Sunday, March 19, 2023

Alice’s Book Club – WINTER session of 2023

Before the astronomical winter was completely over, on Sunday (March 19’23), I organized the first session of the year for my seasonal book club (the winter session of 2023)
At this on-line gathering, all my guests presented a number of favorite books, and because our group was of such a reasonable size, some titles were discussed in more depths.

Also, I was truly happy that Mihai was able to join us again, this time explaining the audience, from a medical perspective, how reading books could benefit both physical and mental health, and how those benefits could last a lifetime….reading for at least 30 minutes every day could take you far!
Additionally, he briefly touched on “neuroplasticity” (also known as “brain plasticity” – this is a term that refers to brain’s ability to change and adapt as a result of experience), which is a central concept to theories relating to memory and learning abilities as well.   
Apparently, there is a lot of scientific research which indicates that reading involves a complex network of circuits and signals in the brain, and the more you practise it (the more you read) those networks get stronger and more sophisticated.

Now, back to the books we’ve discussed that evening, here I’m glad to share
only several titles that were briefly touched on, hoping that by doing so, you might find the inspiration to read them (in case you haven’t yet):  
– “When Breath Becomes Air(by Paul Kalanithi)                           – “Sense and Sensibility(by Jane Austen)
– “All the Light we cannot see(by Anthony Doerr)                          – “To Kill a Mockingbird(by Harper Lee)
– “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself(by Dr. Joy Dispenza)      |– “My Brilliant Friend…The Neapolitan Novels (by Elena Ferrante)
– “Gone with the Wind(by Margaret Mitchell)                                 
|– “The Biology of Belief(by Dr. Bruce Lipton)
– “Shogun”…the Epic Novels of Japan (by James Clavell)                 |– “The Old Man and the Sea(by Ernest Hemingway)
– “The Prayer of Jabez(by Bruce Wilkinson)                                    |– “Finding Me: A Memoir(by Viola Davis)
Of course, many other books and writers were also referred to (spanning from spiritual to health, from science to fiction, and so on), but for the purpose of this briefing, the above mentioned titles might suffice.

So, dear friends, once again, I would like to refresh that reading is an indispensable skill in life, which allows you to discover new facts, by opening for you the door to new ideas, stories and opportunities. This beautiful habit of reading books could bring people knowledge & wisdom, making them more intellectual & sensible.
In closing, once again, many thanks to all my friends who honored this invitation! Until we meet again, warm wishes for a beautiful spring to come!
“The journey of a lifetime starts with the turning of a page.”


Alice said...

Dear readers,
At times, some of the comments and / or the materials presented might be in a foreign language and if you wish to translate that to English (or to any other language), please use the automated translator, installed at the bottom of this webpage.
Thank you!

Aura F. said...

Buna, Alice!
Vreau doar sa iti spun ca aceasta intalnire a fost foarte placuta!
Ma bucur pentru noile propuneri de carti de citit. Desi e primavara si vom evada tot mai des afara inca vom mai cauta sa petrecem timp cu prietenele noastre cartile, mai ales acum ca Mihai ne-a confirmat importanta lor in pastrarea tineretii gandirii si sanatatii noastre 😉.
Multumim pentru munca si daruirea pe care le depui pentru acest proiect care ne aduce bucurie tuturor participantilor!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Alice for organizing the beautiful event again ! I am happy we could share a few good books to read and get some highlights on why reading is good for the brain and not only. Happy that I have some good book titles to look for at the library , they will keep me busy for a while. All the best and thank you one more time! Cristina Mihailescu

Mihai S. said...

Buna, Alice!
Multumesc mult pentru invitatie! A fost o seara frumoasa si mi-a placut mult interesul doamnelor de a afla ce pot face mai mult si mai bine pentru a-si pastra sanatatea!
Grupul format de tine este foarte bun, deoarece energia participantilor este pozitiva si intentiile tale sunt nobile – felicitari!

Alice said...

Răspunsul lui Alice pentru Aura
Bună, Aura!
Mulțumesc frumos pentru prezență, susținere, apreciere şi plăcuta colaborare!
Mă bucur că te-ai simțit bine şi într-adevăr, aşa cum spui, sfaturile medicale oferite de Mihai au fost pline de înțelepciune.
Frumusețea este că odată cu venirea primăverii, apare şi posibilitatea de a petrece mult mai mult timp în natură, iar o carte bună mereu ne poate ține o companie tare plăcută!
Numai bine,
Alice 🌻

Alice said...

Alice’s reply to Cristina’s comment
My pleasure, dear Cristina and many thanks for your kind comment!
I’m truly happy you could join us that evening! It was a pleasant gathering and I really enjoyed all the perspectives shared by my guests.
Yes, reading is the best therapy for the brain and not only.
As the wisdom goes…the more we read – the more we know, the more we know – better prepared we are for life.
Until next time, my warmest regards to you!
Alice 🌻

Alice said...

Răspunsul lui Alice pentru Mihai
Cu multă plăcere, Mihai şi la rându-mi îți multumesc şi eu pentru interesantele şi extrem de utilele sfaturi pe care ni le-ai dat în acea seară!
De asemenea, mulțumiri pentru cuvintele appreciative!
Mă bucur tare mult că te-ai simțit bine alături de grup!
Da, consider că este important ca participanții la serile mele literare să se armonizeze unii cu alții şi astfel se creează o atmosferă extrem de propice discuțiilor de substanță, unde calitatea este mult mai importantă decat cantitatea!
Până la proxima revedere îți doresc numai bine!

Alice said...

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