Monday, April 22, 2019


International Earth Day  is celebrated across the entire globe today (April 22), and the purpose of this is to raise awareness among people in regards to environmental issues which surround the world today.
Now, what is your ‘green’ inspiration to keep the Earth clean? A good example could be: REDUCE, RE-USE, RECYCLE, so you could make 'Earth Day' every day.
Also, I believe that t
eaching our children how to live green is the best way to change the world.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

April 2019: Happy EASTER!

EASTER (Pascha) – a symbol of hope, revival & new life…wishing you a blessed time with your loved ones!
Also, at this time, early greetings to all my Romanian friends who will celebrate this holiday a week later.  

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Brief reflections on VIRTUES

By many cultures around the world and consecrated traditions, virtues are valued characteristics which are growing with each individual since conception and generally speaking can’t be imposed because they should be the ‘fruits’ of the spirit! 

Over time, life has shown us that all virtues are actually the best ‘helpers’ which could assist with the challenges encountered as a person walks the path of life – at times, it is absolutely amazing to notice how well they serve as ‘teachers’ during the journey until a particular lesson is fully learned, otherwise the lesson will keep repeating itself until one will deeply understand and practice a specific virtue, not just envisioning it. 

In short, summarizing here my rather brief points I've shared with you on this subject, I would like to say that basically virtues form the essence of a person’s character, which in fact could have the potential to determine one’s destiny. Pondering a bit longer on this, without any doubt we could imply that the more people truly recognize and fully understand the major impact of practicing virtues could have on their daily life, the more their lives would open up to bigger possibilities, to brighter horizons, to deeper  joy, to superior delight and to a greater fulfillment. The choice is yours, and while at this page it is worth remembering that your life is the sum of all your choices.
All good virtues and goodness itself will gradually find their true home in the heart in which love dwells.
Few virtues to aim for: Honesty, Compassion, Justice, Patience, Kindness, Faith, Courage, Hope, Charity, Humility, Loyalty, Trust, Morality, Fortitude, Prudence…