Thursday, February 10, 2022


When we enter the world, we are absolutely at peace with ourselves, totally unaware of what is awaiting us in this special journey, called “life”. But the magic of worldly life begins to unfold gradually.
Despite the fact that each person has been granted goodness to begin with, unfortunately, some are slowly enfolded in the wraps of desire, greed and lust which in turn fill them with arrogance and anger, beginning to lose their peace of mind, patience, humanity, love and compassion, as the ugliness of stress and anxiety steadily build up into their beings.
Others, turn into kind, sincere, good and cheerful people, who instead of envying they choose to appreciate, who instead of discouraging they learned how to restore hope, to inspire trust and to stimulate courage.
Here I’m talking about those beautiful people who instead of looking arrogantly, cold, empty, superiorly or ignoring, they give a warm helpful hand, offering unconditional support, in a loving, discreet and simple manner. I simply love those ones! Most of the time, they are the ones who like to take care of flowers, they admire the flights of birds and don’t crush any ants under their foot, they peacefully contemplate a sunrise or a sunset, they enjoy the clear skies or the stars, they take time to listen to the waves of the ocean, to the sound of the wind, or to the rustle of the forest. Yes, I’m referring to those beautiful people who live life with enthusiasm and gratitude, with meaning and grace, with honesty and dignity.
I strongly believe that it is important to be aware of the magical charms of this world, to protect ourselves from going astray, and to offer ourselves (and to each other) stress free lives, filled with kindness.
In my opinion, it does help to smile at every chance we get, not because life has been easy, perfect or exactly as we anticipated, but because we choose to be happy and grateful for all the good things we each have in our lives and all the problems we know that we don’t have.
Every new day comes with a new beginning...make it bright!