Friday, October 28, 2022

Alice’s Book Club – AUTUMN session of 2022

Special edition – live session with writer & painter Pnina Granirer
~ exclusively for ALICE & Friends Circle ~
With great joy I’m sharing that on Friday 
(October 28’22) we had a pleasant group conversation with my dear friend, writer and well-known painter, visual artist Pnina Granirer (for your quick reference, in the comments section is Pnina’s short  biography, and here is her website:, discussing author’s perspective on her book called ”LIGHT WITHIN THE SHADOWS – A Painter’s memoir” (in case you wish to have this book, here is the link  where you can procure it from; additionally, it might be also found in Indigo stores in Vancouver, or if you wish only to read it you could borrow it from a public library).
This on line event constituted the autumnal edition of my seasonal book club series, happening only 4 times per year. 
At my suggestion, given her impressive life experience, Pnina was very kind to agree to share with us her views on resilience, achievements, focus and positivity – aspects of inspirations for many. Our evening together was interactive and the audience had interesting questions of general interest so all guests could benefit from the answers received. I was super happy to have 36 people registered for this event, but since few of them couldn’t make it for objective reasons, I provided them with the recording of Pnina’s presentation.
Also, I would like to refresh that artist Pnina Granirer has been featured at one of my past literary gatherings, back in November 2019 (for your enjoyment, here is the link of the occasion I’m referring to).
For your reference, here is an overview of Pnina’s book, as it has been circulated by different publishing houses:
Light Within the Shadows is a lively and moving memoir that chronicles Pnina Granirer’s life as an artist, wife and mother. Conceived as a play in three acts, it begins in her hometown in Romania, moves to its second act in Israel, and concludes with her life in North America. It encompasses her years in Romania, Israel, the USA, France and Canada, and her travels to Japan, Spain and Mexico, all of which inform her understanding of the world which is then reflected in her art.
Besides producing art and preparing for gallery shows, she is committed to educating her community about art. In 1993, Granirer co-foounded the on-going Artists in Our Midst, the first open studios walk in Vancouver.
In this compelling memoir, Granirer shares her successes and failures, addressing issues of dislocation, ‘otherness’ and uprooted soul’s wish for permanency. With determination and resilience, amidst the joys and restrictions of family life, Granirer created a large body of art, ignoring trends and searching for renewal.
She became an internationally respected artist whose profound work is an enduring expression of the search for beauty and spirituality. Her works are found in museums collections in Canada, Spain, Chile and Israel.
Light Within the Shadows gives and inside view of how art is forged and released into the world. Granirer’s work has been featured in two other books: Her own Trials of Eve (Gaea Press) and Portrait of an Artist, by Ted Lindbert (Ronsdale Press).”
Our time together flew by very quickly and we adjourned in a lovely note, concluding that resilience, kindness, focus and positivity are significant aspects of existence able to take one far in life.
Since this was the last book club session of the year, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all those loyal, dear friends who each time (not just occasionally) make  themselves available to honor my invitations, and who genuinely & continuously are supporting the activities of ALICE & Friends Circle™.
Until our paths will meet again, my best regards to all!
SERENDIPITY....let it find you!


Alice said...

Dear readers,
At times, some of the comments and / or the materials presented might be in a foreign language and if you wish to translate that to English (or to any other language), please use the automated translator, installed at the bottom of this webpage.
Thank you!

Alice said...

Pnina Granirer was born in Romania in 1935. She moved to Israel in 1950, where she completed 4 years studies at the Bezalel Art Academy, Jerusalem. She came to Canada in 1965, became a Canadian citizen and settled in Vancouver, BC.
Granirer has showed her work locally, nationally and internationally since 1962. She has shown in more than eighty solo exhibitions and her work has been included in numerous group exhibitions, in books and exhibition catalogues in Canada, Israel, Spain, Portugal, Costa Rica and Chile.
The artist has been the subject of two films shown on BRAVO!TV and Knowledge Network and of numerous reviews in magazines such as Vanguard, Art Magazine, Artichoke, Arts West and Art Post, as well as interviews and profiles on Vision TV, Knowledge Network, CBC (English & French) Radio and TV, TV5 and TF1, Strasbourg, France (1980).
Her works are found in many private and Public Galleries collections, in Canada (some as Cultural Property donations), the US, Chile, Europe and Israel.
Granirer has always followed her own vision, taking risks by disregarding the trends and fashions of the art world. Her work reflects her keen interest in history and universal questions such as good and evil and the meaning of life.
In 1989 Granirer published “The Trials of Eve”, a limited edition book (100), that received the Alcuin Citation Award, based on her major work by the same name. The book includes 12 colour reproduction and 12 poems by the artist. The originals, the books and a film are in the collection of the Glenbow Museum in Calgary. The book has been acquired by numerous Special Collections of Universities, Art Galleries and libraries, as well as private collectors.
A softcover edition (now sold out) was published in 1993, with a foreword by Lucy Lippard and an introduction by Ann Rosenberg, as well as a long essay by the artist.
In time for the opening of Pnina Granirer: Celebrating a Life’s Work, a 40 Years Survey at the Richmond Art Gallery in 1998, Ronsdale Press published PNINA GRANIRER; Portrait of an Artist, by Ted Lindberg.
The book includes a number of poems by the artist, as well as short essays and statements.

Alice said...


Mike S. said...

Hi, Alice!
Thank you so much for the invitation to the autumn session of our book club!
I really liked how your guest speaker presented her book!
I was able to understand very well her experience of living in few countries, because I also have a similar one. Living in several different countries gives you a broader life perspective. I enjoyed participating and listening!
I’m looking forward to seeing you all at the next group meeting!

Dana S. said...

Buna, Alice!
Desi nu am putut participa de la bun inceput la intilnirea cu Pnina, am avut ocazia sa o ascult vorbind despre cartea pe care a scris-o si m-am bucurat sa o aud. Citind cartea, mi-am imaginat-o exact asa cum am descoperit de fapt ca este: simpla, modesta si foarte placuta. Talentul artistic si tematica pe care o alege in piesele de arta pe care le face sint unice, asa cum de fapt este si normal pentru un artist sa fie.
Multe multumiri Alice pentru intilnirea pe care ai facut-o!

Mirela C. said...

Buna, Alice!
Multumesc pentru invitatia la aceasta frumoasa intalnire de grup! Mi-a placut foarte mult prezentarea doamnei Granirer si am fost impresionata de taria de care a dat dovada de-a lungul vietii. Doamna Granirer este o adevarata inspiratie, in special pentru tanara generatie!
De asemenea Alice, felicitari pentru ideile excelente pe care le ai pentru a organiza aceste superbe intalniri, de pe urma carora cu totii beneficiem asa de mult!

Anonymous said...

Alice - thank you so much for organizing this event and for the opportunity to meet Pnina Granirer. I read her book with much interest, and I loved learning about her artist and personal life. I enjoyed Pnina’s presentation a lot and felt honoured to actually see her in person and get to talk to her a little. I will he honest , I did not hear about Pnina and her paintings until now but getting to know Pnina by reading her book and also seeing her that evening made me feel special. I really liked how she described how new ideas came to her just by paying attention to what was around her at a specific moment in time, kids, rocks, dance. I will keep that in mind and try to apply in my life. What a wonderful and talented woman and how lucky I am that I got to spend a few hours in her company! Thank you Alice for all your effort and you time spent to organize this event! All the best! Cristina Mihailescu

Livia C. said...

Dear Alice,
Thank you for inviting me to “Alice’s Book Club”! It is always an honour and a privilege to be part of this wonderful experience. I learn new things, and I meet new people, expanding my horizon. It is amazing how many connection, we can make through your book club.
Once again, the evening was successful with your special guest Pnina Granirer, who, through her art, writing and speeches, lifts spirits up, and motivates people to continue with confidence in their journeys in life. I was grateful to spend some time together, and to meet the author and artist Pnina Granirer.
Every time when we connect through these Zoom meetings, I feel welcomed, loved, and pampered, as well as safe, strong and joyful. The messages are always positive to aim towards blessings and peace. Thank you Alice for organizing these events for us! God bless.

emilia said...

Like the sunlight passing through the water gleams the surroundings, Pnina Garnier’s presence lightened the ambiance. In writing, as well as in painting, her creations reflect an incredible mélange of sensitivity and strength. I had the feeling that, on that great evening, the artist shared with us the duality of two contraries, the force, the stillness of the stone, and the gentleness, the fluidity of a flying wing. Through her reading, the author transported us back in time; she invited us on her private journey. I (we) became the silent witnesses of a painful experience carrying the seeds of hope. I felt a painful familiarity when she mentioned the dislocation endured when she left a country (Romania and later Israel). Similarly, I relived the enthusiasm of a new beginning, and the gratefulness for the new welcoming land and people. Considered a “one of the most distinguished and prominent West Coast painters” Pnina Garnier honored our meeting and transformed a regular day in a memorable evening.

Thank you so much Alice for organizing this event with your well-known elegancy and gracefulness!

Like an echo the inspiring title follows me -- there is always “light within the shadows” ...

Anca P said...

Reading the book Light Within the Shadows was like taking a trip through time, visiting countries that I was familiar with and countries that I knew little about it. Selecting this book for the autumn session of Alice’s Book Club was a great idea as it opened a window for us to see historical events and day to day life through the authentic view of a real artist - Ms. Pnina Granirer.
Thank you Ms. Granirer for taking the time to share your story with us! And thank you Alice for organizing this incredible event!

Alice said...

Alice’s reply for Mike S.
You are most welcome, Mike....I’m glad you could join us!
Indeed, Pnina’s presentation was truly interesting, genuine and it spoke to our hearts.
It is always a great intellectual treat to have in our midst someone so experienced, wise and kind, willing to openly share with the group a number of valuable life lessons!
Until next time, my best regards,

Alice said...

Răspunsul lui Alice pentru Dana S.
Bună, Dana!
Tare mult mă bucur că ai putut să ni te alături, chiar şi în vacanţă fiind!
Într-adevăr, prezentarea Pninei ne-a acaparat pe toţi şi pentru durata respectivă parcă am călătorit împreună cu ea prin locurile descrise cu atâta uşurinţă, într-un firesc plin de căldură şi culoare.
Mi-a făcut mare plăcere să organizez această întâlnire!
Cu drag,

Alice said...

Răspunsul lui Alice pentru Mirela C.
Bună, Mirela! mult drag şi la rându-mi mulţumiri pentru susţinere!
Mă bucur mult că invitata mea ţi-a produs o impresie atât de frumoasă!
Personal, îmi face o plăcere absolut deosebită să mă ocup de lucruri interesante aşa că te invit şi în continuare la alte seri alături de minunatul nostru grup cultural.
Cu drag,

Alice said...

Alice’s reply for Cristina M.
You are most welcome, Cristina! I’m happy you could participate!
Indeed, Pnina’s book gives you a glimpse into her life, while her creativity brings new perspectives forward.
It was a very special night, I’ve truly enjoyed organizing.
Until our paths will meet again, my best wishes to you and yours!

Alice said...

Alice’s reply for Livia C.
My pleasure, dear Livia! I’m glad you could join us for such a special evening!
Also, I am very happy to hear that you appreciate our gatherings and find them valuable….that is truly wonderful!
The joy of bringing joy to other people is a splendid blessing in itself!
I totally agree that my special guest of the evening, artist Pnina Granirer, is a true inspiration for many.
Until we reconnect again, my best wishes to you and to your beautiful family!

Alice said...

Alice’s reply for Emilia A.
Many thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Emilia!
Indeed, the evening was very special in many ways, heartwarming as well as reassuring that no matter what life has in store for each of us, echoing further, “there is always light within the shadows”…

Alice said...

Alice’s reply for Anca P.
My pleasure, Anca! I’m glad you could join us and that you enjoyed our time together!
That is true….writer and painter Pnina Granirer is a real artist, able to touch the hearts of so many, in such a refined manner.
Until next time, my best regards to you and yours!

Alice said...

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