Wednesday, February 14, 2024

February 14, 2024: Happy VALENTINE’s Day

 Dear friends, near and far, I’m wishing each of you a perfect Valentine's Day!
Open hearts see LOVE everywhere…
● ARTICLES:History of Valentine’s Day” | “Valentine’s Day” (background details)
● Short VIDEO-CLIPS: History of Valentine’s Day” (on History Channel) | “14 Cute DIY Gift Ideas for Valentine's Day” (gifts ideas)
● My previous greetings on the same theme: VALENTINE's Day – 20232022202120202019
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

LOVE & the approaching Spring of 2024

 ~ Annual Romanian literary evening with our Circle, featuring Valentine’s Day, ‘Dragobete’ and ‘Mărțișor’ ~

‘Mărțișor’ (in Ro language)
or ‘March amulet’ (in English language)

Since February it is known as the month of love, this year we didn’t miss the occasion to honor it on Friday (February 13’24), while revisiting as well several dear themes to us, such as: Valentine’s Day, “Dragobete” and
For everybody's content, as well as a number of few different reasons, we had a warm and pleasing on-line gathering.  

Diligently joining our heart to heart talks, my friends unavoidably felt that making time to speak about love, to speak about self-care, to speak about the significance of having good relationships with our families and with our friends it is really beautiful and super meaningful in this very consumerist, go-go kind of world!

Also, since LOVE was a significant part of our conversation I will take a moment here to refresh that there are several types of love, and according to the scholars here they are:
Eros (romantic love)Agape (unconditional love)Storge (empathy)Philia (affectionate love)Pragma (long-lasting love), etc., but the highest of all is AGAPE (ancient Greek ἀγάπη…which is a Greco-Christian term referring to love, "the highest form of love, charity").

Now, quickly referring to our evening together, despite the fact that our gathering was rather cozy, our talks were truly extensive, genuine and really enjoyable.
For instance, specifically speaking,
our dear friend Dorina presented an interesting material (which is published in comments section), and our dear friend Mihaela recited a beautiful poem (also published in comments section). Then, we all continued with lengthy talks about the multiple facets of love, about old seasonal and timely customs (from back home and from here), about ancestors and inevitably about several (old and new) pages of history, all together defining the map of a new beautiful page from the book of existence of our lovely Circle. Truly charming heart "nourishment"...
Summarizing the main concepts, we all agreed that time is flying really fast showing us that if we don’t pay attention we could miss a lot, revelation which has the potential to put many things into a new perspective.

In closing, as I wrap up my briefing, once again, my most sincere appreciation to each friend who honored my invitation with kindness and heart-felt compassion. 
Until next time, my warmest regards to all for a great rest of the season!
 “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture.
● For a quick reference, here is a brief historical background for each observance:
🌿 Valentine’s Day (February 14):
Nowadays, the Valentine's Day became an annual festival celebrating the romantic love, friendship & admiration. Every year, on February 14, people honor this day by sending messages of love & regard to partners, family & friends, expressing their affection. This originated as a Christian feast day honoring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine.
🌿 “Dragobete” (February 24):
While Valentine’s Day is mostly related to people (a well-known saint and those he helped) and their actions in the name of love, “DRAGOBETE” is a very old and truly beautiful Romanian festive holiday associated with the arrival of spring as well as romantic love. No one really knows exactly when "Dragobete" started, it is believed to go way back to ancient Romania (aka "Dacian Kingdom")In early myths, "Dragobete" is the son of “Baba Dochia” (in Romanian mythology, she is an old figure identified with the return of spring). He is the Romanian version of Cupid – bringing love and life with him. It is said that his magical presence could make the trees flower, insects, and birds to multiply and can turn men and women into lovers. Celebrated each year on February 24th, this holiday is linked to the time of the year when birds build their nests and mate, being mostly connected with nature. As the first signs of spring begin to show, nature & man begin a new cycle of life and love.
🌿 Mărțișor” (March 1) or March amulet:
The name “Mărțișor” (mərt͡siˈʃor) is the diminutive of “Marț”, the old folk name for March (“martie”, in modern Romanian language), & literally means "the little March". The actual “Mărțișor” is made of a small decorative object, tied to a white & red string, with two hanging tassels, which is offered customarily on the 1st day of March to girls, women & men (in some parts of the country) as it is believed that the wearer will stay strong & healthy throughout the entire year ahead. In the old times “Mărțișor” was regarded more as a protective talisman, but in modern days, & especially in the urban areas, most of its talisman properties got lost and “Mărțișor” became more of a symbol of friendship, love, appreciation & respect, as well as a symbol of the coming spring in addition to the snowdrop flowers.
NOTEIn 2017, UNESCO decided to inscribe “Mărțișor“ on their list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Please follow the links below for a more detailed reading about this significant gesture…thank you!
● Previous events I organized on the same concepts: Love, Spring &“Mărțișor” 20232022202120202019
Some of my additional greetings referring to the same themes: VALENTINE’s Day – 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019
“Mărțișor“ – 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019  | DRAGOBETE“ Day  2023, 2022, 2021, 2020 
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

January 24’24: Union of the Romanian Principalities

 An old page of Romanian history: The Little Union of the Romanian Principalities
January 24, 1859 – January 24, 2024. 165 years ago, the Union of the Romanian Principalities (also known as: “The Little Union of the Romanian Principalities”, or “The Little Union Day”, or “The Day of The Unification of the Romanian Principalities”) took place, under the leadership of Alexandru Ioan Cuza.
To honor this significant page of Romanian history, each year, on January 24th, in Bucharest (the capital city of Romania) and in most of the big cities of the country, many military parades and ceremonies are organized by the officials, festive wreaths are deposited at the monuments of the national heroes, and lots of people unite in the traditional dance, called “Unity Hora” (Romanian: “Hora Unirii”).
For many Romanians around the world, this is also a day of national pride, when most of them recall and honor the significance of their ethnic roots.
On January 24’24: To all our Romanian friends, near & far, from our hearts to yours: HAPPY UNIFICATION DAY!
La mulți ani tuturor românilor de pretutindeni cu ocazia Zilei Unirii Principatelor Române!
24 ianuarie 1859 este data la care a avut loc Unirea Țării Românești cu Moldova sub conducerea lui Alexandru Ioan Cuza
„În fiecare an, la 24 ianuarie, România aniversează un moment crucial al istoriei naționale – Unirea Principatelor Române, act ce a marcat decisiv procesul de unificare națională și modernizare a societății românești, posibil prin voința neabătută și solidaritatea la nivel național, în ciuda contextului politic complex de la acel moment, mai ales la nivel internațional.
Unirea Moldovei cu Muntenia şi revendicarea libertăţii şi egalităţii în drepturi a naţiunii române din Transilvania şi Banat, obiective formulate de revoluţionarii de la 1848, au reprezentat programul politic esenţial al românilor din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea.”
● As a quick refresher, for your reference, here is a concise historic briefing:
January 24th, also known as the Little Unification (Romanian: "Mica Unire") celebrates the political union of these 2 principalities, which is considered the foundation of modern Romania. The United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, also known as "The Romanian United Principalities", was the official name of the Romania following the 1859 election of Alexandru Ioan Cuza as the ruling prince (Romania: "domnitor") of both territories.
Years later, on December 1st, 1918, the Great Union happened (Romanian: "Marea Unire"), when the 3 Romanian Principalities (Wallachia, Moldavia & Transylvania) became one country, one voice, called "Romania", and December 1st became Romania's National Day.
● Several highlights featuring this historic moment:
      Revisiting few historic songs, in different interpretations:Unity Hora” (Romanian: “Hora Unirii”, interpretată de Maria TănaseIon Roată către Divan” 
      A brief documentary in Romanian language “Unirea Principatelor Române - citate” 
      A brief documentary, in English language Historical Talk: The Unification of the Romanian Principalities and its International Dimension
● A short video clip I’ve put together a while ago for this occasion: January 24
● My previous greetings on the same theme: The LITTLE UNION Day – 202320222021
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)