Also, at this time, I would like to extend a warm "Welcome!" to the new friends who are joining my circle, bringing so much joy to my heart.
The official program of the evening began with the Romanian Anthem (since this evening we were honoring Romania's National Day), followed by the Canadian Anthem (since Canada is our country of adoption), allowing the musical notes to warm up our patriotic sense, and at the same time, widely opening the door for the subsequent, appropriate, discussions.
This time, Consul Grecea brought along a renewed message of peace, re-iterating the significance of a productive collaboration, effective communication as well as the importance of unity. He also stressed that the generations to come are the ones that would take further in time the Romanian pride. Consul Grecea, as a Romanian official as well as a Romanian fellow, comes often to my Romanian literary evenings, and I appreciate his presence each time he could join the group, because he represents for all of us the country we each left behind.
As I've mentioned a number of times before, I would like to refresh again that by commemorating our roots, implicitly we honor our ancestors and cultural traditions, helping us remember our dear parents & grandparents, most of whom are gone today, but whose memory will be eternal, no matter where in the world we each are.
- Our dear friend Dorina Aldea opened the presentations cycle with few fragments from an article she wrote (her article was published by "Observatorul" from Toronto, and with Dorina's permision, also published in comments section) and then shared few personal remarks about the historic event in itself
- This time, I was truly happy to have with us our friend Luminita Aldea (joining the group straight from Romania for a little while), who recited for all a brief prayer and sent us for publication a poem she wrote (with Luminita's permission, the entire poem is published in comments section)
- Then, Teodor T. continued with a summary sharing few historic facts, following with a personal poem & an original song, both referring to "December 1".
At this point, I would also like to briefly refer to another theme related song, many Romanians enjoy, called: "Tara noastra-i tara noastra".
Aside of that, while at this page, I would like to express my profound gratitude to those who were able and willing to join this gathering, when we all got the chance to fondly talk about our homeland - Romania.
Until we meet again, dear friends, my best wishes to each of you for a peaceful rest of the year!

Şi pe această cale, doresc să vă transmit sincera mea apreciere pentru prezenţa, susţinerea şi participarea la întâlnirea noastră de grup, având ca tematică "Ziua Naţională a României".
Cu această ocazie am avut posibilitatea să aducem un aport omagial ţării de baştină, onorându-ne rădăcinile, străbunii, părinţii şi dascălii care au pus o piatră de temelie la fundaţia formării noastre ca oameni şi profesionişti.
Am petrecut împreună nişte momente absolut speciale în care bucuria de a fi român s-a împletit într-un mod armonios, cu sincera dorinţă de communicare şi relaţionare.
Calde mulţumiri!