to many scholars, loyalty is one of the most important qualities in a person,
as well as a valued moral of human society – in the past, in the present and
for sure in the future.
relationships, this is the main attribute to look for in people. If someone,
can’t reciprocate with the level of loyalty extended toward as a fried, then
that person can never be more than an acquaintance.
a matter of fact, based on extensive studies on different types of people a
main observation surfaced, which states the followings: when opportunity
controls loyalty, there is definitively something wrong with one’s character.
life presents many occasions when we can see a person’s true colors, and most
of the time that occurs when you are no longer beneficial to their life, and
here I’m referring to those people who are nice with you only as long as they
can use you. For those, their loyalty ends when their personal benefits stop.
Loyalty is very important to our personal lives, to human relations, to businesses, to companies & corporations, to organizations & associations, as well as countries because in essence it stands for commitment & dedication, permitting respect & trust to flourish.
This valuable quality allows people to take actions based on trust. Loyalty is never backstabbing your friend if there is a true feeling of mutual respect and trust.
Loyalty is very important to our personal lives, to human relations, to businesses, to companies & corporations, to organizations & associations, as well as countries because in essence it stands for commitment & dedication, permitting respect & trust to flourish.
This valuable quality allows people to take actions based on trust. Loyalty is never backstabbing your friend if there is a true feeling of mutual respect and trust.
Needless to say that trust always goes hand in hand with loyalty, because both hold together relationships, and it is impossible to go past a certain point in friendship if trust doesn’t exist. Without any doubt, loyalty is very important to the success and the stability of any lasting relationship.
a nutshell, friendship means a lot of things and there are different degrees of
it, but regardless the standpoint, loyalty level is the primary indicator
of how strong and authentic a particular friendship or relationship is.
As I wrap up here my rather brief expose on loyalty, I wish you all cherish and honor all those dear friends who never betrayed your trust,
and for the ones that did it, may you let them go in peace while continuing to
focus on what really matters in life.
Reward loyalty
with loyalty.