Not to go too fancy about ‘mind’, which in itself is such a vast subject, I will briefly mention though what some researchers believe to this regard: they consider that the sooner we learn to release all the patterns that hold us back from what do we intend to achieve in life, the faster we move toward mental clarity, which is a tedious process based on a very profound and objective self-analysis. Through this unbiased process, one needs to completely detach from all sorts of circumstances, from the usual judgmental attitudes and habits, from conditions, etc. and let the mind fly free…yes, “free” but at the same time never to forget though that freedom comes also with a large spectrum of responsibilities while the social duties and obligations should be maturely fulfilled.
the other hand, the moment a particular judgement stops through the acceptance
of what it is (facts are facts) then
the mind would begin to gain clarity. A true mental clarity would eliminate completely the
internal chatter, expectations, attachments, rigidity, mind sets, etc. allowing
peace to come upon. Isn't that beautiful and truly desirable?!
The perfect world is shaped when our mind is clear
and able to see it!