A literary evening celebrating the 2nd Year Anniversary of ALICE & Friends Circle™
as well as Spring, Friendship, Hope...and Mother's Day

Given that the entire world these days is still facing an unprecedented situation, on Monday (May 4, 2020) I organized a teleconferenced gathering together with a small group of loyal friends so we could celebrate together the 2nd anniversary of “Alice & Friends Circle” as well as few other subjects.
it was different that I would’ve imagine happening, but I was glad we were able
to connect with the available ones and have some heart to heart talks.
the theme of the evening was fully approached, I was presenting my guests with
a well-known Romanian composition called “Balada” (by Ciprian Porumbescu). We all love Porumbescu’s music, and no
matter how many times we listen to it, the notes still bring upon our hearts
lasting peace and a special joy, which re-connects us with our roots.
Further, the program of the evening continued with a number of personal impressions, sonnets, poems (personal compositions or written by renowned poets), legendary quotes issued by famous thinkers, as well as life stories and memories from the recent or from the distant past.
Further, the program of the evening continued with a number of personal impressions, sonnets, poems (personal compositions or written by renowned poets), legendary quotes issued by famous thinkers, as well as life stories and memories from the recent or from the distant past.
while at this point, I would like to emphasize yet again (as I’ve done many times before) the importance of communication (in any way, shape or form we could afford it)
as it brings people together, closer to each other, while bridging the gap (between them) and at the same time allowing
the flow of information and understanding to occur freely (of course, between them).
back to our gathering, just to give you a general idea about the discussions in
focus, below I will enumerate several points:

Our dear friend Dorina recited the sonnet called “A revenit frumoasa primavara”, by Alexandru Vlahuta (published in comments section), followed by Teodor (who recited several personal compositions, and some of them are called “Craiasa Primavara”, “Paste”, “Invierea” & few more – some are published in comments section) and then Ileana shared with us the poem “Primavara” (by George Toparceanu – also, published in comments section). Few other friends shared personal stories featuring the relevance of spring – in their hearts, lives, perception/s & experiences. After that, I presented my guests with another well-known musical composition, called “E primavara, iarasi primavara” (interpreted by Tudor Gheorghe). Needless to say that shortly after our imagination spread its wings far and wide, bringing back to us dear old memories filled with the refreshing fragrance of the spring flowers, the way we know them.
Well, this segment of our discussion brought in focus several important aspects, acknowledging how important, rare and noble the true friendship really is, as well as a brief comparative analysis of friendship/s vis-à-vis of the current pandemic and planetary shutdown. Without any doubt, we all agreed that in general, friendships bring more meaning and make our lives more beautiful!
Some of the related poems are published in comments section.

The conversation gravitating around hope truly emphasized how important it is for each of us not to lose it. You know, even when the sun goes down, stars would still come out. The trying times the entire humanity is going through these days are totally unexpected, but none of us should abandon hope. Once you choose hope, anything is possible!
this point, I was happy to present my guests with another song, which we all
love so dearly, called “Strada sperantei” (interpreted
by Corina Chiriac).

we all finished commenting about our mothers, I was glad to share with the
group another well-known song we all love, called “Măicuţă, îţi mulţumesc!” (interpreted by Dan Spătaru).
time we spent together flew by very quickly and brought back to each of us tons
of precious memories! As I’ve already mentioned (few times by now) the given current
world-wide shutdown, we couldn’t celebrate this anniversary like we would’ve
done otherwise (with festive cake &
champagne), but we all agreed to save these treats for the next time we
would be able to meet in person. We wrapped up the evening with good cheers, closing with another song, very
near and dear to our hearts, called “Veniti, privighetoarea canta” (interpreted by Mirabela Dauer).
Once again, dear friends, many thanks to each of you for being able to join me at this festive time. An anniversary is an occasion to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of the past time spent together and all the hopes for the future. Until next time, my best wishes to each of you!
With much appreciation,
Once again, dear friends, many thanks to each of you for being able to join me at this festive time. An anniversary is an occasion to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of the past time spent together and all the hopes for the future. Until next time, my best wishes to each of you!
With much appreciation,

Mesaj personal
din partea lui Alice, adresat la ceas aniversar
Si cu aceasta ocazie aduc calde multumiri tuturor celor care au putut participa la intalnirea noastra aniversara!
Implinirea a 2 ani de la nasterea initiativei ALICE & Friends Circle™ este importanta pentru mine si pentru concept in sine,
dat fiind ca se petrece intr-un mediu nu neaparat super prietenos….cu toate ca
in general romanii au un potential absolut extraordinar, din multe puncte de
vedere, totusi noi cu totii stim foarte bine cat de greu se incropesc cu unii
dintre ei proiecte comunitare armonioase, pozitive, echilibrate si de durata pe
aceste meleaguri.
Faptul ca noi am rezistat 2 ani pe aici, in aceasta
formula, este super incurajator si multumesc fiecarui participant pentru
sprijinul acordat! Am ajuns pana aici impeuna si mi-a facut o placere absolut deosebita sa exprim
acest lucru in plen.
De asemenea, teleconferinta nu este neaparat modul meu favorit de conectare, dar date fiind circumstantele prin care suntem cu totii nevoiti sa trecem am apelat la aceasta alternativa. Este un gen diferit de comunicare, dar totusi o comunicare ce pana la urma reuseste sa transmita ceva….cum ziceam, nu este ideal, dar nici neaparat gol, fad, rece si distant...asa cum este (totusi) ajuta continuitatea si in opinia mea acest lucru conteaza…. nici soarele nu straluceste mereu cu aceeasi caldura / intensitate dar chiar si cea mai pala raza cand o simtim ca ajunge pana la noi ne bucura. Pe de alta parte, daca mesajul (indiferent cat este el de elaborat sau sumar) pleaca din suflet cu siguranta va ajunge la un alt suflet, acoperind o alta fateta importanta a relatiilor inter-umane.
Deci, inca odata, dragii mei, SINCERE MULTUMIRI pentru neintrerupta sustinere, participare si colaborare!
In continuare va doresc numai bine, sanatate, pace si bucurii alaturi de toti cei dragi voua, cat si o primavara calda, inmiresmata si linistita!
De asemenea, teleconferinta nu este neaparat modul meu favorit de conectare, dar date fiind circumstantele prin care suntem cu totii nevoiti sa trecem am apelat la aceasta alternativa. Este un gen diferit de comunicare, dar totusi o comunicare ce pana la urma reuseste sa transmita ceva….cum ziceam, nu este ideal, dar nici neaparat gol, fad, rece si distant...asa cum este (totusi) ajuta continuitatea si in opinia mea acest lucru conteaza…. nici soarele nu straluceste mereu cu aceeasi caldura / intensitate dar chiar si cea mai pala raza cand o simtim ca ajunge pana la noi ne bucura. Pe de alta parte, daca mesajul (indiferent cat este el de elaborat sau sumar) pleaca din suflet cu siguranta va ajunge la un alt suflet, acoperind o alta fateta importanta a relatiilor inter-umane.
Deci, inca odata, dragii mei, SINCERE MULTUMIRI pentru neintrerupta sustinere, participare si colaborare!
In continuare va doresc numai bine, sanatate, pace si bucurii alaturi de toti cei dragi voua, cat si o primavara calda, inmiresmata si linistita!
Cu multa apreciere,
“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” AliceFriendsCircle.blogspot.com
“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” AliceFriendsCircle.blogspot.com

“One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.” (Seneca)

This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture.
● A previous anniversary of ALICE & Friends Circle™ – 2019NOTE: Dear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed).