Friday, November 30, 2018

Greetings for a happy Saint Andrew’s Day!

               Happy Name Day to all who celebrate St. Andrew!

November 30: SAINT ANDREW – the First Called…
Celebrating someone’s Name Day it is an old European tradition; for centuries, all across the continent people have been celebrating their first names pretty much in the same way as we celebrate birthdays on this part of the world (over there, usually birthdays are celebrated mostly with the immediate family, but the name days are widely known and celebrated in larger circles)

Generally speaking, each first name is assigned to one day of the calendar, based on different spiritual traditions, or specific historical events, or in relation with other facts.

Just imagine how pleasant it is to meet every year with dear friends for a joyful time, when nobody wonders how old you are?! In effect, it is like having a second birthday.
May the day find you close to those you love!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Alice’s Book Club – debut on October of 2018

As autumn beautifully unfolds on this part of the world, being spoiled for more than two weeks with a splendid ‘Indian summer’, on Friday (October 26’18) I was truly pleased to open my social book club – a fairly intimate gathering, which took place at a nice public library. 

Before I will give a brief description of the session in itself, I would like to quickly mention below some of the incredible benefits, in my opinion, a book club holds:
- For book lovers and not only, a book club offers a healthy intellectual stimulation
- It gives a sound sense of belonging to a community of likeminded people
- It allows for a good break from the daily routine
- It offers the freedom to be honest in sharing your views about the material you’ve read
- It is a welcoming environment, where one could make lifetime friends
- It is a good place to practice self-expression & it could increase confidence
- It helps decreasing stress & it builds teamwork
- It could aid gaining new perspectives 
- It gives a push to finish the reading on time, which would facilitate a meaningful participation to the subsequent discussions.
Summarizing here my rather brief points on the matter, without any doubt a good book club could be a nice, healthy, inspiring addition to any life style.
So, dear friends, please Read, Lead & Succeed!
Now, specifically speaking, for the opening session of my book club, I’ve selected the novel called “Behold the Dreamers”, by Imbolo Mbue, which is a book “about marriage, immigration, class, race, and the trapdoors in the American Dream – the unforgettable story of a young Cameroonian couple making a new life in New York just as the Great Recession upends the economy.” 
In order to give you a better sense of it, in the comments section below I am including the literary summary as well as a number of book reviews.
I was really glad to see how my group of friends deeply delved into many extensive comments, as in a way or another this book touched on a number of familiar similarities and interesting conclusions surfaced.  
Many questions were raised and answered by each participant, revealing personal perspectives about many aspects of life, and the final thought to ponder upon was: 
“What really makes life a success?”
An autumnal sketcha traditional ‘taste’ of Romania
On the other hand, because the quince fruit it is the ‘perfect autumnal ingredient’, our dear friend Camelia was kind to offer us all some quince jam, which I was truly glad to present it to all participants that night in a Romanian traditional setting. It was such a culinary delight, we all loved tasting! 
Also, from a cultural stand point, under the concept of "Tales from my native land", in Romania there is a very well-known (old) folk song called "Galbena gutuie" ('Yellow Quince'), which I find appropriate sharing here...please enjoy it!
As usual, we wrapped up the evening in a very pleasant manner, committed to continue with our reading as well as sharing in this setting.
Once again, I would like to thank again all the book lovers who joined me that night – their enthusiasm, kindness and support always give me wings to prepare the next project. Until next time, to all and each of you, my best greetings for a beautiful rest of the autumn!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

The amazing impact of ART

There are numerous reliable, scholastic, papers which over time proved that art, such as poetry, music, visual arts, drawing, painting, iconography, calligraphy, collage, sculpture, storytelling, etc. have been playing a pivotal role in one’s soothing process
while at the same time would have the capability to elevate the human spirit toward the higher realms. 

For many people throughout the history, art meant a profound state, which entails a deep transformational process involving the heart, the mind and the body – all in itself leading to a very powerful and complex restorative experience, where creativity plays an essential role. 

Generally speaking, while walking the path of life, if you ever connected with a piece of art you happen ‘to meet’ on your way, and recognized the message or the feelings the artist was trying to convey then you just experienced on your own how influential art could be! 

Whether or not art is part of your daily life, there is no doubt that it can provide a wonderful avenue which can allow you to further explore more and settle yourself, while at the same time making possible to communicate these personal experiences to people around you - all with much transparency, joy and kindness. 

Through art you can find a lot of peace for yourself & offer it to others as well; you can bring hope, you can bring happiness, and definitively you can make tomorrow better than today. 
“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." (Edgar Degas)

Monday, October 8, 2018

October 2018 – Message for THANKSGIVING Day

Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday of the year when gratitude is extended for all the good things we each have acquired in our lives, celebrating the bounty of the harvest season, as well as reuniting with family and friends in thankfulness, while peacefully enjoying traditional food and autumnal activities.
A beautiful time of togetherness and sincere appreciation...HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY, dear friends!
“Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds.” (Theodore Roosevelt)

Sunday, September 23, 2018

September 23, 2018: Happy AUTUMN, dear friends!

September 23rd, the first day of autumn, marks the time when days start to get shorter and nights are getting longer, while weather temperatures begin to drop significantly.  As leaves began changing colors, we are reminded that summer is over, while autumn has arrived – a beautiful season which creates a unique sense of comfort, warmth and reflection. This is also the time when farmers around the world start to collect the harvest, while many traditional and cultural festivities are unfolding, featuring abundance and thankfulness. May this autumn bring you much peace and joy! 
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” (Albert Camus)
A short scientific briefing on AUTUMN EQUINOX:
The Autumnal Equinox (on Sept.22 in 2018) is an astronomical event, nearly noticed by everyone, marking the arrival of fall in Northern Hemisphere. During the equinox, the night & day have almost the same length (12 hours) throughout the world. The word "equinox" derives from Latin, meaning “equal night". The equinox happens when the equator passes the centre of the sun; this is when the North & South Poles of the Earth are not tilted towards or away from the sun, as at other times, but are aligned so as to give, theoretically, the same amount of daylight in both of the Earth's hemispheres.
AUTUMN (by Antonio Vivaldi)  audio

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Consideration of the day: MIND clarity

Many scientific studies on the subject emphasize that usually the human mind is the place where much of happiness or suffering are happening, and based on how do we respond to each of these experiences our lives are influenced accordingly.

Not to go too fancy about ‘mind’, which in itself is such a vast subject, I will briefly mention though what some researchers believe to this regard: they consider that the sooner we learn to release all the patterns that hold us back from what do we intend to achieve in life, the faster we move toward mental clarity, which is a tedious process based on a very profound and objective self-analysis. Through this unbiased process, one needs to completely detach from all sorts of circumstances, from the usual judgmental attitudes and habits, from conditions, etc. and let the mind fly free…yes, “free” but at the same time never to forget though that freedom comes also with a large spectrum of responsibilities while the social duties and obligations should be maturely fulfilled.

On the other hand, the moment a particular judgement stops through the acceptance of what it is (facts are facts) then the mind would begin to gain clarity. A true mental clarity would eliminate completely the internal chatter, expectations, attachments, rigidity, mind sets, etc. allowing peace to come upon. Isn't that beautiful and truly desirable?!
The perfect world is shaped when our mind is clear and able to see it!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

In brief: TRUST – the ‘glue’ of life

According to a number of scholars, TRUST is ‘measuring’ the quality of a relationship, and it can’t be built in a few minutes but rather trough a lengthy and consistent process, based on which behavioral habits or patterns play a key role.
“Trust it one of the most expensive things in the world –
it can take years to earn it and just a matter of seconds to lose it.”

Over time, it has been recognized that trust does not come by the force of will 
 on the contrary, the more you struggle to impose it on yourself the farther it will become for you to reach it! Many people believe that trust is something that one is born with, and after birth one must continuously work to attain it, most of the time through the path of knowledge and observation.

The ‘attitude’ of trust toward life in general, toward oneself is a fundamental component of a healthy life, which allows hope to grow, dreams to come true, encouragement to flourish, vitality to improve and the joy of life to propagate!
“TRUST is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient of effective communication & the foundational principle that holds all relationships." (Steve Covey)

TRUST gives you the assurance and the freedom to believe that no matter what you encounter on your path, life still continues to have meaning, life still continues to be beautiful despite the imperfections as where is trust there is hope, where is hope there is life, where is life there is love – consequently trust becomes the most important step to love, and love it is the most powerful force in the universe able to melt anything. Love never fails! Lover conquers all!
Trust, but don’t be naive. May your trust flourish as time goes by! 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Few insights about RESPECT & SINCERITY

There are lots of important matters which would necessitate close attention, but from all, I truly believe that respect and sincerity require careful consideration because both play fundamental roles.
As we all know, the ancient wisdom states that respect is a universal value that each person desires not only to embody, but also to receive. 
In other words, respect is a two-way street...if you want to be respected you would have to respect others as well. 
Further on this, we could simply state that respect is a global evaluation you give someone based not only on words, but also on personal acts, deeds and /or attitudes. Aside, if people would understand that their feelings and thoughts are taken into consideration that would make others respectful as well. Also, it helps to refresh that true respect is earned not imposed. If one demonstrates respect toward others, implicitly the others will reciprocate on the same note, or at least they should do so.
Following that, I would like to emphasize that true respect begins with self-respect, which basically would encompass your views of how you are actually living your own life. As a result, self-respect then extends toward your circle/s, in respect of others. At the same time, true respect comes with a clear understanding of differences, in a completely nonjudgmental manner. From a social stand point, in our days, there are recognized two types of respect: the first one is the respect which comes from wealth or social status, and this type is impermanent because it is circumstantial (if a specific person loses all the social privileges then the related respect would vanish)and the second type is the one which comes from the virtues a person holds (such as honesty, commitment, integrity, kindness, etc.) and this type nobody can take away. 
Nevertheless, if someone gets very fond of the virtues s/he is possessing that person might begin to look down upon everybody else and as a result the value of the embodied virtues would diminish dramatically, because only the non-attachment to your virtues would bring genuine self-respect which is not to be confused with ego; ego would need another one to compare with as opposed to self-respect which is basically self-confidence or self-esteem.  
Once again, I would like to highlight that in life, true respect is earned, it can’t be imposed or demanded, and you need to give it in order to get it. Clearly, if someone doesn’t respect your feelings or your values it means that person doesn’t respect you.
As our elders would say, treat people the way you want to be treated, and talk to people the way you want to be talked to. This, very easily, could begin with any of us! Why not start trying to be more specific in showing that you respect yourself and that you respect others. What if we all start to respect each other more as human beings and then expand in respect of other people’s beliefs, opinions, and views about life in general, in a peaceful, non-judgmental and harmonious manner? Can you imagine what a wonderful place this world would be?! When people truly respect one another they cooperate well with each other and there could be less conflicts, more harmonious relationships, less wars, more peace and for sure way more beautiful projects could nicely come into existence…without any doubt, true respect has a deep significance in our society, as well as a major evolutionary connotation. 
Respect for ourselves guides our morals and respect for others guides our manners.

On the other hand, sincerity is a beautiful virtue based on which a person always speaks or acts truthfully in alignment with personal feelings or believes. Sincerity always should involve a pure mind and impeccable action/s, while simply being who you are and being OK with that. A sincere person is always a welcome addition to any environment. Aside of that, I truly believe that sincerity requires a fair amount of personal freedom as well.
Also, there are lots of studies clearly showing that lack of sincerity, basically means lack of empathy, lack of understanding, and lack of carrying. Many stories have been written over time emphasizing that sincerity is a crucial key to loyalty and trust. It is well known by now that t
rue sincerity always breeds positive and lasting relationships between all kinds of people, but be mindful though that the ones who try to fake sincerity are putting themselves at high risk, because sooner or later the true self would surface and if it is not in good standing that would lead to profound disappointment and lasting resentment toward the perpetrator. People who practice fake sincerity risk to have their credibility permanently damaged. There is an old saying, which states that “respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained and loyalty is returned”, and time has been showing again and again that’s always the case.
Generally speaking, if people would learn to be honest with themselves first and then understand and accept that nobody is perfect, but rather a unique piece of work in progress would help immensely, leading to a more effective communication, less frustrations, an increased level of compassion, and definitively a much better quality of collaboration. Without any doubt, sincere friends and honest opinions would benefit everyone, relationships would flourish and the correct decisions are likely to be reached. Sincerely expressing our feelings, with kindness and integrity, ultimately helps each of us to learn more about ourselves, about the people with whom we interact, and all of these would significantly impact the quality of the life we live, because life, like people, deserves sincerity.
Sincerity is the face of the soul and it is desired to be kept pure!

Summarizing my rather brief thoughts on the subject here, I could mention that in many situations it has been noticed that both respect and sincerity are perceived like an oasis in the middle of large desert, and both have the potential to elevate the human thinking, to refine the social interactions at all levels, and to enhance the quality of collaboration and cooperation, while at the same time the truth is revealed and preserved. Once into the realm truth, one could graciously extend strength and wisdom, which would be quite nourishing.
May we each strive to become better and better in what we are doing in our daily lives, having deeply rooted in our understanding that certain virtues and values always must be carefully observed if we want to co-exist in a climate of joy and lasting peace.
Our values reflect what it is important to us & the most significant moments of our lives call out for our greatest virtues. 

Sunday, August 5, 2018

A socio-cultural evening of poetry & good talks

Friday evening (August 3'18) I was delighted to meet again with a group of dear friends at the Conservatory to discuss, analyze and share poetry, personal perspectives and life stories, which helped us all dive even deeper into meaningful matters. 
Also, I was pleased to welcome them with a fragment from Johann Pachelbel's sublime Canon (In the Garden“) - a piece of classical music, which brought upon a deep sense of peace. On the other hand, as usual by now, I brought my aromatherapy diffuser with French lavender, which filled the room with such a pleasant and refreshing fragrance.

This time, we had two guests of honor – Dr. Ovidiu Grecea together with his wife. Dr. Grecea is Consul General – Head of Mission and Plenipotentiary Minister of Romania, and he brought along a noble message, re-emphasizing the importance of dialogue, communication and co-operation. We all are like branches of a tree and our lives are heading in different directions, we all grow wings and fly, but our roots always would remind us where we are coming from. Truly heart felt! 

Aside of that, our subsequent group conversations were long, open, from heart to heart, from soul to soul, from mind to mind…without any doubt, genuine, deep conversations with open-minded people are the best. Specifically speaking, our friends also brought a number of beautiful poems, dear books & a patriotic song, which triggered fond memories in many of us, and some of these I will enumerate below:
- “If“, a poem by Rudyard Kipling
- “Visam sa scriu“, a poem by Monica Pillat
- "Romanta fara ecou", a poem by Ion Minulescu
- "America ogarului cenuşiu", a book by Romulus Rusan
- “Maitreyi“, a book by Mircea Eliade (briefly mentioned though)
- A beautiful poem of Queen Maria, of Romania
- A beautiful poem of Ferdinand of Romania about Romania’s Great Unification
- A patriotic song, featuring our beautiful young adults
Following these we didn’t forget the light refreshments either, which again ignited new series of pleasant conversations around the table and offered extended socialization.

Concluding, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all who joined me this evening to share memories, personal journals, poems, life changing stories and special moments. Until we meet again, I send along my best wishes to each of you for a wonderful rest of the summer!
Mesaj personal din partea lui Alice, adresat direct in limba romana:
Dragii mei,
Si pe aceasta cale doresc sa-mi exprim sincera apreciere pentru participarea si atentia pe care ati acordat-o intalnirii noastre de vineri (3 aug.'18).
Poeziile recitate, amintirile enumerate, simtamintele impartasite cu o autenticitate absolut deosebita au dat un farmec unic fiecarui moment petrecut impreuna. A fost o reala placere sa depanam cu totii trairi de suflet care au re-adus pe tapet intamplari memorabile din viata fiecaruia, scrieri dragi care ne-au incalzit inimile amintindu-ne totodata de fosti profesori consacrati de odinioara, de carturari respectati, de parinti, de neam, de radacini.
Cu siguranta, dragostea pentru frumos este numitorul nostru comun, ceea ce denota multe aspecte importante. Conceptul de unitate in diversitate si diversitate in unitate a stralucit cu adevarat.
Inca odata, sincere multumiri!  
“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”

Mesaj primit înspre publicare din partea Domnului Dr. Ovidiu Grecea* şi al Doamnei Liliana Grecea

Pentru Doamna Alice şi pentru cei care ne-au impresionat plãcut, prin delicateţea sufleteascã, nobleţea intelectualã, bunul simţ, modestia şi normalitatea demonstrate într-o searã plinã de semnificaţii şi încãrcãturi emoţionale, unde nişte români-canadieni s-au reunit pentru setea lor de culturã şi de românism, pentru dorinţa de bine şi de un viitor frumos, artistic şi spiritual, cultural şi relaţional în comunitatea din care ei fac parte.
A fost un adevãrat balsam sufletesc, iar faptul cã poezia, filozofia, pildele de viaţã, cântecele şi sentimentele trainice şi veşnice faţã de România s-au contopit în prezentãrile, expunerile, discuţiile, dizertaţiile şi chiar controversele din aceastã magnificã întâlnire, demonstreazã cã românul este şi va fi, oriunde şi oricând, un cumul şi un vârf de omenie, de dragoste faţã de ţara lor şi de respect faţã de ţara care i-a adoptat, de oameni adevãraţi, nealteraţi sau schimonosiţi sufleteste şi mental, ci adevãrate repere existenţionale şi de devenire pentru noua generaţie.
Acum sunt puţini, dar sperãm şi avem convingerea cã în viitor elitele şi adevãratele personalitãţi reprezentative comunitare vor gãsi sursele, resursele, cãile şi modalitãţile viabile şi concrete de a se uni în cuget şi în simţire, de a-şi demonstra adevãratele lor calitãţi, forţa, tãria şi puterea de a fi numai învingãtori, de a-şi ocupa locul binemeritat într-o societate nouã, multiculturalã, care le-a oferit posibilitatea de a se integra, de a deveni, de a se simţi mai liberi şi mai încrezãtori, unde adevãratele valori sunt preţuite şi nu târâte în mocirla vremurilor actuale.
Noi, ca simpli oameni şi români pânã în mãduva fiinţei noastre, vom fi deschişi la orice iniţiative sincere şi benefice pentru comunitatea românilor de aici, pentru binele, propãşirea şi prosperitatea lor, pentru un viitor mai sigur şi mai demn, pentru unitate în gândire şi acţiune, pentru menţinerea, dezvoltarea şi perpetuarea unei relaţii sincere şi benefice a României în Canada.
Iar ca oficiali, noi nu vom pregeta de a face tot ce este omeneşte şi profesional posibil, în limitele şi competenţele noastre diplomatice şi de reprezentare, ca România şi românul sã fie pe primul loc, într-o armonie existenţionalã şi funcţionalã, pentru cã noi avem o istorie adevãratã, realã şi concretã de peste 2.000 de ani, iar bagajul nostru ancestral de experienţã de viaţã, de culturã şi de educaţie, de creştinism şi de respect al valorilor autentice, ne determinã sã fim numai: ’the best’, ’the first’, ’the no.1’!
Liliana şi Ovidiu Grecea
*Domnul Ovidiu Grecea este Consul General şi Ministru Plenipotenţiar al României la Vancouver
“BE LIKE A TREE. Stay grounded. Connect with your roots. Turn over a new leaf. Bend before you break.
Enjoy your unique natural beauty. Keep growing. ”
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture. 
 Fotogallery published on their website by the General Consulate of Romania in Vancouver