Wednesday, March 20, 2019


According to the definition given by dictionary, GRATITUDE is the ability of showing appreciation or of being thankful for all what you have been given, helping us to focus more on the abundant side of life and by doing so we increase our capacity of being happy!
In fact, by extrapolation, we could say that gratitude is a form of love for one another too, because when we feel true gratitude for another we truly begin to harmonize with that person, while relationship becomes much stronger.

On the other hand, scientific research has been shown that heartfelt gratitude it is the most effective medicine for depression, while taking nothing for granted!
 “Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart,” wrote Seneca once upon a time, while Cicero (a great Roman philosopher) said that “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.”

Feeling grateful is a desired state of being because it is nurturing in every way; it is believed that the more appreciative you are for all the things you have in your life you would receive even more to be grateful for. 
And once again, please be kindly reminded that it is not happiness that brings us GRATITUDE, but rather gratitude that brings us HAPPINESS!  
Be Thankful
Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire ... if you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know something ... for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times ... during those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations ... they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge... which will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes ... they will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary ... because it means you've given your all.
It's easy to be thankful for the 'good' things ... yet, a life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive ... find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they can become your blessings.

March 20, 2019: SPRING has arrived!

SPRING has sprung and the entire nature is unfolding the next cycle of are blooming, trees are flowering, birds are singing, days are getting slightly longer and longer, and the sun is getting shinier and shiner. With sincere joy and gratitude we celebrate again the greening of the Earth, welcoming beautiful beginnings. At this time of the year, I’m wishing each of you a wonderful season, trusting that the sun would shine bright upon you!
Spring is the time of plans and projects.” (Lev Tolstoy)
SPRING EQUINOX: a short scientific briefing  

“Spring Equinox” is an astronomical event, nearly noticed by everyone, when the day and night are almost of an equal length, marking the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere; this is commonly regarded as the instant of time when the plane (extended indefinitely in all directions) of Earth's equator passes through the center of the Sun.
This is one of the four seasonal turning points, when the strength of the old goes into the new as the power of life blossoms with grace while Nature springs again to LIFE. Enjoy!
SPRING (by Antonio Vivaldi) – audio

Friday, March 8, 2019

Socializing: 2019 – INTERNATIONAL WOMEN's Day

Another beautiful group event, on Friday (March 8, 2019) celebrating the International Women's Day…eating together, socializing while enjoying each other’s company made it for another special page written in the book of time.  Once again dear friends, HAPPY International Women's Day!
“Girls with dreams become women with vision.“
Mesaj primit înspre publicare din partea Domnului Dr. Ovidiu Grecea* şi al Doamnei Liliana Grecea
Draga Alice, am ajuns cu bine acasă. Cât de distinse, frumoase și bucuroase au fost doamnele din comunitatea romanilor-canadieni din Vancouver, care au răspuns invitatiei tale și cât de bine s-a simțit toată lumea! Astfel de momente speciale, fără eticheta și protocol excesiv, aduc normalitatea și scot in evidentă adevăratele valori, aduna și nu dezbina, sunt pe sufletul romanilor adevarati care simt nevoia de a se aduna și de a petrece impreuna. Aceasta seara, acest eveniment cu o dedicație specială poate sa se constituie ca un exemplu dar și un punct de reper la revigorarea comunității si la înțelegerea ca numai impreuna, cu toleranta și dorința de bine, ne vom regăsi poziția binemeritata in multiculturalismul societății canadiene de astăzi. Romanii sunt frumoși, deștepți, muncitori și puternic legati de tradițiile lor dar trebuie sa se coaguleze, sa-și depășească niște complexe, frustrări sau animozități și sa construiască încet, sigur și solid o relație interumana de buna înțelegere și sprijin reciproc. Te-ai angajat pe un drum greu și nu vei avea o misiune ușoară dar intențiile tale bune, noblețea sufleteasca, delicatețea și gingasia ta, dublate de voința de a face ceva palpabil și concret se vor constitui in ingredientele benefice acestei comunități, in viitorul apropiat. A fost o reala onoare și plăcere pentru noi de a fi impreuna cu romanii noștri, cu care am discutat, împărtășit multe experiențe de viața și am petrecut prin muzica, dans și antren, o seara minunata.... iar acestea nu sunt cuvinte de diplomație ieftină, ci sunt trăirile unor oameni care in afara demnităților efemere deținute in timp, au avut șansa ca prin umila lor educație din familie și cea dobândită, înfruntând destule vicisitudini ale vieții sa cunoască mulți romani, in cele mai diferite continente din lumea asta. Tocmai de aceea, înțelegem și apreciem eforturile și implicarea ta și îți dorim mult succes, cu tact, calm și înțelepciune. Speram sa ne revedem sănătoși și voioși, 
Liliana și Ovidiu Grecea
*Domnul Ovidiu Grecea este Consul General şi Ministru Plenipotenţiar al României la Vancouver
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture. 

March 8, 2019: Happy INTERNATIONAL WOMEN's Day!

As the entire world is celebrating today (March 8'19) the beauty of womanhood, I’m sending along my best greetings wishing all my friends, near & far, a marvelous International Women’s Day, filled with much love & joy!
Ladies, wishing you each have a wonderful day, packed with many precious moments together with your dear ones, while feeling loved & appreciated!
 “A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.” (Melinda Gates)

Friday, March 1, 2019

Saluting the Romanian tradition called “Mărțișor”

On Friday (March 1, 2019) I was delighted to be able to meet at a public library with a group of friends to celebrate an ancient Romanian tradition, called 'Mărțișor'

Before I will give you the usual, concise, update on how things went, I would like to briefly elaborate a bit on what Mărțișor” really means. The name Mărțișor” (mərt͡siˈʃor) is the diminutive of “Marț”, the old folk name for March (“martie”, in modern Romanian language), and literally means "the little March". On the other hand, the actual Mărțișor” is made of a small decorative object, tied to a white and red string, with two hanging tassels, which is offered customarily on the 1st day of March to girls, women & men (in some parts of the country) as it is believed that the wearer will stay strong and healthy throughout the entire year ahead. In the old times Mărțișor” was regarded more as a protective talisman, but in modern days, and especially in the urban areas, most of its talisman properties got lost and Mărțișor” became more a symbol of friendship, love, appreciation and respect, as well as a symbol of the coming spring in addition to the snowdrop flowers. (In the comments section I’m posting a more elaborated description of the history & the legend of “Mărțișor”.)

For this very occasion (this evening's event being called "LEGENDA MARTISORULUI"), personally, I’ve crafted a number of Mărțișoare” and I was truly happy to be able to gift each of my guests with…each lady that night was glowing with joy.

Our group this time was fairly large and we all were pleased to have with us again two guests of honor – Dr. Ovidiu Grecea together with his wife. Dr. Grecea is Consul General of Romania in Vancouver, Head of the Romanian Diplomatic Mission here as well as Plenipotentiary Minister of Romania.
Dr. Grecea transmitted us all a beautiful message of peace, highlighting again the importance of effective communication and productive collaboration.
Additionally, Dr. Grecea brought us a number of special Mărțișoare” especially hand crafted by a group of young students from an elementary school from Bucharest (Romania), accompanied by a kind letter, initialised by all those children; personally, I found this gesture truly heart touching!

Aside of that, two other guests (Maria & Dana) also brought Mărțișoare” for each participant, creating even larger waves of joy and excitement.
After all the gifts were distributed, we continued our program with the cultural section, which was meant to focus on the legend of Mărțișor” as well as sharing regional customs inherited from our ancestors.

All the presenters that night (Dorina, Lidia, Ileana, Ligia, Monica, Dana, Camelia, John and Teodor) highly spoke about this Romanian tradition (called “Mărțișor”)
….different legends were re-iterated, poems were recited (some are published in the comments section below) and fond memories were refreshed….facts that made each of us recall the childhood times filled with such unforgettable fragrance…you know, those little special memories, which last a lifetime!

The time we spent together flew by very, very fast and by the end of the night, we all enjoyed a well garnished selection of light refreshments, which allowed for prolonged socialization. Definitively, a beautiful evening filled with many special moments and for these I’m sending along my sincere gratitude to each participant that night. 
Until next time, best wishes to all!
Mesaj primit înspre publicare din partea Domnului Dr. Ovidiu Grecea* şi al Doamnei Liliana Grecea
Draga Alice, am ajuns cu bine acasă, parca mai bogați sufletește și intelectual, mai bucuroși că am avut ocazia, privilegiul și onoarea de a fi împreună cu niște oameni deosebiți, atât de erudiți, de binevoitori și de înțelepți. Desigur că, un merit deosebit îl ai tu care prin stăruința, tact, perseverență și gingășie ai reușit ca să aduni niște adevărate repere ale românilor-canadieni din Vancouver. Fie ca acești primi pași în prag de primăvară să aducă revigorarea adevăratei calități umane și de înaltă ținută, de adevărata probitate profesională și morală, de reprezentativitate a sevei sănătoase românești pe aceste meleaguri. Sperăm să auzim numai de bine și să ne revedem sănătoși și voioși la alte asemenea întâmplări ale lui Alice cu ... comoara minunilor de caractere frumoase prin simplitatea lor și atât de puternice, prin sensibilitatea sufletească pe care o împărtășesc cu o deosebită generozitate.
Cu sentimente prietenești,
Liliana și Ovidiu Grecea
*Domnul Ovidiu Grecea este Consul General şi Ministru Plenipotenţiar al României la Vancouver
“Our culture, our traditions, our language make the foundation
upon which we build our identity.“
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture. 
A previous card I've created referring to "Mărțișor" – 2019 
 Fotogallery published on their website by the General Consulate of Romania in Vancouver
 ARTICLE featuring our event on March 1’19 offered by OBSERVATORUL (from Toronto)

“March 1” – a day to celebrate spring return

On "March 1" some European countries celebrate (un-conventionally) the beginning of spring, when small tokens of appreciation, mostly flowers, are exchanged amongst friends.
Wishing you & your friends share this beautiful custom, meant to harmonize even more your existing relationships.
“Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship, is conversation.” (Oscar Wilde)