work because it speaks volumes about your fine character. Once again, congratulations! May the future generously reward all the projects you put your mind to!
      Warm personal regards,

      • Message from Dorina Cornelia Aldea (per July 2019) 
        (Dorina is part of ALICE & Friends Circle, a dear friend, an enthusiastic community contributor, a former corporate world professional, the author of 'Crampeie de viata' book, a gifted essayist, and a loyal correspondent to 'Observatorul' from Toronto & 'Formula As' from Romania) 

        Dear Alice,
        More than a year passed since the foundation of "Alice & Friends" group, an association of Romanians eager to maintain the idea of "Romanism", eager to preserve the national values, eager to make known aspects of the cultural life in Romania and Canada, or of the other parts of the world, depending where destiny has taken us all. These Romanian Literary Evenings are led by Alice with grace, passion and professionalism; at these evenings the original is intertwined with authenticity, and each story told carries the scent of the time to which it refers to. At each event the discussions are different, and all is a blend of compositions, notes, dialogues, essays, portraits and events, relating to the facts and people of yesterday and today, real life stories (lived or known facts), known people all combined with a storm of emotions and feelings. Well, here, at the Romanian Literary Evenings, we also talk about the well-known Romanians who brought the country fame through their activities, about writers whose works are immortal, about monarchs, about patriots who wrote history, about lesser known Romanian heroes and many others....
        Then the discussions relating to the memories full of colors bearing the imprint of childhood, as well as the poems read are a proof that you still feel connected to what it was, but also adapted and integrated to the new life here. 
        To be over 9 thousand km away from Romania and to meet people who think, feel, discuss, spend and live their lives like back home it is a great joy that Alice is offering us at each event, for more than a year by now. 
        Here, lasting friendships are formed, here we feel the joy of the Romanian holidays spent together, here we hear lots of news and interesting things, and it occurs (if I may say so), an exchange of cultural information, from and toward Romania. We, who left the Romania long ago, live far from home, but with the thought at home; when we left our homeland, we took with us our traditions, customs, music, longings and wherever we go we could live like back home.
        Dear Alice, I wish you good health and continuous success, but I know that you will have both, because where God puts a drop of His Divine in people's souls, things can only come out truly beautifully.
        Many years ahead, dear "Alice & Friends"!
        Dorina Cornelia Aldea

        • Message from Daniela D. (per August 2019) 
          (Daniela is a retired certified professional in int. trade, a brief, past, community contributor & the founder of the former, short-lived, youth groups 'Ciresarii' & 'Martisor') 

          Alice, thank thank you for the wonderful literary evenings you organize with so much dedication and inspiration! I am impressed by this circle of friends whose active presence and sincere love for their ancestry, for their traditions, culture and people, give such a unique charm to these events.
          Although gathered around you and your computer, I have the feeling that we are listening to stories simply told at the "stove mouth", with lots of warmth, illuminating the room and us, followed by the discussions "after", which hardly let us disband until next time. Congratulations!

          • Message from Joanne Curtis (per September 2019) 
            (Joanne is an observer of ALICE & Friends Circle, a long-time friend & a great professional belonging to corporate world)    

            Dear Alice,
            My most sincere congratulations for your beautiful community work! What you are doing is of inspiration to many and it brings great value.
            Your Romanian Community must be very proud to have in you such a remarkable ambassador of their culture.
            Also, I'm truly happy you are living now with us, here in Canada, because the gifts you bring at the table are welcome wherever you choose to extend them.
            I'm wishing you good health, prosperity, happiness and a successful continuation of your amazing work!
            With much admiration,

            • Message from Doina Strimbu (per October 2019) 
              (Doina is a former professional & theologian, as well as a brief past community contributor)  

              Dear Alice,
              Always, I have been very excited about participating to a literature circle. Here, thanks to you, this has become possible. Your optimistic personality, full of warmth and energy, makes our meetings very pleasant and relaxed. In addition to the moments when some of us read a poem or a piece of prose, there are interesting discussions, memories, cheerful dialogues. We all feel great in Alice's circle of friends!

              • Message from Marianne Lloyds (per November 2019) 
                (Marianne is an observer of ALICE & Friends Circle, a long-time friend & an exceptional professional belonging to corporate world)  

                Sincere congratulations, dear Alice!
                Your beloved community project is growing well, nicely touching on subjects of interest. I'm super proud of you!
                Your hard work, amazing gifts, excellent discipline and astonishing determination are bringing you a well-deserved success! Continue to grow! Continue to inspire!
                Best wishes, 

                • Message from Parvu family (per December 2019) 
                  (Fam. Parvu is a supporter of ALICE & Friends Circle

                  DEAR ALICE,
                  B  U  T
                  DON'T THANK US ANYMORE!
                  Now I'm sure that perhaps you would reproach me for being a capricious, moody, annoying old man and maybe you have other kinds of characterizations. 
                  I accept anything from you and I am not upset, but you must understand that your thanks to us, springing from your efforts
                  =====MUST COME FROM US.=====
                  And I will be the first one to try to determine you to accept to change the directions of thanks.
                  With special respect,
                  Fam. Dr. Parvu Victor

                  • Messages from Phillip family ~ Rodica & Dean ~   (per January 2020) 
                    (Fam. Phillip is part of ALICE & Friends Circle and dear friends; both Rodica & Dean are former corporate world professionals.
                    Dean, with additional background in journalism & law, is also a writer.) 

                  From Rodica Phillip:
                  Although we spend only half year in Vancouver, Alice you are the person who introduced us to this warm and friendly community through your interesting, informative and very enjoyable cultural evenings.
                  From the first event you organized, I've noticed an extraordinary talent that you are endowed with and I still admire your enthusiasm, hard work and dedication that you put into these literary evenings, called "Alice & Friends".
                  I must admit that you are unique and admirable for every detail you put into organizing these original and interesting meetings, with very friendly and pleasant people, who contribute with lots of information and details, which some of us already forgotten.
                  Thank you very much for all the invitations and the support you put in helping us to participate to all the events you organized with such great success due to your talent and diligence, as well as dedication for the Romanian culture!
                  With much admiration and respect,
                  Rodica Phillip

                  From Dean Phillip:
                  Continuity of culture
                  The idea of culture is not related to biology, but to the social / linguistic environment in which you were born and, at least partially, lived. That is way it is clear, axiomatically, that the mother tongue in which you are educated cannot be forgotten, even if social events force you to live in another culture or language. 
                  In Romanian culture we have examples, perhaps even unique, in which it turns out that although biologically you have different elements of DNA related to the idea of "Romanian" but due to cultural education the result is quite special.
                  The French writer Eugen Ionescu, born in Slatina (member of the French Academy called "les Immortels") said in an interview, in his old age, that he still dreams in Romanian.
                  Another French writer, the philosopher Emil Cioran, born in Rasinari and awarded the "Rivarol" prize for the most perfect French language, at the end of his life listening to him speak the Romanian language, I would like all Romanian intellectuals living in Romania to be able to use the Romanian language with the same elegant perfection. 
                  Garabet Ibraileanu, little known today, a refined literary critic and author of a single novel with a romantic touch, "Adela", will remain one of the most refined Romanian language handlers, although he - born at the Fair of Beauty - was of an Armenian blood.
                  Also, Armenian was the poet Ion Barbu - born Dan Barbilian - perhaps the most interesting Romanian poet of the last century and who would have deserved the Nobel Prize. 
                  But the most perfect example is the classic Ion Luca Caragiale, who, with Greek blood origins from Istanbul, will remain in Romanian culture as the strongest defender of the purity of his mother tongue, meaning Romanian, ironically to claim that, going through other countries, the mother tongue is lost. 
                  The above examples prove the opposite and, I must add, that my intention was to emphasize the respect we must have for the effort made by Alice through everything she organized and through her blog, to continue the Romanian culture in this huge English sea, by which we are surrounded. 
                  This is why I consider that Alice's effort to create an oasis of culture related to the native territory where we were educated is more than worthwhile. 
                  The national, cultural origin is not in contradiction with the legal aspect of citizenship, and the new generations, born here, have the chance to be proud of their genetic origin, of the continuation in the family of the cultural tradition of their parents or grandparents. 
                  In this field, Alice must be highly appreciated because the Canadians, descending from Romanian parents, only develop their local culture, assimilating that of their ancestors. Maybe in this way the young people will understand and appreciate the avatars that the Romanian culture went through in order to survive in its Latin essence and to respect those who sacrificed even their lives for this success.
                  Alice's work is also commendable for the effort made not to be a minor oasis in a foreign culture, but to integrate harmoniously and respectfully with the rest of Canada. 
                  Dean Phillip

                  • Message from Lidia Escu (per February 2020) 
                    (Lidia is part of ALICE & Friends Circle, a dear friend & a professional belonging to corporate world) 

                    "Food for the Soul" is what I like to call "Alice & Friends Circle". It is an oasis where literature meets tradition, contemporary, history, great ideas, wonderful people.
                    Alice, I am so grateful for your generosity and effort to put all these together for us, and those who like beautiful things, with such grace and perseverance. 
                    God Bless You!

                    • Message from Liliana B. (per March 2020) 
                      (Liliana is a supporter of ALICE & Friends Circle and professional belonging to corporate world) 

                      Dear Alice,
                      From the first meeting of "Alice & Friends" group I was pleasantly impressed by your desire and zeal to reunite us, Romanians, and not only, in a beautiful community where we can express our thoughts, feelings and our own experiences regarding literature, culture and history of Romania.
                      I am very happy to be part of this wonderful Romanian cultural group, where everyone, in addition to expressing their opinion on the subject of the evening, they open their souls. 
                      This literary circle is a unique one, a promoter of culture & beauty; through it we keep alive the traditions, the roots & the connection with mother land, Romania. 
                      Thank you for your effort and selflessness, you are a special person and a real connector that keeps us all together, as a group. 
                      With much appreciation,

                      • Message from Tom Donohue (per April 2020) 
                        (Tom is an observer of ALICE & Friends Circle, a dear friend & a professional belonging to corporate world) 

                        Dear Alice
                        For more than 2 years I'm observing how your bellowed project (called "Alice & Friends") is nicely growing and evolving, and I'm super proud of you!
                        My most sincere congratulations, dear friend, for your beautiful work! Also, I'm super pleased to see that you were going strong even during the ongoing pandemic having (only) online events, and offering such a valuable community service! Hats up, my dear! You are amazing!
                        I wish you a very successful continuation with this wonderful project of yours, and I'm sure you will have it because people such as yourself (intelligent, hardworking, disciplined, open minded, refined, positive, visionary) are always reaching very far in life!
                        With appreciation,

                        • Message from Luminita Aldea (per May 2020) 
                          (Luminita is an overseas occasional special guest of ALICE & Friends Circle, a friend & a talented novelist, who wrote the following books: "Nisipuri miscatoare", "Acasa"- 4 volumes & "Ce dulci sunt fructele amare") 

                          I was very honored by the invitation of Mrs. Alice V. to participate at her cultural celebrations, organized as a bridge over the ocean, to honor the Romanian language and the love of the country where she was born.
                          Mrs. Alice carried Romania in her heart for several decades and she serves its culture, values and beauty. I would say, without the fear that it would be too much or that I might be wrong, that she is an honorary ambassador of the Romanianism in Canada. Along with her and her guests I lived emotional moments, moments in which I put my soul in my palm and showed it without the fear that it could be hurt by the lack of comprehension, because among Mrs. Alice's friends, my soul in loved with words and poetry, felt HOME....
                          Thank you, Alice, for the appreciation you showed the writer Luminita Aldea, appreciation that I have never felt in the country.
                          Good luck with the work done with such pleasure in order to show the world the spiritual treasures of the Romanian people!

                          • Message from Camelia Gligor (per August 2020)
                            (Camelia is part of ALICE & Friends Circle, a friend & a retired professional; her husband, Victor, is a talented painter 

                            Dear Alice,
                            "Alice & Friends", the circle created and led by you is besides a wonderful idea, which proved in a very short time a living reality, a necessity, and an opportunity awaited and desired by many in the Romanian community.
                            I participated with great pleasure at the group meetings and each time the subject you proposed (whether it was education, the anniversary of a historical event or literature) took wings, the conversations were lively and dynamic and we, the participants, very eager to express our  feelings, knowledge, opinions. We all have our own vision related to the subject and as we present our ideas, we complement each other, the interest grows, personal experiences bring a real touch and I always had the satisfaction of a fulfillment, the joy of communication and I felt enriched with new knowledge. 
                            These meetings give me the opportunity to meet and communicate with people who have the same interests in knowledge as me and broaden my horizons, feed my spirit and delight my soul.
                            Dear Alice, I want to thank you for the time, determination and energy you put into organizing these meetings and for inviting me to be part of this group.
                            I am glad that the group has grown & is constantly growing, & I appreciate the importance of its existence, both in the Romanian & in the Canadian Communities.

                            • Message from Teodor Trandafir (per September 2020) 
                              (Teodor together with his wife, Marcela, are occasional visitors of ALICE & Friends Circle and both are retired professionals. Additionally, Teodor writes and he is the author of 2 volumes of poetry, called "Balsam pentru suflet")  

                              Mrs. Alice,
                              My impression of the Circle that you have honorably founded and led for over 2 years, is more than positive and this is due to the fact that at the meetings with distinguished members that you have selected and brought to the circle, very interesting topics are approached, cultural, with a literary-patriotic character and not only, in the debate of which, those present participate with great enthusiasm.
                              This is also due to the pleasant and attractive way in which you, in the quality you have, stimulate the assistance and create a relaxing atmosphere, using inviting words, which lead to engaging discussions. Thus, original poems or the creations of other authors have been presented and evocations of more special historical events from the past of our nation. 
                              I consider the activity of the circle as being welcome, because it helps to objectively know some realities, it stimulates the artistic emotion and it brings great satisfaction to the members of the circle, as they each expressed it in countless occasions.
                              I wish you further success, Mrs. Alice, both to you and to your collaborators, with a life as long as possible of the "Alice & Friends" Circle, which is a source of beautiful nourishment for our thoughts!
                              With much esteem and appreciation,
                              Teodor Trandafir
                              September 27, 2020 

                              • Message from Daniela Secu (per October 2020) 
                                (Daniela is part of ALICE & Friends Circle, a dear friend & a practitioner belonging to medical field) 

                                "Alice & Friends" has become for me a circle of real friends, and it gives me a great pleasure to belong to it and to enjoy all its activities.
                                In this context, some of Alice's activities include book club sessions and literary evenings which celebrate significant events, representative for the Romanian and Canadian cultures. All events are interesting, dynamic, we all feel included and we all love to participate and express our opinions. During our group meetings, I also learned a lot of new things, and not to mention that I had the chance to met many special people.
                                Very appreciated were the evenings in which we had the opportunity to talk live with the authors of some of the books we've read.
                                Aside of that, highly regarded are the philanthropic gestures and the social gatherings Alice is also organizing. 
                                Thank you Alice, for everything that you do!

                                • Message from Monica T. (per November 2020) 
                                  (Monica is a supporter of ALICE & Friends Circle, a friend & a professional belonging to corporate world) 

                                  Dear Alice,
                                  For more than two years I participated with great joy and enthusiasm to almost all meetings you organized under the brand of "Alice & Friends Circle", which is the circle founded and led by you.
                                  With much honesty, I can say that always I admired and appreciated your effort, your enthusiasm and professionalism, as well as the great skills that you put forward in organizing these successful meetings.
                                  Aside of that, all the topics you chose for our group discussions have been very attractive and interesting, and here I would like to list only some of them: "hope", "trust", "gratitude", "summer", "friendship", "compassion", "loyalty" - all discussions on these subjects were truly fascinating and each of your guests and friends brought along a very special emotion or experience, openly shared with the entire group. 
                                  Also, with great enthusiasm and excellent skills, you organized very successful events relating to significant historic days of our Romanian people, and as a specific example I would mention here the festive Romania's National Day (each year on December 1).
                                  Likewise, we celebrated the day of our national poet, the great Mihai Eminescu, considered to be the shiniest star of the Romanian poetry. 
                                  You did not forget the other joyful days for us, such as "1 March" (martisor), and successfully brought back to us our ancient legends, pleasant childhood memories, when we all felt back home again (back in Romania), when we all were young and happy!
                                  Personally, I very much appreciate your community work and the continuous effort you put into this special initiative and with all my heart I wish you will continue with this beautiful soul initiative and everything relating to our culture, our values, sharing with the entire world the beauty of our homeland!
                                  With friendship,

                                  • Message from Alina D. (per May 2021)
                                    (Alina is an overseas observer of ALICE & Friends Circle, a long time dear friend & a professional belonging to corporate world) 

                                    Dear Alice,
                                    Sincere congratulations for the successful activity of the Circle you founded and that you are leading with so much love and professionalism!
                                    I'm so proud of you and I greatly appreciate the service you do for Romania by promoting our culture (Romanian being the country where you were borne), but also the honor you bring to Canada by promoting their culture as well (Canada being the country where you live now). Beautiful!
                                    I wish you perfect health and great strength, Alice! What you are doing with this circle is absolutely amazing and practically speaking this is highly skilled, unpaid volunteer work, which involves a lot of effort from you just to simply emphasize even more the beauty of arts and culture. My dear, this is philanthropy at its best! 
                                    You are such a generous and talented person, and above and beyond, you have an extraordinary soul!
                                    On the third anniversary, happy birthday to your beloved ALICE & FRIENDS CIRCLE
                                     and many, many blessed years ahead filled with wonderful moments, prosperity, success, joy and great achievements!
                                    With much appreciation,

                                    • Message from Coco Zslod (per May 2022)
                                      (Coco is a supporter of ALICE & Friends Circle, a new friend & a retired professional) 

                                      Dear Alice,
                                      As always, it is a great pleasure for me to attend the events you organize under your ALICE & Friends Circle
                                      , because these occasions bring along people with beautiful and sensible souls, who share the same solid and beautiful ideas about friendship and life, and who enjoy each other's company. They are always willing to open their hearts and souls to speak our beautiful Romanian language, and even thought we all are so far from "home", when we meet at your Circle we feel much closer to our homeland (Romania). It is really beautiful!
                                      I am glad that you included me into your Circle of friends! Being part of it gives me the chance to meet special people.
                                      I always look forward to your literary evenings, because your events are so interesting, always filled with diverse perspectives of those who always speak so beautifully and from whom I always could learn something new; we never know everything and there is always room for new ideas and for more life lessons. 
                                      May God give you, to your Circle, to our friends, to our families and to the entire world much joy, happiness, good health, peace & love!