Monday, January 6, 2020

Thoughts at the beginning of the year (January 2020)

The beautiful snow enjoyed upon a recent trip up in the mountains reminded me that in a way we all are like snowflakes….with lots of similarities yet so unique and independent of each other, and like snowflakes do, changing state constantly (from snow to ice, ice to water and so on) so does people (of course, figuratively speaking). As we walk the path, needless to say that times and times again it has been observed that the beautiful concept of unity in diversity and diversity in unity is coming along so nicely while all is mending together in a splendid mandala representing life in itself.  

Aside of that, since the wheel of time just turned again marking the beginning of another year, yet we are refreshed that life is not measured by clocks, but rather by moments, and every moment brings along multiple opportunities when one could change, grow, care, serve, love, share, inspire….so, to the best that we can, with dignity, serenity, wisdom and gratitude, let us live in the moment as intensely as we can, as beautifully as we can, because tomorrow is never promised to anyone! 
“TIME has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.”