The reasonable donations collected from some of my friends as well as my family’s financial contribution made this gesture possible. We couldn’t help everyone, but at least we could help some. Indeed, a warm humanitarian gesture delivered in the middle of a cold day.
This philanthropic activity is shared with you all to reveal once more that in life you don’t have to be super rich to care. In this very consumerist world, when so many are running for getting more, it is truly heart touching to roll your sleeves side by side with fellows who are willing to give a bit of their time, willing to give a bit of their money, willing to give a bit of their work in order to gift (at least for a temporary relief) another less fortunate human being with a little something, as well as a kind smile and a bright “Merry Christmas!” greeting. Nevertheless, charity is not about pity, but rather about caring.
A person’s true wealth is the good s/he does in this
While at this page, once again, I’m expressing my most sincere appreciation to my husband and to these good friends for being by my side today so together we could spread a bit of goodness around, during a time of the year (pre-Christmas time) when everybody is super busy with lots of different activities, typical of this season. Thank you, dear ones, for being part of my circle!
“Every charitable act makes a difference.”