Saturday, June 9, 2018

A Literary Afternoon

Saturday afternoon (June 9, 2018), I was very pleased to meet with a small group of friends at a public library to spend some time discussing Romanian literature (personal compositions as well as masterpieces written by famous Romanian authors)

I was truly happy to be able to greet them all with “Poema Românã“ by George Enescu (George Enescu, 1881-1955, who was a Romanian composer, violinist, pianist, conductor and teacher, regarded as Romania's most important musician and one of the world's greatest composers of the 20th century).
In addition, the aromatherapy with natural French lavender oil that I brought had a nice relaxing effect on all of us.

After our usual introductions around the circle, which this time took longer than usual and helped our friends open their hearts even more toward each other, we began our program, as per below: 
- Teo brought again few personal compositions (“Florile” & an acrostic, dedicated to our dear friend Ligia, who is also a virtuoso musician & a choir conductor).
- Asiza recited 2 poems composed by her departed mother (“Odoras“ and “Doar noi doi“)
- Ligia recited few poems, (De-a v-ati ascunseleaDin tara de unde venim), by Ana Blandiana, who is a Romanian poet, essayist, and political figure, considered also one of the leading contemporary authors
- Ioana narrated a chapter from “Maitreyi“ – a semiautobiographical novel of great intellectual and emotional power, written by Mircea Eliade, who was a world renowned scholar 
- Monica brought a poem filled with timeless wisdom, written by Emil Cioran, who was a famous Romanian philosopher and writer
At the end of our cultural program, Teo offered us all a live violin performance, gratefully re-emphasizing the heart touching love for his wife and lifelong partner (also part of the audience), who is such an adorable person. 
We all had a great time together and again we wrapped up the afternoon with light refreshments, snacks we each brought, and prolonged conversations, because food always tastes better when you eat it together with likeminded people. 

In closing, I want to share that I sincerely appreciate the participation of all these dear friends, who at the end of a long, busy week (mine not being an exception either) took the time from their relaxation program to join me for few hours to discuss literature, to share life stories, and to enjoy the presence of each other, which I find simply beautiful. Until next time, my best greetings to all and each of you!
Don’t count the days, make the days count!
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture. 


Unknown said...

Dear Alice and dear friends, what a wonderful evening we had! As different as we are, we are more the same than we think. We share the same love for beauty, in words, in sounds, in colours. Looking forward for the next time. Ligia Oancea

Anonymous said...

Dear Alice,
I’m watching from the distance what you are doing, and I sincerely congratulate you for all these beautiful ideas, for your perseverance, for your great organizational skills, and for all the beauty you spread around yourself. In many ways you are such an inspiration for many of us. Keep up the good work!

Monica Tatar said...

Dear Alice I would like to thank you again for been invited to your culturally meetings. Enjoyable time spend it together under you harmonious baguette.

Unknown said...

Dear Alice And Friends,

Thank you for including me in your group.
It was a real pleasure to be part of the beauty that was spread around by each and everyone.
I am glad I was there.
Till next time , I wish you all to have a great time.

Ioana Radacina

Alice said...

Many thanks for your kind remarks, dear Ligia, and please do know that I totally agree with you….our similarities bring us to a common ground and our difference allow us to be encouraged by each other.
Yes, absolutely…it is great to have you with us.
Until next time, my best greetings to you & yours!

Alice said...

You are most welcome, dear Monica! I’m really glad you are enjoying yourself each time you come.
Best regards,

Alice said...

You are most welcome, dear Ioana! I’m truly happy you enjoyed the afternoon, and with much anticipation I’m looking forward to have you with us next time as well.
Meanwhile, my best regards to you & yours!

Teo said...

Cu prilejul intalnirii noastre de poezie, din ziua de 9 Iunie a.c. am avut din nou placerea sa ne spunem lucruri frumoase pe teme de literatura,recitand poezii originale sdi de alti autori, s-a prezentat proza precum si cantece cu care ne-am delectat si ne-am simtit foarte multumiti sufleteste, spre satisfactia tuturor si in special a Dnei Alice, sub obladuirea careia s-a tinut cercul. Consider ca si aceasta intalnire a fost un succes si un real motiv de a continua aceasta frumoasa manifestare de suflet.

Alice said...

Va mutumesc pt. participare, dl. Trandafir – a fost o reala placere sa va avem in mijlocul nostru impreuna cu sotia.
Cu totii ne-am simtit foarte bine si sunt absolut convinsa ca aceste seri literare or sa devina din ce in ce mai interesante pentru ca ceea ce se intampla acolo este animat de sincera dorinta de a demonstra, atat noua cat si celor din jurul nostru, ca este posibil ca impreuna sa ne unim fortele intr-un mod armonios si sa ducem mai departe faclia aprinsa a dragostei de frumos, in cel mai nobil si dezinvolt sens al cuvantului!
Cu bine,