Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Pondering about LIFE – random thoughts

These days I’m deeply enjoying a time of profound peace, but a number of circumstances made me ponder about the meaning of life in itself.

As we each walk the path of life, there is no doubt that at a certain point in time, we’ve experienced joy or sorrow, victory or defeat, but above all what we have learned from those experiences (from those lessons) is what really matters.

We know that each person is different, and what it is important for one might not be important at all for another. Many of us observed that at times, some people spend their entire life looking for something in particular, which they believe it is important for them, but (truly) never finding it, while there are other people who know exactly what it is important for them, where to find that, how to get it, how to keep it, and above all, how to continue to retain what remains important for them, no matter wherever they might spend the rest of their life, and that is beautiful and inspiring.

Psychologically, also it has been noticed that sometimes people have the tendency to wonder what other people think about them, because they look for social acceptance in order to accept themselves, but regardless of circumstances, one must never forget who s/he is, where s/he is coming from, and what it is of personal importance in life, and only then one could clearly and selflessly embrace the world in a non-judgmental manner, while having gratitude (gratitude, which is the greatest virtue of all, as Cicero said many hundreds of years ago).

Generally speaking, life is not complicated, but we have the tendency to make it difficult, because we are rushing and judging too much, forgetting to slow down while taking one step at the time, being fully aware of what is really going on – inwardly and/or outwardly. Some scholars believe that man’s accomplishments in life are the cumulative effect of his attention to details, and the quieter we become the more we can hear. They say that if we pay attention to details, the big picture will take care of itself. 
Many times we don’t have to chase the extraordinary, because that very special thing that we are looking for it is right on front of us, but usually we are too busy to notice it. I remember that once upon a time, Ernest Hemingway said that every man’s life ends the same way – it is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one from another. 

Anyhow, in closing, I strongly believe that at least once in a while, in this super busy world, it is truly worth it to take few moments from the daily routine to pursue something positive that you haven’t addressed yet and that is near and dear to your heart, or to admire a beautiful sunset or sunrise, or just to simply enjoy the fragrance of a beautiful flower, because after all life has been given to each us to be enjoyed as well!
Life is a journey, not a race, and it is up to each of us to see the beauty of every single day!