year, on August 31st, the Romania
Language Day is observed by many Romanians around the world, offering them
all the opportunity to reflect on the importance, the beauty and the richness
of the Romanian language. Romanian Language is mother tongue of around 30 million individuals,
taught as a foreign language in universities, in 45 countries.
This is also a wonderful occasion to further promote the Romanian arts and
culture (old and new), the Romanian
true history, as well as the Romanian ancestral traditions.
“In a
multicultural global space, the preservation of the identity and mother tongue
transmitted by parents and ancestors is a distinctive central element, an
expression of the uniqueness and preservation of the values of each people.”
„Nu spun că
alte limbi, alte vorbiri nu ar fi minunate și frumoase. Dar atît de proprie,
atît de familiară, atît de intimă îmi este limba în care m-am născut, încît nu
o pot considera altfel decît iarbă. Noi, de fapt, avem două părți coincidente,
odată este patrie de pămînt și de piatră și încă odată este numele patriei de
pămînt și de piatră. Numele patriei este tot patrie. O patrie fără de nume nu
este o patrie. Limba română este patria mea. De aceea, pentru mine, muntele
munte se zice, de aceea, pentru mine iarba iarbă se spune, de aceea, pentru
mine izvorul izvorăște, de aceea, pentru mine viața se trăiește.” (Nichita Stănescu)
from the debate, called "The current status of the Romanian
Romanian Language Day is a celebration of the Romanian soul, because the
language is the most pronounced effigy of the Romanians.”
(Historian Ioan Aurel Pop, the president of the Romanian Academy) ● Historic
background info:
Romanian Language
is “celebrated nationally on August 31, starting from the year 2013 when the
law establishing this holiday was enacted. The programs and
cultural-educational events, with evocative or scientific characteristics,
dedicated to this day emphasize the importance of the Romanian language not
only as a means of communication, but also as a repository of history, culture,
and national identity”. (Source: Business Reviews News)
● My
previous greetings on the same theme: ROMANIAN LANGUAGE Day – 2022, 2021 NOTE: Dear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed).