Romanian literary evening featuring 5th
year anniversary of Alice & Friends Circle™
as well as Resilience
& Compatibility
absolute delight, I’m sharing that on Thursday (May 4, 2023) we celebrated the fifth anniversary of ALICE & Friends Circle™, together
with a group of dear friends, who made special efforts to be able to join us despite
their busy schedules.
This gathering was very special in many ways, but above and beyond I’m super
happy to tell you that this was the first return at our usual place after few
years of social austerity….needless to say that meeting in person with the
friends of our Circle, in a place that triggers for each of us so many
beautiful memories, it was really heart touching!
On that Thursday, I opened the evening by expressing my most sincere
appreciation for the support our Circle received over the last five years (yes, 5 years!!!), for the devotion each
of my friends were showing, for their loyalty and for all the beautiful
concepts they each shared at our meetings over time.
every guest got the chance to express their opinion/s about the existence and
the activities of ALICE &
Friends Circle™….it was really special to hear all their heart-warming
remarks! Also, our dear friend Dorina wrote an article about this event, and our dear
friends from “Observatorul” Magazine, from Toronto, published it (to read it, please follow this link…thank you!)
Additionally, our discussions referred to the significance of resilience & compatibility, concepts of relevance for our group.
As I always do, for your convenience, below I’m sharing with you only few
highlights of these talks as well as few supplementary points, while maintaining
the confidentiality of the personal aspects discussed:
● Few thoughts about
the significance of RESILIENCE:
(definition: resilience is the capability to recover quickly from difficult
According to many scientific studies, resilience it is not a matter of chance,
but rather a matter of informed choices and determination, and the last few
years being filled with the turmoil of the pandemic related restrictions did
show us the significance of resilience while the entire world was in the midst
of such hard times
- No matter how difficult life could get, if you have resilience you would find
a way to keep going
- It is important to understand that resilience doesn’t mean that you need to
stay in the middle of the storm, but if it happens to find yourself in it then
resilience will help you to overcome it
- Resilience is a life skill, and we each need to work on building it every day;
the more we work on it, the better we will get at handling difficult situations
Cultivating resilience will help each of us to live a happier, healthier and
longer life
● Few thoughts about
the significance of COMPATIBILITY (in
a group setting):
(definition: compatibility is the state in which two entities are able to
coexist without problems or conflicts)
People with common values are compatible, and in building lasting relationships
within a group this is a needed attribute
In a society that is getting increasingly lonely, people have the tendency to
cultivate mostly compatible friends
If you have too many acquaintances, you might have less time for each, but if
you choose to surround yourself only with compatible friends then you would
have more quality time to spend with people who truly matter
Socio-emotional selectivity theory finds that as we get older, we have limited
time left on this Earth, and we turn towards relationships that feel
meaningful, based on compatibility, while we might let go of the rest.
the group talks continued for a while…..
we all were heading for light refreshments, which allowed for extensive,
pleasant conversations around the table, recalling that food always tastes much
better when you share it with like-minded friends.
Then, before serving the festive cake I brought for the occasion, we had a
toast, cheering for continuous prosperity in our midst, good health, longevity
and joy, all accompanied by the notes of the famous Romanian song, called “La mulţi ani!” , which we
all truly love.
Also, an old Romanian tradition was not forgotten, and at this gathering we
brought red eggs (since the Easter recently
happened) and we had the chance to practice the old custom of “egg tapping” (aka: egg knocking, egg fights, etc.) ….it was really enjoyable!
As you can easily imagine, time was flying by truly fast, but the new memories we’ve
got the chance to produce will stay with us forever.
Concluding, before I wrap my briefing, I would like to express again my most
sincere gratitude for all the love, appreciation, loyalty and support I received
from my friends over the last five years….indeed, there is so much to be
thankful for!
our paths will meet again on the same wavelength, my warmest regards to all my
dear friends for a splendid rest of the spring!
Iată că a sosit vremea pentru a sărbători şi cea de-a
cincea aniversare a Cercului nostru literar şi socio-cultural, fapt ce ne-a
adus la toți multă bucurie lăuntrică, cât şi satisfacția unui fundament sănătos
şi stabil, pe care putem grefa frumosul, în toată splendoarea lui.
Timpul trece în mare grabă, iar viața are felul ei aparte
în care ne testează, continuu, pe toți, reliefând cu multă claritate că
prietenia este un dar de preț al omului.
Doresc să vă spun că de-a lungul acestui drum special, cu
fiecare relație de prietenie în parte, întâi de toate, m-am străduit să fiu eu
o prietenă cât mai bună, iar timpul mi-a arătat dacă am reușit...avându-vă pe
toți lângă mine, am înțeles că sunt pe drumul cel bun şi la rându-mi vreau să
vă mulțumesc, la fiecare în parte, pentru prietenia voastră față de mine!
Am apreciat mereu politețea şi autenticitatea relațiilor
de prietenie şi consider că acestea joacă un rol important ce contribuie la îmbogățirea
noastră sufletească, având totodată potențialul de a ne înobila viața.
Prieteniile frumoase şi echilibrate ne unesc...să le
cerem şi să le oferim cu multă onestitate, omenie şi generozitate, în același timp
amintindu-ne că mâinile întinse peste problemele vieții creează acea rețea
fantastică ce ne face să ne simțim vii.
“Fiecare aparține timpului pe care știe să-l trăiască.”
Cu aleasă prețuire,
“Let the beauty of
what you love be what you do.”
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture.
NOTE: Dear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed).