Many of us feel that this summer was flying by very fast, but before is completely over, this Friday (September 18'20) I was happy to organize a video-conference with some of my available and loyal friends, discussing hope for our seasonal book club session.

Aside of that, instead of a typical novel as reading material featuring hope, a concise study issued by Stanford University was chosen, combined with a relevant, related, article presented by "The New York Times Magazine". Of course, in addition to these materials, personal experiences and individual perspectives were amply discussed, making our evening together really special.
Even though at this session our group was fairly small, the conversation was very interesting, filled with rich perspectives varying from general to personal, with lots of useful tips, fluctuating from theoretical to practical. Hope is fascinating in many ways & we all agreed that in life everybody needs hope, regardless of age, race, culture, etc.
As I usually do, here I will share with you few questions and concepts, which surfaced during our talks, trusting that by doing so, it might trigger a moment of contemplation, and perhaps (at the personal level) more insights (about hope) would emerge, in a beneficial manner:
- What does it mean to have hope and how it affects life? | Is 'wish' a 'hope'? | Are we, as individuals, more similar than different? | Is hope really universal?
- How can we find hope and maintain a healthy level of it? | What keeps us going when we feel tired or overwhelmed?
- To what extend hope is or it is not interconnected with faith? | It is crucial to recognize hopeless situation/s and change focus in a timely fashion.
- Hope is determined by positivity or the other way around? ...and so on....
Definitively, lots of meaningful comments and profound remarks were smoothly flowing all directions emphasizing once again that nowadays hope is highly regarded throughout the entire world, given the ongoing circumstances.
We all agreed that if we continue to stay focused on our dreams and goals, for sure hope will allow us to approach any given situation/s with a positive mindset, fact which could increase our chances of success.
Once again, my most sincere appreciation to my dear friends who honored my invitation, and until next time, my best regards to all!