The short simple story below is emphasizing that self-analysis is essential to achieve inner peace. Enjoy the reading!
Story: The internal peace
upon a time, a student said to his teacher: - Professor, I have an ungovernable
temper. Can you please help me get rid of it?
You have something very strange, said the teacher. - Show it to me.
- Right now I cannot show it to you.
Why not?
Because it arises suddenly.
Then it cannot be your own true nature, said the teacher.
If it were, you would be able to show it to me at any time…so, why are you allowing something that is not yours to trouble your life. Thereafter, whenever the student felt his temper rising the remembered his teacher's words and checked himself. In time, with discipline and perseverance, he developed a calm and balanced spirit, and acquired a steady inner peace."
If it were, you would be able to show it to me at any time…so, why are you allowing something that is not yours to trouble your life. Thereafter, whenever the student felt his temper rising the remembered his teacher's words and checked himself. In time, with discipline and perseverance, he developed a calm and balanced spirit, and acquired a steady inner peace."
“Peace is the
result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you
think it should be.”