Sunday, January 24, 2021

January 24'21: Romanian Principalities Little Union

An old page of Romanian history: The Little Union of the Romanian Principalities
January 24, 1859 - January 24, 2021. This year it is the 162th anniversary of the Union of Romanian Principalities (Wallachia and Moldavia) under the leadership of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, as Cuza was concomitantly elected the ruler of both (principalities).
January 24th, also known as the Little Unification (Romanian: "Mica Unire") celebrates the political union of these 2 principalities, which is considered the foundation of modern Romania. The United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, also known as "The Romanian United Principalities", was the official name of Romania following the 1859 election of Alexandru Ioan Cuza as the ruling prince (Romania: "domnitor") of both territories.
Years later, on December 1st, 1918, the Great Union happened (Romanian: "Marea Unire"), when the 3 Romanian Principalities (Wallachia, Moldavia & Transylvania) became one country, one voice, called "Romania", and December 1st became Romania's National Day.