Sunday, March 20, 2022

March 20, 2022: SPRING Equinox & World Happiness Day

 Blossom by blossom a new spring just arrived…enjoy it, dear friends! 
March 20, 2022 (Spring Equinox) officially marks the first day of spring in Northern Hemisphere, & at this time I wish you allow the bright sun to shower you with its warmth.
Also, on March 20, 2022, the entire world is observing the International Day of Happiness.
“Right now, across the world, there are many crisis situations, including those in Ukraine, Yemen, Gaza, and elsewhere. Focusing on happiness is becoming increasingly difficult. So, today, on International Day of Happiness, let's remind ourselves and everyone around us that our actions matter, and that each one of us, no matter where we are, can contribute to a more compassionate world. ”
● My previous greetings on the same themes: SPRING Equinox & World HAPPINESS Day – 202120202019

Friday, March 18, 2022

Alice’s Book Club – WINTER session of 2022

Special edition – live session with 4 guest speakers
     ~ exclusively for ALICE & Friends Circle™ ~
Before the cold winter of 2022 was officially over, on Friday (March 18’22) we had the first session of the year for my seasonal book club series, discussing
inner beauty & outer beauty
To everybody’s delight, this time I invited 4 guest speakers – Drs. John S. & Mihai S., nutritionist Bogdana N. (the owner of “Health Quest Project” skin therapist Dana S. (the owner of “Micro Current Facial Treatment”, who professionally covered the selected theme from several perspectives.
Aside of that, well prior to our meeting, I distributed to my invitees few reading materials about the subject, aiming to enhance even more our group conversation.
On the other hand, please do know that my guest speakers were absolutely wonderful, all delivering captivating presentations, while providing lots of important details, scientific explanations and valuable practical tips we each could use in order to maintain and develop even more our inner and outer beauty.
For your reference, in the
comments section are some additional handouts, compliments of them.

Also, as I always do in my public briefings, here I will share with you only several concepts of general interest, while respecting the confidentially of the personal matters discussed:
-  The overall health is influenced by many factors (internal & external) and in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises one should observe regularly the medical tests (much wiser to prevent rather than treat)
- Emotions deeply affect your health, so learning how to manage them wisely could prevent related health issues
- It is important for us to learn how to tell the difference between our emotions and our feelings (when you are grounded and present with mindfulness it is much easier to tell the difference)
- Emotions are chemical based and often linked to hormones (they are about anger, over excitement, fear, rejection, pride, urges, power, lack and control)
- Feelings, are emerging from a more neutral space (from where your soul speaks to you, from where your intuition, gut feelings & calm observation pay off)
- Living mindfully is one of the very best ways you could use to transform your life
- Constantly observe your thoughts and emotions (calm, balanced neutrality is key for guiding the decisions of your life)
- It is also important to realize that you are not always your thoughts (just because a thought goes through your mind it doesn’t mean that it shapes your reality)
- Follow your greatest joy (for some this is art, music or dancing; for others it’s inventing, reading, healing, writing or connecting with other people)
- Stay positive (it is OK to go with this flow, but always trust your instincts and mindfully follow what your heart desires)
- Laugh every day (laughter reduces the level of stress hormones, and increases the level of health-enhancing hormones)
- Laughter brings the focus away from negative emotions, making you more cheerful and putting you in a positive frame of mind
- Researchers found that our response to stressful events can be altered by whether we view something as a “threat” or a “challenge.” Humor can give us a more light-hearted perspective and helps us view events as “challenges,” thereby making them less threatening and more positive
- Nutritional Therapy is a bio-individual approach to health and wellness that focuses on using nutrient dense whole foods to support vibrant health as well as focusing on “Foundations” for health and embracing body’s innate ability to heal
- The “Foundations for Health” from a Nutritional Therapy perspective are: fresh whole food (how to eat properly prepared, nutrient-dense, whole foods), digestion (why you are not just what you eat, but what you actually absorb), blood sugar regulation (how to balance blood sugar and increase energy), fatty acids balance (why you need healthy fats and cholesterol in your diet), mineral balance (the critical roles of minerals and how to get more in your diet) and hydration (why water is the most important nutrient and how to best hydrate)
- Beautiful skin on the outside begins with good health on the inside
- Because your skin is one of your body’s protective mechanisms, it is easily damaged by external causes such as sunlight, pollution, and internal causes, such as poor nutrition, lack of antioxidants and essential fatty acids, stress and cigarette smoke
- The face is ultimately a reflection of internal health and emotional well-being (looking good and having a positive body image is not vanity, it is the road to a long, healthy and happy life)
The group discussion of the evening being so rich in content, made us all completely forget the time and when we adjourned, there were several voices echoing that we should continue to speak more about this important topic since is touching a lot our everyday lives, so another future talk on this already carved its way in my agenda. Furthermore, here is the link of a short material I wrote on the same theme: (Inner Beauty, Outer Beauty)…enjoy it!
Concluding my briefing, once again, much appreciation to my dear friends who honored my invitation!
Warm regards,
Outer beauty pleases the eye, but inner beauty pleases the heart. 

Monday, March 14, 2022

Inner Beauty, Outer Beauty

Over centuries, BEAUTY has been defined as being directly related to someone or something having pleasant or attractive characteristic/s, most of the time based on a subjective manner or perception, being categorized into outer & inner beauty.

Generally speaking, when people think or speak about OUTER BEAUTY they mostly refer to the physical or external aspect, the style and the attitude of a person. This is claimed by many to be as important (if not more important) than inner beauty. However, that is simply not true, because outer beauty does not last forever and all the trends constantly change. Outer beauty is nice, but it doesn’t help your soul evolve.
Unfortunately, women are often told that outer beauty is crucial to survive in life, but unfortunately this is only a poor commercial strategy used to sell lots of products, meant to sustain the fashion industry.
Aside of that, nowadays, our society exposes very many images (samples & “prototypes”) of outer beauty, displaying a large collection of models while offering many (too many) suggestions based on which the large majority of people (males, females or children) could re-define themselves by easily embracing the preferred choice; at first sight, this approach could lead to pleasant results, where the external form is further and further redefined or perfected, but in the midst of all these changes (metamorphosis) I believe that the external beautification process (if I can say so) could lead to something which might not end up being necessarily yours, lacking the personal distinctiveness, where the ‘true’ you (the core of who you really are) could be completely vanished or be very well hidden under the ‘new look’ and in the end you could become disconnected from your true personality while becoming just a pretty decoration!
Being attractive means much more than having a pretty face or a good body. Having a nice skin, a sound hygiene, a healthy diet, a good exercising routine, clean clothing and a positive attitude could take you far, but equally important it is how do you project yourself to the surrounding world.

On the other hand, INNER BEAUTY, has a much deeper meaning as it comes from inside; it goes far beyond the physical appearances, it is extremely powerful and according to some it is the only true beauty! Inner beauty simply refers to the personality of an individual, including his (or her) mind and character. Beyond the way you look it is your personality that gets noticed. Unlike external beauty (that is mostly dependent on your biological appearance), inner beauty has the potential of getting better with age, when a person becomes more peaceful and better equipped to build lasting relationships. It is believed by many that inner beauty reflects outer beauty, and without it there is no value to outer beauty. In life people should succeed because of their good personality too not only because of their good looks. 
A person with true inner beauty is a person who is capable and willing to offer unconditional love (not just empty words), compassion, and sensitivity to other souls while fully possessing attributes such as respect, gratitude, devotion, peace, harmony, dignity, grace and purity.

In short, I’m just ringing a bell here, for all the seekers of beautification, emphasizing that a true, lasting transformation should come from inside out, as external beauty is nothing without the light of a truly beautiful soul. In life, it is important to have a good balance between outer and inner beauty…when outer beauty meets the inner beauty it makes for a blessed situation, where both the physical and the spiritual aspects of beauty could be experienced.
Outer beauty is a gift, but inner beauty is an accomplishment.”