Friday, March 18, 2022

Alice’s Book Club – WINTER session of 2022

Special edition – live session with 4 guest speakers
     ~ exclusively for ALICE & Friends Circle™ ~
Before the cold winter of 2022 was officially over, on Friday (March 18’22) we had the first session of the year for my seasonal book club series, discussing
inner beauty & outer beauty
To everybody’s delight, this time I invited 4 guest speakers – Drs. John S. & Mihai S., nutritionist Bogdana N. (the owner of “Health Quest Project” skin therapist Dana S. (the owner of “Micro Current Facial Treatment”, who professionally covered the selected theme from several perspectives.
Aside of that, well prior to our meeting, I distributed to my invitees few reading materials about the subject, aiming to enhance even more our group conversation.
On the other hand, please do know that my guest speakers were absolutely wonderful, all delivering captivating presentations, while providing lots of important details, scientific explanations and valuable practical tips we each could use in order to maintain and develop even more our inner and outer beauty.
For your reference, in the
comments section are some additional handouts, compliments of them.

Also, as I always do in my public briefings, here I will share with you only several concepts of general interest, while respecting the confidentially of the personal matters discussed:
-  The overall health is influenced by many factors (internal & external) and in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises one should observe regularly the medical tests (much wiser to prevent rather than treat)
- Emotions deeply affect your health, so learning how to manage them wisely could prevent related health issues
- It is important for us to learn how to tell the difference between our emotions and our feelings (when you are grounded and present with mindfulness it is much easier to tell the difference)
- Emotions are chemical based and often linked to hormones (they are about anger, over excitement, fear, rejection, pride, urges, power, lack and control)
- Feelings, are emerging from a more neutral space (from where your soul speaks to you, from where your intuition, gut feelings & calm observation pay off)
- Living mindfully is one of the very best ways you could use to transform your life
- Constantly observe your thoughts and emotions (calm, balanced neutrality is key for guiding the decisions of your life)
- It is also important to realize that you are not always your thoughts (just because a thought goes through your mind it doesn’t mean that it shapes your reality)
- Follow your greatest joy (for some this is art, music or dancing; for others it’s inventing, reading, healing, writing or connecting with other people)
- Stay positive (it is OK to go with this flow, but always trust your instincts and mindfully follow what your heart desires)
- Laugh every day (laughter reduces the level of stress hormones, and increases the level of health-enhancing hormones)
- Laughter brings the focus away from negative emotions, making you more cheerful and putting you in a positive frame of mind
- Researchers found that our response to stressful events can be altered by whether we view something as a “threat” or a “challenge.” Humor can give us a more light-hearted perspective and helps us view events as “challenges,” thereby making them less threatening and more positive
- Nutritional Therapy is a bio-individual approach to health and wellness that focuses on using nutrient dense whole foods to support vibrant health as well as focusing on “Foundations” for health and embracing body’s innate ability to heal
- The “Foundations for Health” from a Nutritional Therapy perspective are: fresh whole food (how to eat properly prepared, nutrient-dense, whole foods), digestion (why you are not just what you eat, but what you actually absorb), blood sugar regulation (how to balance blood sugar and increase energy), fatty acids balance (why you need healthy fats and cholesterol in your diet), mineral balance (the critical roles of minerals and how to get more in your diet) and hydration (why water is the most important nutrient and how to best hydrate)
- Beautiful skin on the outside begins with good health on the inside
- Because your skin is one of your body’s protective mechanisms, it is easily damaged by external causes such as sunlight, pollution, and internal causes, such as poor nutrition, lack of antioxidants and essential fatty acids, stress and cigarette smoke
- The face is ultimately a reflection of internal health and emotional well-being (looking good and having a positive body image is not vanity, it is the road to a long, healthy and happy life)
The group discussion of the evening being so rich in content, made us all completely forget the time and when we adjourned, there were several voices echoing that we should continue to speak more about this important topic since is touching a lot our everyday lives, so another future talk on this already carved its way in my agenda. Furthermore, here is the link of a short material I wrote on the same theme: (Inner Beauty, Outer Beauty)…enjoy it!
Concluding my briefing, once again, much appreciation to my dear friends who honored my invitation!
Warm regards,
Outer beauty pleases the eye, but inner beauty pleases the heart. 


Alice said...

Dear readers,
At times, some of the comments and / or the materials presented might be in a foreign language and if you wish to translate that to English (or to any other language), please use the automated translator, installed at the bottom of this webpage.
Thank you!

Alice said...


Alice said...


Alice said...


Micro Current Facial Rejuvenation is a holistic anti-aging treatment system that can reverse the signs of aging by up to 10-20 years! This unique system addresses the local signs of aging such as sagging skin, dark circles under the eyes, puffy eyes, droopy eyelids, acne, red complexion, sun damaged skin, wrinkles, rosacea, scars and much, much more! The root causes of aging such as poor nutrition, damaging lifestyle choices, and energetic imbalances are also addressed, creating a system that provides long term results! This is a non-invasive treatment that is amazingly safe, simple, effective & gentle!

This unique system incorporates the wisdom of ancient methods in a modern treatment application: local microcurrent tissue healing, skin and muscle techniques, non-needle microcurrent acupuncture, balancing of all energetic meridians, therapeutic essential oil products, as well as state- of- the- art topical facial products, diet, lifestyle and nutritional recommendations.

Scientific evidence of the benefits of Microcurrent:
Microcurrent treatment has been used for many years as a healing modality, to reduce pain and enhance tissue healing. Research proves that Microcurrent increases ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) resulting in improved cellular metabolism, injury repair, and soft tissue cell regeneration.
The non cosmetic application of this procedure is used for treatment of Temporomandibular Syndrome (TMJ) (reduced pain, headaches, ear pain and ringing) and Bell’s Palsy (enhanced recovery of paralyzed side of face).

The face is ultimately a reflection of internal health and emotional well being. Looking good and having a positive body image is not vanity, it is the road to a long, healthy and happy life.
With Micro Current Facial Rejuvenation, the client looks younger, and feels younger, with more energy, relaxation and improved health … it shows, it lasts and the world notices!

About The Procedure:
Microcurrent stimulates regeneration of damaged skin, balances energies and adjusts resting length of facial muscles
Microcurrent combined with therapeutic grade essential oil products, and supplements, enhances resolution of lines, wrinkles … even acne and rosacea!
Micro Current Facial Rejuvenation is gentle enough to be used on delicate facial areas, and extremely effective!

Alice said...

1) What is unique about Micro Current Facial Rejuvenation?
It is completely painless, relaxing holistic approach that produces gradual long term changes. The tone and texture of the skin is improved, giving a more youthful glow. This does not occur with plastic surgery. The advantage of this rejuvenation program lies in its holistic approach that addresses the actual causes of skin deterioration due to aging factors, as opposed to procedures like plastic surgery which masks without correcting the underlying imbalances.
2) How many sessions are recommended?
It is recommended a course of 12 consecutive treatments. Smokers, the elderly and those in poor health may require more sessions. Treatments can be done 1 to 3 times per week, with a non treatment day between sessions.
3) How long is a session?
It takes approximately 45 -75 minutes per session
4) How many treatments does it take to see a difference?
A difference can be seen during the 1st treatment. One half of your face is treated and the changes are pointed out. The most significant changes occur around the 4th- 6th treatment. Photos are taken at the 1st, 6th, and 12th session.
5) Are there any needles or injections or discomfort involved?
Absolutely not needles or injections are involved with this procedure. If you feel anything at all it will be mild tingling in your face.
6) Is this treatment safe?
Microcurrent is a safe and non invasive treatment that works in synergy with your body’s natural energy system
7) What can clients expect the result to be?
A sensation of firmness and lift of the face after treatments will be noticed.
Lines, wrinkles, sagging, bags and dark circles can be wonderfully improved and even eliminated.
Clients often report increased energy and relaxation as well
8) Will the results be immediately noticeable like Botox injections?
Some changes are immediately evident. How much immediate change depends on the client’s skin condition, general health and wrinkle depth. Expect a gradual transition to a more natural, healthier and toned facial appearance.
9) Are follow treatments recommended after my initial course of treatments?
In order to protect your investment, follow up treatments are recommended. The frequency depends on individual factors … usually one session every one to four months is sufficient.
“I had microcurrent facial treatment done in 6 sessions. I have a very sensitive skin but this treatment was fantastic and relaxing. After one treatment I already saw a reduction of my wrinkles and I noticed my skin being more tighter. Highly recommend!" – Nicole, N. Vancouver
“My face does not have that sagging look, Rosacea around my nose/chin eliminated. I'm 60 years old and told I look 45!” - L. B.,Edmonton AB
“My thin face plumped up like a juicy apple, sun spots faded, dark circles gone, skin texture more youthful!” - A.C., Edmonton AB
“Improvements around eyes and mouth. Scars visibly reduced (old chicken pox/acne scars from childhood!)” - R. A.,Nordegg,AB
“Less lines (forehead, mouth, eyes). Sinuses better. Keloid scar better“ - J. M.,Bentley,AB
“Reduction of wrinkles and sun damage, improved skin texture, reduced bags, eyebrows raised” - M.C., Rocky Mtn House,AB
“Dramatic changes around eye and jaw line. Texture of the skin more refined, pores less defined. Facial creams and essential oils are wonderful” - J. H.,Innisfail,AB
“Less neck wrinkles & frown lines; face feels more alive.” - E. B. Rocky Mtn House,AB

Alice said...

Microcurrent Facial Rejuvenation


Aging is inevitable but wrinkled sagging skin is not! You can enjoy beautiful skin and maximal health throughout your whole life, without resorting to plastic surgery! Beautiful skin on the outside begins with good health on the inside. Signs of early aging are one consequences of not giving your skin the care it needs. Diet and lifestyle changes will facilitate the resolutions of wrinkles, puffiness and sagging skin. Improving your diet to improve your skin will also result in improved general health and energy!

Because your skin is one of your body’s protective mechanisms, it is easily damaged by external causes such as sunlight and pollution, and internal causes such as poor nutrition, lack of antioxidants and essential fatty acids, stress and cigarette smoke.

Free radicals are molecules in the body that steal electrons from other healthy molecules damaging healthy cells. Collagen fibers in our bodies are especially susceptible to free radical damage. This results in cross linking of the collagen causing skin to become stiff and inflexible and to look “old”. Free radicals steal your youthful appearance! Scientists believe free radical damage is one of the primary causes of age related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and arthritis! Sunlight is a major cause of free radical damage, as is pollution, and cigarette smoke. Free radical damage also triggers a chemical called Arachidonic acid which causes inflammation, another process that causes skin to age prematurely. Sunlight also triggers the production of collagen digesting enzymes that leave tiny defects in the skin (micro-scarring) which eventually results in wrinkles. Powerful antioxidants can trigger the collagen digesting enzyme to only attack damaged collagen, thereby improving or erasing a wrinkle. Essential fatty acids can dramatically reduce the body’s production of inflammatory compounds.

Antioxidants are critical substances that can stop or reverse free radical damage, stop inflammation, and repair micro-scarring. Antioxidants can repair damage that has accumulated over the years. They work by making free radicals harmless. Some of the most powerful antioxidants are Vitamin C, E and beta-carotene. Our bodies do make antioxidants but often there are so many free radicals, that our body’s antioxidant system can’t handle them all. We can help our body by increasing our antioxidant levels through a healthy diet and use of supplements (Ningxia Red Juice, Longevity softgels). Antioxidants properly formulated and applied topically to the skin, can also help to repair damage. The Young Living Age Refining Technology (A.R.T.) skin care kit and ART Renewal Serum is an advanced scientifically based system of skin products that includes antioxidants, essential fatty acids, therapeutic grade essential oils, enzymes and other substances designed to heal damaged skin. Used regularly these products facilitate the return to more youthful looking skin.

Micro-current facial Rejuvenation alone can produce profound improvement in your skin. For maximal improvement in your skin, the following steps are also important:
1) Protect your skin from external damage (sunlight, pollution, harsh facial products)
2) Improve your diet and use supplements to improve your internal health (antioxidant levels (Ningxia Red Juice, Longevity softgels), essential fatty acid levels (OmegaGize3), protein rich diet.
3) Improve your lifestyle (get enough rest, reduce stress, regular moderate exercise)
4) Use scientific based face products designed to heal skin damage (ART skin care kit)
5) Stay well hydrated (minimum of 8 glasses of Kangen water recommended)

Alice said...

Diet/Lifestyle Advice for Microcurrent Facial Rejuvenation
Free radical damage, inflammation, and poor nutrition are some of the things that cause your body to age prematurely! The health of the skin is a reflection of the health of your body. Research shows that 97 percent of Americans eat diets that do not even give them the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins and nutrients. The following are suggestions based on research to improve the health of your skin and your general health!
1) Drink at least 8 glasses of Kangen water (or any filtered water of your choice) a day (flushes the body of toxins and hydrates the skin). Coffee, tea and other beverages are not a suitable replacement for water! I can offer a two weeks FREE trial on Kangen
2) Take a high quality fish oil supplement to provide Omega 3 essential fatty acids. *OmegaGize3 2 capsules twice a day. Essential fatty acids reduce inflammation, lock in moisture, and maintain suppleness and smoothness of the skin. Every living cell in the body needs Essential Fatty Acids!
3) * Ningxia Red Juice. An antioxidant drink that has more free radical neutralizing capacity against the most abundant and common free radicals than any other antioxidant drink (see additional information provided)
4) Eat a balanced diet of whole foods including lots of fruits and vegetables, especially leafy green and bright coloured vegetables. Avoid processed foods. Eat foods high in zinc (shellfish, soybeans, sunflower and pumpkin seeds). Eat high quality protein (avoid or reduce red meat as it increases inflammation). Protein is needed for cellular repair. Eat Wild Alaskan Salmon as often as possible
5) Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates. Sugar interacts with collagen in the body causing glycosylation, the cross linking of collagen which makes the skin inflexible and causes age spots.
6) Regular exercise, 3 to 4 times per week, increases blood circulation, and releases toxins
7) Keep the bowels functioning properly to help eliminate toxin. A daily bowel movement is essential! Dried wolfberries (gojiberries) are high in fiber.
8) Use a steam bath or sauna once or twice a week (detoxifies the skin)
9) Reduce stress, use relaxation techniques such as the relaxation breath
10) A high quality multivitamin daily to provide basic vitamins needed for optimum health. Master Formula* whole food multinutrient provides a balanced blend of key vitamins including Vitamin C, Vitamin E (in mixed tocopherol form). Vitamin C is vital to synthesize collagen and elastin, the major structural components of the skin. It is also a powerful antioxidant, preventing free radical damage.
11) *Coenzyme Q10, an antioxidant that concentrates in the cell membranes protecting cells from free radical damage. Co Q10 is most easily depleted in the skin by sun exposure or toxins. CoQ10 is part of the OmegaGize3 formula.
12) *Calcium/magnesium/vitamin D. Important for general health of bones, teeth, muscles, and normal blood clotting. Protects against osteoporosis. *Master Formula multinutrient contains Coral Calcium. Additional supplementation may be required. OmegaGize3 contains Vit D3.
13) One half hour of sun exposure (early morning before 10 a.m.) per day is recommended (without sunscreen). Apart from this, protect your skin from excess sun exposure, always use SPF 15 minimum natural source sunscreen

Alice said...

* These supplements can be ordered directly from the manufacturer for reduced costs. Ask your microcurrent technician how to place your order. We have researched the highest quality, most effective and affordable supplements available. Many have 30 day money back guarantee

Recommended reading:
1) The Perricone Prescription by Nicholas Perricone MD: This is an excellent book and highly recommended for purchase. Dr. Perricone is a dermatologist and his book is an excellent resource. Stunning photographs show how much your face can improve with diet and lifestyle changes.

Important, the information provided is for educational purpose only. It is not provided to diagnose, prescribe or treat any condition of the body. The information provided should not be used as a substitute for medical counseling with a health care professional. If you have any concerns regarding this information, please consult your health care professional.

Alice said...

MESSAGE from Alice:
Dear friends,
Once again, until we meet again, best wishes to all! 🌻

Oana Stephens said...

Draga Alice,
Multumesc mult pentru invitatie. Mi-au mers la suflet prezentarile cu privinta la frumusetea interna si externa si cum sa le pastram si imbunatati hranind sufletul si mintea cat si corpul cu tot ceea ce ste mai bun si sanatos. Sunt o pasionata a acestor subiecte si citesc mult despre ele. Cu cat inaintez in varsta apreciez fiecare moment de relaxare cat si de activitate fizica, fiecare produs natural fara arome artificiale, precum s-au bucurat si bunicii nostri. Multe imbratisari pentru tine si minunatul group din Vancouver. Sper sa ne vedem in curand, fie in Vancouver sau in Seattle.

Dr. John S. said...

Hi, Alice!
Multumesc pentru o seara frumoasa, interesanta pentru toti, bogata in vesti si noutati, cu umor de bun gust. De fiecare data invatam unii de la altii.
La mai bine, cu bucurii si sanatate!
Pe curand,

Daniela Secu said...

Ca de obicei o seara interesanta cu multe informatii utile pentru a crea frumosul din interior spre exterior.
Eu personal am invatat lucruri noi de la cei care au prezentat materialele pregatite, dar am si stiut multe dintre sfaturile date. Un lucru care mi-a ramas in minte si la care nu m-am gindit niciodata ca ar putea sa ne afecteze este faptul ca nu e bine sa maninci nimic intre mese, nici macar un fruct.
Multumesc din suflet tuturor celor care au depus efortul sa ne prezinte materialele pregatite si cu precadere tie, Alice, care ai reusit din nou sa ne aduni si sa organizezi o seara atit de interesanta!

Bogdana N. said...

Draga Alice,
Multumesc mult pentru invitatie! Am avut un sentiment foarte plăcut legat de intalnire, participantii au fost foarte prietenoși, interesați de subiectul discutat, au avut comentarii pertinente si au impartasit cu autenticiate situatii de viata din experiența proprie.
Numai bine,

Mihai S. said...

Buna, Alice!
Multumesc pentru invitatia din aceasta seara cat si pentru celelalte intalniri cu grupul “ALICE & Friends”.
Imi face mare placere sa vorbim despre lucruri interesante, legate de sanatate, viata, obiceiuri si cultura, intr-un cadru bine organizat unde respectul reciproc si aprecierea sunt la loc de cinste.
Pana la urmatoarea intalnire, multa sanatate tuturor!

Livia C. said...

Multumim Alice! ♡☺ Bucurie!
Cu drag,

Dorina Cornelia Aldea said...

Draga Alice,
O zicala straveche spune ca “frumusetea este in ochii privitorului”. Legat de subiectul discutat la clubul de carte si de aceasta zicala, am adresat nepotelului meu o intrebare: cine este mai frumoasa, mama ta sau eu? Raspunsul: amandoua sunteti frumoase. Va las pe voi sa aflati adevarul.
Ei bine, daca privesti pentru o clipa prin ochii unui copil vei redescoperi ca exista soare, flori, stele, vise. Vei sti sa asculti cantecul armonios al pasarilor si vei invata sa zambesti.
De ce am inceput cu acest exemplu? Pentru ca ei, copii, stiu sa creada in povesti, stiu sa ofere iubire fara limite si cel mai mult stiu sa se faca iubiti. Ce minunat ar fi daca si noi, adultii, am reusi sa ramanem cu suflet de copil chiar daca anii trec, chiar daca avem riduri, chiar daca suntem obositi. Asadar, ei sunt un exemplu de cum am putea face viata mai frumoasa, cum sa ne schimbam starea in bine, cu un zambet, cu o atingere, cu o vorba frumoasa, cu o imbratisare.
Eheiii…. dar sa revin la frumusete care este apanajul femeilor, in special. Renumita vorba ”baba sufera la frumusete” se pare ca a fost adevarata si in timpurile stravechi. Machiajul si dorinta de a fi mult mai frumoase au fost preocupari ce ocupa mintea femeii inca din Antichitate. Daca astazi putem apela la chirurgia estetica pentru a ne corecta sau modela corpul, femeile din secolul XVIII foloseau corsetele inca din copilarie, chiar daca acestea duceau la deformarea coastelor si la modificarea unor organe interne. Printre altele, foloseau baile parfumate, masajul cu uleiuri naturale, albirea dintilor cu diverse prafuri care faceau parte din ritualul de ingrijire, ca şi epilatul, conturarea ochilor cu antimoniu, desenul alungit al sprancenelor, buzele date cu carmin.
Dupa parerea mea, pentru a te simti frumoasa nu trebuie sa ai greutatea si masurile perfectiunii, si nici sa suporti canoanele elegantei, mai importanta este atitudinea. Sa tratam oamenii cu iubire, sa-i incurajam cu un zambete, sa privim lumea cu ochi buni si blanzi, sa ne iubim corpul asa cum este si “daca pastrezi copilaria mereu cu tine, un vei imbatrani niciodata”.
Apoi…am tot auzit ca frumusetea vine din interior. Este adevarat. Pentru a fi frumoase in exterior trebuie sa avem grija de sanatatea noastra, trebuie sa credem ca ingrijirea corpului, hrana de zi cu zi, frumusetea pielii, somnul, miscarea fízica, soarele sunt factorii care ne aduc si sanatate. Atunci cand suntem sanatosi avem o anume stralucire, care emana de la sine o frumusete aparte, iar un om sanatos este si un om frumos, intotdeauna!
Ei bine, toate aceste lucruri au fost frumos prezentate de cei patru invitati carora le multumesc din inima pentru toate sfaturile utile privind o viata sanatoasa, tratamente terapeutice, terapii de relaxare, discutii despre toate aspectele sanatatii.
Draga Alice, sincer iti multumesc pentru organizarea si prezentarea acestei intalnirii pe care o consider reusita si “frumoasa”.
Va doresc tuturor zile luminate, cu mult frumos in suflete!
Dorina Aldea

Anca said...

Cu ocazia acestei intilniri am avut din nou prilejul sa luam o pauza din virtejul vietii cotidiene si sa petrecem ore minunate alaturi de membrii clubului. Am impartasit idei si am reflectat la ce inseamna de fapt “frumusetea”. Am avut sansa sa ne evaluam si sa ne imbunatatim planul personal pentru o viata sanatoasa.

Multumesc Alice pentru ca ne-ai oferit aceasta oportunitate.

Alice said...

5 nutritional hacks EVERYONE can use to improve their beauty:
1. Improve your microbiome diversity
2. Your beauty depends on hydration
3. Avoid processed sugars and inflammatory foods and eat foods high in antioxidants and flavonoids
4. Avoid snaking between your meals.
5. Supplement with vitamins, minerals and essential oils that are enhancing your beauty

Supplement with vitamins, minerals and essential oils that enhance your beauty
• Vit A (cod liver), Vit C (Rosehips), Vit E (cold pressed vegetable oils)
• Bee products like honey (antibacterial) and polen (vitamins)
• Ginger and tumeric (anti-inflammatory)
• Microgreens (viamins and minerals powerhouse), Reishi and Shiitake mushrooms
• Melatonin(antioxidant), CoQ10 (oily fish and organ meets) and Quercetin (lemons)and Vit D (immune booster)

FOR MORE INFO: Bogdana(Dana) Negoita, 778.858.2585

Coco Zsold said...

Dragă Alice,
A fost o seară minunată cu oaspeți deosebiți de la care am primit multe sfaturi de specialitate, foarte utile și ușor de urmat. Timpul a zburat atât de repede căci tema abordată despre frumusețea înterioară și frumusețea exterioară este foarte generoasă și parcă tot am mai fi vorbit și tot am mai fi ascultat sfaturile invitaților de onoare care cu atâta generozitate s-au pus la dispoziția noastră pentru a ne ajuta în problemele cu care fiecare dintre noi se confruntă.
Ca urmare a sfatului Dr. John am luat legătura cu medicul de familie care mi-a recomandat deja câteva analize pentru problema mea referitoare la căderea părului. Se pare că îmi cam lipsește vitamina B12 dar în general, totul este bine. Vești bune pentru mine.
Mă bucur că am reușit să particip și eu și-ți mulțumesc pentru invitație. Fii sigură că, ori de câte ori voi putea, voi participa cu mult drag la întâlnirile organizate de tine pe Zoom.
De fiecare dată aștept cu nerăbdare să mă întâlnesc cu toți prietenii tăi din cercul “Alice & Friends” (în care m-ai inclus și pe mine) și pe care acum îi număr printre prietenii mei de aici, din Canada.
Deși vremea se vede a fi foarte capricioasă anul acesta sper că soarele va străluci curând iar căldura lui ne va scoate la plimbare prin parcurile pline de florile primăverii și cât de curând vom putea să ne întâlnim la un pahar de vorbă bună însoțit de un suc și o prăjitură undeva, în natură ca să ne putem vedea și în realitate și nu doar pe ecranul rece al telefonului sau computerului.
Multă sănătate, iubire și pace!
Cu drag,

Adrian said...

Draga mea,
Felicitări pentru organizare! A fost o seară foarte plăcută, interesantă şi relaxantă, presărată cu glume de calitate şi bună dispoziţie.
M-am simţit bine alături de tine şi de grup!
Sănătate şi numai bine tuturor!

Alice said...

Cu multă plăcere, draga mea Oana şi la rându-mi calde mulţumiri pentru participare şi susţinere! Mă bucur mult că te-ai simţit bine şi cu mare drag o să te aştept şi la viitoarele întâlniri de grup!
Da, într-adevăr…prezentările serii au fost pline de substanţă şi sunt absolut convinsă că fiecare din noi am învăţat ceva nou din ele.
Sunt total de accord cu ceea ce spui atunci când te referi la faptul că odată cu înaintarea în vârstă (indifferent care este ea) trebuie să avem cât mai multă grijă de noi (inclusiv ce mâncăm, cât dormim, cum ne relaxăm, pe cine avem în preajmă ca prieteni, etc., etc.).
Te îmbrăţişez cu drag şi continuăm să ţinem legătura!
Alice 🌻

Alice said...

Cu multă plăcere, John şi la rându-mi sincere mulţumiri pentru participare şi interesanta toţii am învăţat multe lucruri utile sau ne-am remintit altele.
Până la următoarea întâlnire de grup îţi doresc numai bine!
Alice 🌻

Alice said...

Cu multă plăcere, Dana şi la rându-mi mulţumiri pentru participare şi prezentare! Informaţiile aduse de tine au fost bine primite de către noi toţi, înţelegând cât de la îndemână sunt atât de multe resurse, disponibile fiecărei persoane care este interesată de sănătate.
Trebuie să recunosc că mă bucur extraordinar de mult că datorită acestor întâlniri de grup reuşim să păstrăm între noi o legătură frumoasă, cu un caracter comunitar, care contribuie mult la starea noastră de bine.
Cu drag,
Alice 🌻

Alice said...

Cu multă plăcere, Bogdana şi încă odată mulţumiri pentru participare şi interesanta toţii am fost captivaţi de material şi foarte încântaţi de micile ajustări pe care le putem face fiecare în viaţa de zi cu zi, obţinând îmbunătăţiri semnificative.
Până la proxima revedere îţi doresc numai bine!
Alice 🌻

Alice said...

Cu multă plăcere, Mihai încă odată mulţumiri pentru participare, susţinere şi interesanta prezentare!
Este într-adevăr uimitor cât de multe lucruri extrem de utile putem învăţa unii de la altii!
Până la proxima revedere îţi urez numai bine!
Alice 🌻

Alice said...

Cu drag, Livia şi să şti că mă bucur nespus de mult că-mi eşti aproape!
Până la proxima revedere, îţi urez numai bine!
Alice 🌻

Alice said...

Cu multă plăcere, draga mea Dorina şi la rându-mi sincere mulțumiri pentru comentariul trimis!
Da, tu le-ai punctat pe toate foarte bine, reamintindu-ne la toți că această FRUMUSEŢE a preocupat omenirea încă din timpurile străvechi şi ceea ce găsesc foarte interesant este faptul că de-a lungul atâtor secole, abnegația oamenilor de a cunoaşte cât mai multe secrete (legate de frumusețe) nu s-a diminuat cu nimic, ci din contră, parcă s-a intensificat şi mai mult.
Deci să continuăm să rămânem cu toții frumoşi şi sănătoşi!
Te imbrăţişez cu mult drag şi până la proxima revedere îți doresc numai bine – atât ţie cât şi întregii familii!
Alice 🌻

Alice said...

Cu multă plăcere, Anca! Mă bucur mult că ai putut participa şi că apreciezi întâlnirile noastre de grup!
În vremurile pe care le trăim, punând din când în când ceva timp deoparte pentru a ne întâlni la nişte coversaţii de seară, pe teme de interes comun, până la urmă constituie un lux intelectual pe care se pare că nu multi şi-l permit.
Numai bine şi pe curând!
Alice 🌻

Alice said...

Dragă Coco,
Îți mulțumesc pentru mesaj, prezență şi susținere! Mă bucur mult că ai putut participa şi că ai beneficiat de pe urma informațiilor prezentate.
Constantele noastre întâlniri de grup (fie pe calea undelor sau în persoană) denotă existența unei comunități culturale sănătoase, clădită pe o fundație solidă, care în timp creşte frumos şi armonios.
Până la proxima revedere îți doresc numai bine!
Alice 🌻

Alice said...

Calde mulţumiri, dragul meu Adrian şi cu multă plăcere o să te aştept să stai de-a dreapta mea şi la viitoarele întâlniri de grup!
Te îmbrăţişez,
Alice 🌻