Dear Romanian fellows, near and far, together with my family, we wish you peace, good health, prosperity and joyful moments together with your loved ones!
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
December 1, 2020: Romania’s National Day
Dear Romanian fellows, near and far, together with my family, we wish you peace, good health, prosperity and joyful moments together with your loved ones!
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
November 11, 2020: REMEMBRANCE Day
● A previous post on the same theme: REMEMBRANCE Day – 2019
Monday, November 9, 2020
The ’art’ of WELLBEING
All seems to be pretty straight forward, but when it comes to the practical aspect of it, so many people stumble badly, and the big question is why? Hard to draw a general conclusion because every person is different and the subject in itself is truly vast, but here, I will list very few concepts from classics, which I find worth sharing further:
- In life, moving toward a greater sense of well-being is an ongoing journey, made of many small steps
- For a well-being seeker it is recommended to constantly be active, be positive, be social and be mindful
- Have every day a clear sense of purpose and sound resilience
- Create for yourself a healthy mindset (remember, a positive mindset is an investment on your overall well-being)
- Stop blaming others for your life failure/s (also known as 'the victim syndrome' or 'the victim mentality'), analyze yourself (in a mature & objective manner) and then take full responsibility for your behavior and actions
- Stay connected with people through meaningful relationships (in other words, be a good friend...if you don't know how, grab a book and learn the skill)
- Be grateful (appreciate every moment, every sunset, nature, and everything which surrounds you)
- Keep learning new things and smile every day
Generally speaking, when people think or speak about well-being, they are tempted to consider that only big things in life could make a big difference, but more often than not, the many little things, done consistently, with a bright smile on the face, have the biggest impact on one's life
So, as I wrap up my brief comments here, I'm glad to leave you with an excerpt, helpful to meditate upon...enjoy!
"Never forget that the skin wrinkles, the hair turns gray and the days turn into years...but what it is important remains: your strength and determination are ageless. It is your spirit that removes the spider webs. Beyond any point of arrival is one of departure, beyond any success is another attempt. As long as you live, you feel alive. If you miss what you've been doing, do that again. Don't get lost among the photos yellowed by time...carry on, especially when everybody expects you to renounce. Don't let your strength perish and by doing so, instead of pity, you command respect. When you can't run anymore, take a trot; when you can't do that either, walk, and when you can't walk freely any longer, take a cane, but never give up." (Mother Teresa)
Friday, October 23, 2020
Alice’s Book Club – AUTUMN session of 2020
As the autumn is softly unfolding, on Friday (October 23'20) I was glad to be able to organize my last book club session of the current year, with a small group of close friends, this time discussing trust.
Given that officially our world is still functioning under lots of restrictions relating to the ongoing pandemic, we are continuing with online programs.
For our evening together, the selected reading material featuring "trust" included a relevant article published by the "Harvard Business Review" conjugated with another paper issued by "Psychology Today", both in addition to personal perspectives as well as individual insights and factual life related episodes.
Also, since my previous book club session was more of an intimate nature and my guests loved it so much, I decided to carry on with the same group size, which helped our conversation reach a much deeper level, to everybody's delight.
The subject discussed is actually quite massive, but for the purpose of our gathering we covered only some fundamental perspectives, applying to the current period the entire world is going through.
The phenomenon of trust has been extensively explored by a variety of disciplines across the social sciences, including economics, social psychology and political science. The breadth and depth of this literature offer a very rich insight, and this is noted in the common elements that appear in the definition of trust, but here, on this briefing, I'm sharing with you only few points, thoughts and statements, concisely touched on that evening:
- The person who doesn't trust, won't be trusted
- In order to trust people, first of all you need to feel good about them
- Positivity, good judgment and consistency are few key elements of trust
- Trust is an attitude of hopefulness about life, a sense that the power of love is the greatest power
- Discovering who you really are (self-knowledge) leads to understanding and trust
- Trust is an essential part of all human relationships, including romantic, family, spirituality, business, politics, education or medical practices (for example, if you don't trust your doctor, it would be very difficult to maintain a good & steady relation or to follow his/her professional advice)
- Trust is the most important part of a relationship ...and so on...
Wrapping up this sharing, we all agreed that quite often than not life is hard and difficult, but ultimately it is really trustworthy!
Our talks were open, warm and genuine, from heart to heart, mind to mind, and as usual, our time together flew by very fast. At the end of the session, as my guests were weaving 'good bye' it was very heart-touching for me to hear them wish we could meet more often in the future as our gatherings bring them each a lot of joy! What else could I ask for?!
Also, for your convenience and enjoyment, here is a personal briefing I wrote some time ago on this very subject, called: TRUST...the 'glue' of life...peaceful reading!
While at this page, I would like to highlight an old truth, which says:
"It is important to understand the difference between a person who joins you in his/her free time and a person who makes time for you."
As this was the last book club session of the year, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all my loyal friends who each time (not just occasionally) made themselves available to connect & genuinely support the "Alice & Friends" community initiative...their beautiful contribution is well noted & highly appreciated!
either a FRIEND for life or a LESSON for life."