Monday, March 8, 2021

Socializing: 2021 – INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s Day

On Monday (March 8’21) we had our annual reunion celebrating International Women’s Day! Unlike the years before (when we had the chance to meet in person, enjoying as a group a cheerful ambiance, in a public space), this time we gathered ‘on line’ due to the prolonged austerity measures of the times we are living.
Needless to say that it was nourishing at least to see each other and reconnect on a subject we all hold in high regard.
This time, we opened the evening with a toast (as each invited guest, from the comfort of their own living room, was accompanied by a glass of good wine), honoring all the amazing women we each have in our life - to the women who are wise, kind, positive, compassionate, smart, diligent, resourceful, beautiful & unique!
Once more, I’m wishing all women out there the strength to continue to inspire, the strength to continue to smile, and the strength to continue to love!
Even though it was not a literary evening, but rather a social gathering, a number of significant writings featuring women have been referred to and to further uplift the understanding of womanhood, here I will enumerate a few:
Poems: “Balada doamnelor de alta data(by Francois Villon) | "De-or trece anii" (by Mihai Eminescu)
Books: “Don Quixote de la Mancha(by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)
Trecute vieti de doamne si domnite” (by Constantin Gane) | Adela” (by Garabet Ibraileanu) Enigma Otiliei” (by George Calinescu) 
Ultima noapte de dragoste, intaia noapte de razboi(by Camil Petrescu) Patul lui Procust(by Camil Petrescu)  

Also, a number of famous Romanian women have been mentioned, and here I am glad to share those names with you:
Smaranda Gheorghiu (poet & novelist), Sofia Ionescu (first female neurosurgeon in the world),
Lucia Sturdza-Bulandra (a very well regarded actress of her time), Sarmisa Bilcescu (was a Romanian lawyer, the first European woman ever to obtain a license and a PhD in Law from the University of Paris), Ana Aslan (biologist & physician, founder of the first institute of Geriatric), Elena Caragiu (actress & writer, wife of the well-known actor, Toma Caragiu), Smaranda Braescu (Romanian parachuting and aviation pioneer, former multiple world record holder), Ecaterina Teodoroiu (WWI heroine of Romania), Maria Rosetti (a well-known Romanian political activist, journalist, essayist, philanthropist and socialite).

International acknowledgements featuring special women around the world (in different fields of expertise):
Appropriate for the occasion, here are few more highlights (slideshows): “Women who changed the world”, 
500 Years of Female Portraits in Western Art”, 
The most inspiring women in the world”, The Atlas of Beauty”, 2021-Women personalities in the world.
ARTICLES: "70 Famous women who changed the world" (listed in chronological order), "Meet 10 women in science who changed the world"

In addition, several original poems were recited, more thoughts were voiced and personal perspectives were shared, in a smooth ambiance of mutual appreciation.
We wrapped up the evening on a positive note, trusting that the coming spring will bring us renewed joy. Until next time, my warmest regards to each of you!

● Previous events I organized on the same theme: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s Day – 20202019 
● Some of my additional greetings referring to the same matter:

March 8, 2021: Happy INTERNATIONAL WOMEN's Day!

Each year, on March 8, the entire world is celebrating women and the variety of roles they play in our society, from their birth till the end of life. Generally speaking, from giving birth to a baby, or from keeping the home safe and clean to portraying excellent outcomes in any workplace, a woman’s contribution is remarkable, and today is a great occasion to celebrate all these accomplishments.
“You educate a man, you educate a man. You educate a woman, you educate a generation.”
Ladies, I wish you each enjoy this beautiful day and please stay safe and healthy!
● My previous greetings on the same theme: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN's Day – 20202019

Monday, March 1, 2021

March 1, 2021: “Mărțișor"

Life as I know it….on March 1st is “Mărțișor” and again, here I’m sharing with you all this old spring custom that is very near and dear to my heartI wish the day would find you happy!

Also, since the spring time is around the corner, I’m sending along my best greetings to each of you for a safe, healthy and peaceful season!

Dragii mei,
Cu această ocazie vă trimit în dar la fiecare câte un Mărţişor însoţit de gânduri bune pentru o primăvară deosebită, plină de soare, pace şi multe bucurii alături de toţi cei dragi vouă!

Ghioceii – simbolul curat al primăverii

● My previous greetings on the same theme: 
"Mărțișor" 2020, 
"Mărțișor" 2019

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

February 24, 2021: “DRAGOBETE” Day

An old Romanian custom featuring Love 

While Valentine’s Day is mostly related to people (a well-known saint and those he helped) and their actions in the name of love, “DRAGOBETE” is a very old and truly beautiful Romanian festive holiday associated with the arrival of spring as well as romantic love.
While no one really knows exactly when "Dragobete" started, it is believed to go way back to ancient Romania (aka "Dacian Kingdom").
In early myths, "Dragobete" is the son of Dochia and is seen as somewhat of a Divine God. He was often said to be seen riding a flying white horse during daylight hours and is considered a symbol of spring and light. It is said that his magical presence could make the trees flower, insects, and birds to multiply and can turn men and women into lovers. He is the Romanian version of Cupid – bringing love and life with him.
Celebrated each year on February 24th, this holiday is linked to the time of the year when birds build their nests and mate, being mostly connected with nature. As the first signs of spring begin to show, nature & man begin a new cycle of life and love. What better reason to celebrate nature, new beginnings, hope, joy, while singing, dancing & hugging your loved one?
Wishing you all a beautiful day & a great spring!
● A previous post I've created on the same theme, featuring this old tradition: DRAGOBETE” Day – 2020
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Love and few highlights of the coming spring, in 2021

~ Romanian literary evening featuring Valentine’s Day, “Dragobete” & “Mărțișor” ~

On Sunday (February 14’21), I was glad to be able to organize a gathering together with a handful of close friends meant to celebrate Love and the coming spring, while emphasizing three seasonal holidays that are near and dear to our hearts, such as: Valentine’s Day, “Dragobete” & “Mărțișor”.

On the other hand, as the entire worlds continues to observe a large variety of restrictions concerning the ongoing pandemic, we are proceeding with our events adopting for the time being the ‘on line’ approach.

At our evening together, I was welcoming my guests with a short fragment from a well-known Romanian classical masterpiece, called “Crai nou
(composed by the Romanian Ciprian Porumbescu, who was one of the most celebrated composers of his time, 1853-1883). Why this musical piece? I chose it because "Crai nou" in Romanian language (colloquially speaking) means "new moon", and on February 
14th (astronomically speaking), it is new moon in our part of the world.  
After everyone settled in, I began the evening with a concise slide show (published below), just to briefly refresh some facts pertaining the discussion points covered by the chosen theme. For your reference, here is some additional background info:
Valentine’s Day (February 14):
Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14. This originated as a Christian feast day honoring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine and, through later folk traditions, has become a significant cultural, religious and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.
“Dragobete”  (February 24):
“Dragobete” is a spring festival celebrated in several parts of Southern Romania, and in recent times it has been rekindled (after having been ignored during the Communist years) as the traditional Romanian holiday for lovers. The holiday is named after a character from the Romanian folklore, named “Dragobete” (who is believed to be son of Baba Dochia. In Romanian mythology, ‘Baba Dochia” is an old figure identified with the return of spring).
The date of this spring holiday used to vary depending on the geographical areas, but nowadays is commonly observed on February 24th.
“Mărțișor” (March 1)
The name “Mărțișor” (mərt͡siˈʃor) is the diminutive of “Marț”, the old folk name for March (“martie”, in modern Romanian language), & literally means "the little March". As I’ve mentioned few times before, the actual “Mărțișor” is made of a small decorative object, tied to a white & red string, with two hanging tassels, which is offered customarily on the 1st day of March to girls, women & men (in some parts of the country) as it is believed that the wearer will stay strong & healthy throughout the entire year ahead. In the old times “Mărțișor” was regarded more as a protective talisman, but in modern days, &especially in the urban areas, most of its talisman properties got lost and “Mărțișor” became more of a symbol of friendship, love, appreciation & respect, as well as a symbol of the coming spring.

At our gathering, our dear friend Dorina read us a fragment from an essay she wrote (
circulated by "Observatorul" from Toronto, & with Dorina's permission, the entire essay is published in comments section), which we all enjoyed as she mentioned a number of famous love stories belonging to Romanian history.
Next, Teodor recited few poems (personal compositions) and delighted us with few songs (also, personal compositions).
Then all my guests highly spoke about love, heart-warming memories were shared, while lots of (national & international) traditions and legends were reiterated, more poems were recited and few additional songs were interpreted – individually and as a group….needless to say how much fun we all had!

Yet again, the time we spent together flew by very fast, but it left behind such a pleasant and relaxing feeling of “joie de vivre”. 
Definitively, a beautiful evening filled with lots of special moments and for these I’m sending along my most sincere appreciation to each participant that night.
Until next time, best wishes for a peaceful rest of the season and a fragrant spring to come!
"LOVE is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend." 
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture. 
● Previous events I organized on the same concepts: Love, Spring &“Mărțișor”– 20202019
● Some of my additional greetings referring to VALENTINE's Day – 202120202019 
– 20202019   "DRAGOBETE" – 2020
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)