Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Benefits of TRAVELLING

According to many, travelling should be considered an
essential human activity because it seems to be in our genes, as extensive scholastic studies are demonstrating that it is not natural for us to be sedentary.
Historically speaking, for most of the time our species existed, people lived as nomadic hunter-gatherers moving around quite often, approach which proved to be quite useful.
Personally, it feels to me that the very nature of travelling entails a fair share of wishful thinking, demanding at the same time a leap of faith and imagination. From making you happier, to reducing stress or by teaching you about the world or yourself, travelling could be considered an exquisite nourishing “food” for the soul.
Whether traveling for a vacation, business trip or some other adventure/s, whether taking a quick weekend getaway or a multi-month sabbatical around the world, travel offers a wide range of benefits, and for your convenience, here is a concise list various experts put together:
- Travelling could improve your communication skills, your creativity, and it could help expand even further your personal development
- Travelling could help you achieve a lasting peace of mind (by reducing stress & anxiety) and it could boost your self-confidence effectively
- International travelling could make you more tolerant and it could broaden your understanding of different cultures
- Travelling could help you appreciate even more the beauty of our nature and Earth
- Travelling could expand your horizons and your social network, while giving you the possibility to create new lifetime memories
- Travelling could sharpen your mind, it could shift your perspective about life in general, and (if needed) it could help you find a new purpose
- World travelling could help you appreciate even more your home, your friends, your country or your life.
Concluding, dear friends, I truly believe that travelling it is not always or necessarily about a certain place or specific destination, but rather about what we bring to it and how we interact with it. Extrapolating, we could state that travelling it is not necessarily about the destination or about the journey in itself, but rather about how you transform yourself during the experience…it is not necessarily about leaving your home, but about leaving behind old habits that are not serving you any longer.
Wherever life might take you next, I wish you happy and safe travels!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Socializing: CANADA Day 2024 – Morning Coffee Talks

 The complete briefing will be available soon. Thank you!

July 1, 2024: CANADA Day

Yearly, on July 1st, Canadians across the country and around the world display their national history, showcase their culture and acknowledge achievements…without any doubt, this is a special day, when lots of festivities are held throughout the entire realm, since 1868. 
Once again, as I’ve mentioned few times in the past, CANADA truly reflects the old concept of unity in diversity, and diversity in unity.
Congratulations to youCanada…and once again, a very warm and happy Canada Day to one and all!
● National Anthem: O Canada – audio  
● Historic background info:
On July 1, 1867, the nation was officially born when the “Constitution Act” joined three provinces into one country: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Canada province, which then split into Ontario and Quebec. However, Canada was not completely independent of England until 1982. The holiday called “Dominion Day” was officially established in 1879, but it wasn't observed by many Canadians, who considered themselves to be British citizens.
“Dominion Day” started to catch on when the 50th anniversary of the confederation rolled around, in 1917. In 1946, a bill was put forth to rename “Dominion Day”, but arguments in the House of Commons over what to call the holiday stalled the bill.
The 100th anniversary of the nation's official creation in 1967 saw the growth of the spirit of Canadian patriotism, and “Dominion Day” celebrations really began to take off. Although quite a few Canadians already called the holiday “Canada Day” (“Fête du Canada”), the new name wasn't formally adopted until October of 1982.
My previous greetings on the same theme: CANADA Day – 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019