Wednesday, May 4, 2022

4 Years Anniversary of ALICE & FRIENDS CIRCLE™

Romanian literary evening featuring 4th year anniversary of ALICE & Friends Circle
as well as Mutual Respect & Loyalty
With much appreciation I’m sharing that on Wednesday (May 4, 2022) we celebrated the fourth anniversary of ALICE & Friends Circle™, together with the core friends of our literary & socio-cultural group. Even-though this event occurred during a regular week day, for us it was special because it offered a good occasion to ponder and appreciate what life has to offer.
On the other hand, despite the fact that nowadays the pandemic related restrictions are more relaxed in our society, for everybody’s convenience, I chose again the online approach. 
Further commenting about our meeting on May 4th, I’m glad to brief that after my opening remarks were delivered, I presented my guests a comprehensive slide show (below are published only few highlights), amongst other things, reiterating several beautiful moments of togetherness occurred over the last 4 years at our gatherings. Needless to say that those memories filled my heart with so much gratitude!   
Then all my friends that evening expressed their feelings and conclusions about our Circle, about our activities and about future projects.
Everyone was happy that we made it so far as a well-organized and smooth-running group.

Additionally, our discussions referred to the significance of mutual respect & loyalty, concepts most of us pay close attention to, and our dear friend Dorina read for the group an interesting material about respect (which is published in comments section).
Also, as I usually do, below I’m sharing with you only several highlights of the evening as well as few supplementary points, while keeping the confidentiality of the personal matters discussed:
● Few thoughts about the significance of MUTUAL RESPECT
- Mutual respect means to treat others the way you would like to be treated
- Mutual respect creates harmony & it is a key concept in keeping relationships alive and healthy
- In order to show someone respect, first you must be able to show respect for yourself, but be aware that showing respect only for yourself and diminishing others it is considered an unhealthy narcissistic behaviour
- In today’s world, where disrespect has become the norm and acceptable in our daily lives (unfortunately), mutual respect seems like an elusive goal. Sadly, many people take the concept of respect for granted and fail to put it into practice
-  Treating another with respect means having a belief in every human being’s dignity
- Mutual respect is the way of showing a polite attitude and decent etiquette that creates a positive environment
- Crossing boundaries in a relationship is totally disrespectful & unacceptable
- Respect is a two-way street…in order to gain respect, you have to be a giver of respect as well
- There’s a basic level of respect that we should show for everyone, regardless of the circumstances
● Few thoughts about the significance of LOYALTY
- Loyalty is one of the most important qualities in a person, and it is one of the most endearing and supreme morals of human society (past and present)
- Loyalty is one of the traits that people generally say is important to them in any relationships, be it romantic, friendship, business, or otherwise; yet some people, unfortunately, don't make it a priority or give it enough credit
- Loyalty is based on respect
- On a more personal level, loyalty stands for commitment and dedication to another, while allowing respect and trust to flourish
- Loyalty is important in both business and our personal lives.
                                    Besides, here are few links of some short materials I wrote some time ago about these concepts: 
                                    “Few insights about RESPECT & SINCERITY”  as well as “What is LOYALTY?”…enjoy the reading!
Characteristically, our group discussions were pleasant, genuine, making us completely forget the time. You all know how enjoyable it is to talk to people who are on the same wave length, right?! So, our evening together was not an exception, and we each liked every minute of it. 
Last but not least, before we adjourned for the evening, we toasted for our group, each raising a glass of champagne for our success, wishing each other only the best!
Also, the famous song called “La mulţi ani!” was referred to, this being practically an old melody which deeply warms our hearts each time we cheer it.
Moreover, given that on this part of the world people celebrate Mother’s Day (on May 8’22) at this time I’m sending along my warmest regards to all mothers who are part of ALICE & Friends Circle™ wishing them good health, joy and happiness!
Once again, dear ones, thank you so much for your loyalty, respect, support, encouragement and friendship along the way…you make my heat sing!
Until we meet again, my best wishes to each guest of this very special evening!
"When we seek to discover the best in others, somehow we bring out the best in ourselves."

Mesaj personal din partea lui Alice, adresat la ceas aniversar
Dragii mei,
Doresc să vă mulțumesc şi pe această cale pentru că ați fost alături de mine într-un moment important, când împreună am putut să ne bucurăm de a patra-a aniversare a Cercului nostru literar şi socio-cultural!
Într-adevăr, timpul se scurge foarte repede şi ni se aduce aminte că pe nimeni nu omite.
Se spune căfericirea ne este menită tuturor. Fragilă ca un fluture, frumoasă ca o floare. Nu încape în versuri.
Se percepe în clipe şi locuieşte în inima noastră, dincolo de timp.
Deci, în măsura în care putem, fiecare să continuăm să semănăm frumosul în jurul nostru pentru că la vremea potrivită o să îi culegem roadele. 
"A spera, a căuta, a găsi, a continua..."
Cu preţuire,
“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture.
● Previous anniversaries of ALICE & Friends Circle – 2021, 2020, 2019
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)

Friday, April 22, 2022


Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. First celebrated in 1970, it now includes events in more than 193 countries. The theme for year 2022 is “Invest in Our Planet”, focusing on engaging more than 1 billion people, governments, institutions, and businesses to recognize our collective responsibility and to help accelerate the transition to an equitable, prosperous green economy for all. 
Everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable. 

● Relating articles: “Invest in our planet” “Today is Earth Day: here's 5+ things you can do to help our planet “
● My previous greetings on the same theme: INTERNATIONAL EARTH Day – 202120202019
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)

Sunday, April 17, 2022

April 2022: Happy EASTER!

 EASTER (Pascha) reminds us that hope should never be lost regardless of how dark the road may seem, because there is always Light at the end of it.
Wishing you Joy, Peace & Prosperity!
Also, at this time, early greetings to all my Romanian & Greek friends who will celebrate this holiday a week later. 
● My previous greetings on the same theme: EASTER – 202120202019

Sunday, March 20, 2022

March 20, 2022: SPRING Equinox & World Happiness Day

 Blossom by blossom a new spring just arrived…enjoy it, dear friends! 
March 20, 2022 (Spring Equinox) officially marks the first day of spring in Northern Hemisphere, & at this time I wish you allow the bright sun to shower you with its warmth.
Also, on March 20, 2022, the entire world is observing the International Day of Happiness.
“Right now, across the world, there are many crisis situations, including those in Ukraine, Yemen, Gaza, and elsewhere. Focusing on happiness is becoming increasingly difficult. So, today, on International Day of Happiness, let's remind ourselves and everyone around us that our actions matter, and that each one of us, no matter where we are, can contribute to a more compassionate world. ”
● My previous greetings on the same themes: SPRING Equinox & World HAPPINESS Day – 202120202019

Friday, March 18, 2022

Alice’s Book Club – WINTER session of 2022

Special edition – live session with 4 guest speakers
     ~ exclusively for ALICE & Friends Circle™ ~
Before the cold winter of 2022 was officially over, on Friday (March 18’22) we had the first session of the year for my seasonal book club series, discussing
inner beauty & outer beauty
To everybody’s delight, this time I invited 4 guest speakers – Drs. John S. & Mihai S., nutritionist Bogdana N. (the owner of “Health Quest Project” skin therapist Dana S. (the owner of “Micro Current Facial Treatment”, who professionally covered the selected theme from several perspectives.
Aside of that, well prior to our meeting, I distributed to my invitees few reading materials about the subject, aiming to enhance even more our group conversation.
On the other hand, please do know that my guest speakers were absolutely wonderful, all delivering captivating presentations, while providing lots of important details, scientific explanations and valuable practical tips we each could use in order to maintain and develop even more our inner and outer beauty.
For your reference, in the
comments section are some additional handouts, compliments of them.

Also, as I always do in my public briefings, here I will share with you only several concepts of general interest, while respecting the confidentially of the personal matters discussed:
-  The overall health is influenced by many factors (internal & external) and in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises one should observe regularly the medical tests (much wiser to prevent rather than treat)
- Emotions deeply affect your health, so learning how to manage them wisely could prevent related health issues
- It is important for us to learn how to tell the difference between our emotions and our feelings (when you are grounded and present with mindfulness it is much easier to tell the difference)
- Emotions are chemical based and often linked to hormones (they are about anger, over excitement, fear, rejection, pride, urges, power, lack and control)
- Feelings, are emerging from a more neutral space (from where your soul speaks to you, from where your intuition, gut feelings & calm observation pay off)
- Living mindfully is one of the very best ways you could use to transform your life
- Constantly observe your thoughts and emotions (calm, balanced neutrality is key for guiding the decisions of your life)
- It is also important to realize that you are not always your thoughts (just because a thought goes through your mind it doesn’t mean that it shapes your reality)
- Follow your greatest joy (for some this is art, music or dancing; for others it’s inventing, reading, healing, writing or connecting with other people)
- Stay positive (it is OK to go with this flow, but always trust your instincts and mindfully follow what your heart desires)
- Laugh every day (laughter reduces the level of stress hormones, and increases the level of health-enhancing hormones)
- Laughter brings the focus away from negative emotions, making you more cheerful and putting you in a positive frame of mind
- Researchers found that our response to stressful events can be altered by whether we view something as a “threat” or a “challenge.” Humor can give us a more light-hearted perspective and helps us view events as “challenges,” thereby making them less threatening and more positive
- Nutritional Therapy is a bio-individual approach to health and wellness that focuses on using nutrient dense whole foods to support vibrant health as well as focusing on “Foundations” for health and embracing body’s innate ability to heal
- The “Foundations for Health” from a Nutritional Therapy perspective are: fresh whole food (how to eat properly prepared, nutrient-dense, whole foods), digestion (why you are not just what you eat, but what you actually absorb), blood sugar regulation (how to balance blood sugar and increase energy), fatty acids balance (why you need healthy fats and cholesterol in your diet), mineral balance (the critical roles of minerals and how to get more in your diet) and hydration (why water is the most important nutrient and how to best hydrate)
- Beautiful skin on the outside begins with good health on the inside
- Because your skin is one of your body’s protective mechanisms, it is easily damaged by external causes such as sunlight, pollution, and internal causes, such as poor nutrition, lack of antioxidants and essential fatty acids, stress and cigarette smoke
- The face is ultimately a reflection of internal health and emotional well-being (looking good and having a positive body image is not vanity, it is the road to a long, healthy and happy life)
The group discussion of the evening being so rich in content, made us all completely forget the time and when we adjourned, there were several voices echoing that we should continue to speak more about this important topic since is touching a lot our everyday lives, so another future talk on this already carved its way in my agenda. Furthermore, here is the link of a short material I wrote on the same theme: (Inner Beauty, Outer Beauty)…enjoy it!
Concluding my briefing, once again, much appreciation to my dear friends who honored my invitation!
Warm regards,
Outer beauty pleases the eye, but inner beauty pleases the heart.