centuries, BEAUTY has been defined as being directly related to someone or
something having pleasant or attractive characteristic/s, most of the time
based on a subjective manner or perception, being categorized
into outer & inner beauty.
speaking, when people think or speak about OUTER BEAUTY they mostly refer to the
physical or external aspect, the style and the attitude of a person. This is
claimed by many to be as important (if
not more important) than inner beauty. However, that is simply not true,
because outer beauty does not last forever and all the trends constantly change.
Outer beauty is nice, but it doesn’t help your soul evolve.
Unfortunately, women are often told that outer beauty is crucial to survive in
life, but unfortunately this is only a poor commercial strategy used to sell
lots of products, meant to sustain the fashion industry.
of that, nowadays, our society exposes very many images (samples & “prototypes”) of outer beauty, displaying a large
collection of models while offering many (too
many) suggestions based on which the large majority of people (males, females or children) could
re-define themselves by easily embracing the preferred choice; at first sight,
this approach could lead to pleasant results, where the external form is
further and further redefined or perfected, but in the midst of all these
changes (metamorphosis) I believe
that the external beautification process (if
I can say so) could lead to something which might not end up being
necessarily yours, lacking the personal distinctiveness, where the ‘true’ you (the core of who you really are) could
be completely vanished or be very well hidden under the ‘new look’ and in the
end you could become disconnected from your true personality while becoming
just a pretty decoration!
attractive means much more than having a pretty face or a good body. Having a
nice skin, a sound hygiene, a healthy diet, a good exercising routine, clean
clothing and a positive attitude could take you far, but equally important it
is how do you project yourself to the surrounding world.
the other hand, INNER BEAUTY, has a much deeper meaning as it comes from inside;
it goes far beyond the physical appearances, it is extremely powerful and
according to some it is the only true beauty! Inner beauty simply refers to the
personality of an individual, including his (or
her) mind and character. Beyond the way you look it is your personality
that gets noticed. Unlike
external beauty (that is mostly dependent
on your biological appearance), inner beauty has the potential of getting
better with age, when a person becomes more peaceful and better equipped to
build lasting relationships. It
is believed by many that inner beauty reflects outer beauty, and without it
there is no value to outer beauty. In life people should succeed because of
their good personality too not only because of their good looks.
person with true inner beauty is a person who is capable and willing to offer
unconditional love (not just empty words),
compassion, and sensitivity to other souls while fully possessing attributes
such as respect, gratitude, devotion, peace, harmony, dignity, grace and
short, I’m just ringing a bell here, for all the seekers of beautification, emphasizing
that a true, lasting transformation should come from inside out, as external
beauty is nothing without the light of a truly beautiful soul. In
life, it is important to have a good balance between outer and inner beauty…when
outer beauty meets the inner beauty it makes for a blessed situation, where
both the physical and the spiritual aspects of beauty could be experienced.
“Outer beauty
is a gift, but inner beauty is an