Sunday, January 10, 2021

Thoughts at the beginning of the year (January 2021)

A new year is unfolding on front of us, allowing people to reflect and to re-evaluate, to analyze, to make fresh plans and to build new dreams for the future.
Given that 2020 was so tumultuous, in ways that many of us never experienced before, it offered the entire humanity the occasion to learn lots of valuable lessons as well as to ponder deeper about life in 
itself, about meaning, and about everything else in between.

Based on a number of observations, here I will share some thoughts. 
Things that 2020 clearly re-emphasized and
what to take with us into the New Year
- Life is a mix of good and bad, of chaos and order, and we each need to pay close attention to our daily existence, to be more present, to stay well informed and to make wise choices
- You can't please everyone or make everyone like you; don't worry if some people don't like you....typically, such individuals are struggling liking themselves
- Stay away of negativity or negative people because usually they have a problem for every solution...some people will only like you as long as you fit into their sand box...ignore them and follow your dreams
- There are people who try to build themselves by tearing others down, instead of looking within to find out how they could improve their own lives, so it is wise and healthy to avoid such troublemakers
- Help everyone to the best that you can, but in your circle team up only with positive people (team up only with real friends - the ones who sincerely encourage & support you)....always keep good people in your life & stay far away of profiteers, melodramatic, selfish, jealous, ungrounded & fake individuals, incapable of maintaining a pleasant, steady & positive friendship (on front & behind you)
- Nobody has a perfect life and everyone has their own things to work on, but some people simply know how to deal with issues in a perfectly civilized manner
- Never let your fears decide your destiny and as you walk your path and mind your business, never stop learning because life never stops teaching
- Life in itself is the most difficult exam and many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper, so it is always wise to focus on solving your exam paper, on answering your questions, and on fixing your issues
- Life is like a book, where some chapters are happy, some are sad, some are interesting, some are boring, but regardless, we always need to continue to be willing to turn the page otherwise we will never know what the next chapter has in store for, keep going, no matter how harsh things might become
- There are 4 very important words in this life that we always need to pay attention to & these are: love, honesty, truth and respect....without them life would be empty
- Into the New Year, it is wise to take with us trust, forgiveness, joy and the willingness to learn new things, while leaving behind fear, blame, anger and resentment
- Understanding that a good life is when we assume nothing, do more, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed we are for all what we have
- Life becomes a master piece only when we learn to master PEACE.
So, while the journey continues & life goes on, I wish we all have plenty of strength, wisdom, good health & happiness as the New Year whispers hope to our hearts.
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are".

Thursday, December 31, 2020

2021 – Happy NEW YEAR!

 Best greetings to all for a peaceful, harmonious, safe and healthy New Year, filled with true, lasting joy! 
Good bye, 2020! Welcome 2021!
Life in front of us is far more important than the life behind us; let's cheer the New Year and another chance for all of us to get it right!

Happy New DREAMS! Happy New DESIRES! Happy New WAYS! Happy New DAYS! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
● My previous greetings on the same theme: NEW YEAR – 20202019

Friday, December 25, 2020

December 25, 2020: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Dear friends, at this time of the year, I wish you would enjoy the spirit of Christmas, which is Peace; the gladness of Christmas, which is Hope; and the heart of Christmas, which is Love. MERRY CHRISTMAS, dear ones!
● My previous greetings on the same theme: CHRISTMAS  20192018

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Socializing: Pre-CHRISTMAS Reunion 2020

As we are nearing the completion of this very different and tumultuous 2020, tonight (Tuesday - December 22'20) we had our usual year-end was the perfect time to speak about some old seasonal customs, to sing few traditional Christmas carols, to recite several dear poems appropriate for the occasion & to simply share a number of unforgettable childhood stories...without any doubt, a peaceful instance to bring each other joy, to bond, to reconnect & to create new memories.
Once again, dear friends - THANK YOU SO MUCH for your ongoing, loving, support, which is deeply appreciated!
I hope that the distinct peace and joy of this very special season would stay with you throughout the year ahead! 
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture. 
● A previous event I organized on the same theme: Social Pre-CHRISTMAS Reunion 2019
 Some of my additional greetings about CHRISTMAS – 2020, 20192018

Monday, December 21, 2020

December 21, 2020: WINTER Solstice

 Winter solstice marks the arrival of winter in our Northern Hemisphere, so at this time of the year I'm wishing you all a safe and pleasant season!
"When life gives you snow, make snow angels."

The year of 2020 will end with a very interesting astronomical occurrence...the closest great conjunction of two different planets is happening, when Jupiter and Saturn will almost touch in the sky.
● Additional references:
> Jupiter and Saturn converging in the night sky, shown in weekly intervals. This simulation is for New York (USA), but the great conjunction on December 21, 2020, can be seen all over the world. 
> Excerpts:
- "On 12.21.2020 (the December solstice), Jupiter and Saturn will align so closely in the nigh sky that they will create a radiant point of light, some call 'Solstice Star', 'Star of Bethlehem', or the 'Christmas Star', said an expert."
- "Alignments between these two planets are rather rare because of how close the planets will appear to be to one another", said Patrick Hartigan, an astronomer at Rice University. "You would have to go all the way back to just before dawn on March 4, 1226 (nearly 800 ago), to see a closer alignment between these objects visible in the night sky", said astronomer Hartigan.
ARTICLE: "Jupiter and Saturn Will Align to Create the First 'Christmas Star' in nearly 800 Years"
> ARTICLE: "For the First Time in 800 Years, a 'Christmas Star' Will Illuminate the Skies This Month"
> ARTICLE: "The December 2020 Great Conjunction"
ARTICLE (via "The Globe and Mail" / Canada): "How to see and photograph the great conjunction of 2020"
ARTICLE (via "CBC News"): "Christmas Star 2020: Jupiter, Saturn to meet in rare <great conjunction>"
ARTICLE (via "The Sun"): "Great Conjunction 2020 LIVE: Watch Jupiter & Saturn 'nearly touch' TONIGHT on winter solstice plus meteor shower"
ARTICLE (via "International Business Times" / Science section): "Is 'Christmas Star' Visible on Winter Solstice 2020? How to Watch Great Conjunction"
● My previous greetings on the same theme: WINTER Solstice – 20192018