Sunday, July 31, 2022

Summer vibes of 2022

As the current summer is nicely unfolding, I took a bit of time to reflect on how much life and people have changed lately, given the most recent ‘saga’ the entire world was going through, and the concept of contentment (in its full complexity) was emerging like never before, emphasizing that in fact it is not so important how much and what you have, but rather how do you relate to what you have. You can have a lot and still be in need of that little “something” in order to reach happiness. 
Or, you can deliberately choose to enjoy every single thing you have, and when you perceive life this way, shortly you realize that you have a lot.
On the other hand, noticing with satisfaction the joy of the long summer days, or that the sky is unfathomably blue, while observing that the sun is not a second late in meeting the sunrise, without any doubt your heart will be overwhelmed by the surrounding beauty of nature.  Yes…observe, give thanks and enjoy!
It is believed by many that “thankfulness precedes a miracle”. Our elders used to consider that contentment (gratitude) is the most inexpensive medicine for maintaining a good health, a glowing inner beauty and sound relationships. Yes, relationships! You all know that in life, disgruntled and grumpy people are always avoided, so it is much wiser to choose to be on the side of the grateful and the content ones! Yes, it is a choice and it is entirely yours!

Friday, July 1, 2022

Socializing: CANADA Day 2022 – Morning Coffee Talks

On July 1st, 2022, Canada turns 155, and on that day (Friday – July 1st, 2022) we had our annual social reunion meant to honor this very special occasion, this beautiful and very unique country, with a sense of genuine patriotism.
Outside it was a very nice and sunny weather, but before everyone left their homes to attend different celebrations in town, we’ve gathered on line (for everybody’s convenience) to enjoy our coffee together, while discussing a bit about our life in this great country. 
At today’s dialogue table (under my brand “Morning Coffee Talks with Alice”), the invited friends belong to different walks of life, and during our conversation they each shared openly their renewed perspectives about their life in Canada, about their new experiences (good or lesser), about their dreams and about their plans for the future….all in one, interesting viewpoints worth considering, where gratitude still holds its own place.
Once again, dear fellow Canadians who joined me this morning, HAPPY CANADA DAY,
and many thanks for honestly sharing your thoughts with the rest of the group…as always, your support is highly appreciated!
This event was featuring the Canadian life & culture.
● Previous events I organized on the same theme: CANADA Day – 20212020
● Some of my additional greetings referring to CANADA Day – 2022202120202019 

July 1, 2022: CANADA Day

Happy Canada Day! Canada's national holiday is celebrated annually, on July 1st.
As you might know from the history books, on July 1, 1867, the nation was officially born when the “Constitution Act” joined three provinces into one country: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Canada province, which then split into Ontario and Quebec. However, Canada was not completely independent of England until 1982. Canada is a very unique country, with such a diverse population, immense territories, and our national holiday is the perfect occasion for all Canadians across the land to show their patriotism. Each year on July 1st, many communities organize a large variety of events (eloquent cultural displays and many outdoor public events, such as parades, carnivals, festivals, air and maritime shows, fireworks, picnics, sporting events, many free musical concerts, as well as citizenship ceremonies), when the spirit of togetherness melts all barriers and brings people joy.
To all those who consider Canada as their home and native land, once again, HAPPY CANADA DAY!
● My previous greetings on the same theme: CANADA Day – 202120202019
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)