are some additional thoughts…enjoy this light reading!
Why some people are happy and others are not? Simple.
Because some people choose to be happy and others choose to always be concerned
about what they lack.
Because some choose to see the beauty of everything and others remain eternally
dissatisfied with the thought of what might happen in the future, losing the
essence of the momentary thing.
Because some really live, putting soul into everything they do, while others
are superficial, cold and selfish.
Because some are looking for their place, while others do everything in such a
way as to create their own place, in which to develop harmoniously!
Because some seek happiness in money, while others build their own lives and happiness around
Because some choose to be human, while others dehumanize themselves every day
in search of a perfect life, painted by opportunities, so that they could
control other people!
Because some
choose to find themselves and discover their vocation, while others get lost (lack of vision).
Because some understand that a purity of a thought is truly important and in one's own life
automatically influences the world around them. The fact is that often society
is just a reflection of your personality.
May we never
forget that we are truly well as long as we are healthy, happy, and surrounded
by wonderful, loving, people.