Thursday, August 20, 2020

Contemplation: 2020 – a summer like never before

Generally speaking, summer is the perfect time of the year we all are looking forward to with much excitement, but unparalleled, this year our warmest weeks unfolded differently as none of us expected a season of cancelled vacations and enforced social distancing throughout the entire world - without any doubt, decisions hard to make, but believed to be done with health and safety at the core. 

Even thought it might look or feel like a summer of missed opportunities (like missed friends, missed bonding time, missed exotic travels, missed group trips, etc., etc.), the summer still occurred and we all had to become more creative in finding ways to remain optimistic, as well as to continue to support each other despite the harshness. And so we did!

In a way or another, we all adjusted and came up with a variety of ideas and activities doable from the comfort of our homes or availabilities within the local reach, at the same time following the rules in place.
In a way or another, we each continued with our lives, learning on how to face the current challenges and grow from them, while moving forward in a positive way.
In my opinion, this is the time when our spirit, resilience and determination could shine brighter than ever before.
This is the time we all could deepen our understanding on what compassion really means, or what kindness feels like, and why not, what unity through diversity could look like.
If we are willing to dedicate some time to contemplate, we realize that during this difficult stage, our perspective on what it is important in life might change and improve if we choose to do so.
For instance, from small to big, from irrelevant to relevant, from trivial to significant, just by simply changing the conversation openers, we could make a positive change; from "How are you?" to "What are you grateful for today?" or "What is the best thing that happened to you today?" we could move the focus of a conversation toward a positive direction and that's very important during trying times. There is a huge difference between replying and having a conversation, and it is important to notice this variance! Sharing a positive thought is a simple and beautiful way to encourage a deeper response and to shift a person's perspective for good. Great questions definitively spur a great conversation; a great conversation always builds bridges of trust, and ignites the sparks of joy, all leading to valuable insights able to restore a little fun and happiness during this uncommon summer!
"Keep your face toward the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind."

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Live up to your full potential

Lately, reading a large number of different articles about people’s lives, destinies, talents, choices, options and so on, an old fable comes to me, which I find worth sharing further. May you have a peaceful lecture!

Fable of the Eagle and the Chickens
Once upon a time, an old farmer found an eagle’s egg and took it home to put it in a nest with the rest of his other chickens; soon, the eagle’s egg hatched and the young eagle grew up with all the other chickens and whatever the chickens did, the eagle did too, because he thought he was a chicken, just like them. The chickens could fly only for a short distance, so the eagle also learned to fly only for a short distance, since he thought that this was all what he supposed to do, all what he could do, and as a result that was all what he was able to do.
But one day, the eagle saw a majestic bird flying high above him; he was so very impressed, and asked the chickens around him: “Who is that?”
The chickens replied: “That’s the eagle, the king of the birds; he belongs to the sky, we belong to the earth…we are just chickens.” So the eagle lived his entire life and died as a chicken, because that’s what he thought he was!
Moral: Be careful of the company you keep, because even an eagle could become a chicken! 
If you listen, believe or adopt the limitations others have put on themselves you will never be able to reach your full potential and be what you are meant to be. 
It is always very important to be mindful, to stay informed, to do your own research, to be documented, to asses yourself objectively and always choose wisely!
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Socializing: CANADA Day 2020 – Morning Coffee Talks

A lovely Wednesday morning (brief, on line) social gathering (on July 1'20) together with some of my available friends (while continuing to keep in line with the current guidance on physical distancing) celebrating the country we all love: CANADA. 

This year is Canada’s 153rd birthday, and Canada Day is a bit different than before, as many restrictions still remain in place (large gatherings being banned, in-person events cancelled or held on line) in order to continue to flatten the COVID-19 curve.

But, despite the difficult times that we all are going through, to the best that we each can, it is important to be reminded that we all live in one of the greatest countries in the world. This is an appropriate occasion to honor our freedom, our values, our diversity and everything else that makes our nation such a special place we all call “home”.
Also, my most sincere appreciation to all of my guests today for expressing genuine gratitude for their life in Canada…different perspectives, different generations, different experiences, different demographics, different walks of life, but one voice: “Thank you, Canada!” May we each continue to grow in gratitude, as it has the potential to always bring new waves of joy and beauty into our lives!
Once more, to all my Canadian friends, near & far, from my heart to yours: HAPPY CANADA DAY, dear fellow Canadians! 
This event was featuring the Canadian life & culture.  
● Some of my additional greetings referring to CANADA Day – 20202019 
● Additional references:
Canada (an extensive descriptive material, as per Encyclopedia Britannica)
> The article our dear friend Dorina Aldea wrote about Canada: “Happy Birthday, Canada!
● Few supplementary articles of large interest about Canada