Monday, March 4, 2024

“Mărțișor 2024” with the Romanian Consulate

     On March 1st, 2024, I was invited by the new Consul General of Romania in Vancouver & by his lovely wife (who is Deputy Consul General of Romania in Vancouver) at their residence to spend an evening together with several Romanian ladies, honoring “Mărțișor” – a beautiful tradition most of us are very fond of. 
     Needless to say that good cheer was in our midst! Each lady attending the event received a beautiful “Mărțișor” handed by Consul Gabriel Rotaru, nicely prepared by the consular team in Vancouver.
     I was truly pleased to have interesting conversations with both Romanian Consuls, learning about their vision as they begin a new mandate here (Rotaru family arrived to Vancouver 2 months ago).
     This posting is marking the beginning of a more ample collaboration between Alice & Friends Circle™ and the Consulate General of Romania in Vancouver. Without any doubt, uniting our efforts in order to further promote our Romanian culture, as well as our ancient traditions, and the timeless wisdom of our ancestors, is something we all are very proud of.
Until our paths will meet again, from me, only the best!

NOTE 1: For quick reference, here is the media coverage for Mărțișor” 2024
– The press release issued by the Consulate General of Romania in Vancouver (also published on the Consulate’s website)
– In comments section is published the message received from Consul Ştefana Rotaru
– Here is the relating face-book post of the Consulate General of Romania in Vancouver (and here is the Consulate’s face-book page)
– Here is an article about this, published by “Observatorul” from Toronto, Canada (and here the website of “Observatorul”)

NOTE 2: For the time being, the comments section of this posting was left open, so the willing guests of the evening could directly express their thoughts. 


Consul Ştefana Rotaru said...

Dragă Alice,

Îţi mulţumim că ai fost alături de noi la sărbătoarea Mărţişorului şi ne bucurăm, din inimă, că te-ai simțit bine, că ai plecat cu o doză de bucurie şi că am reușit să aducem un pic de spirit românesc “ca acasă” în zona metropolitană Vancouver.

Apreciem activitatea şi implicarea Cercului “ALICE & Friends” cu care Consulatul României la Vancouver îşi doreşte să aibă o cooperare cât mai bună, constantă şi în beneficiul comunității româno-canadiene din British Columbia.

Colajul dedicat Zilei Mărţişorului este foarte reușit şi te felicităm!

Am primit newsletter-ul, îl vom studia cu atenţie, făcând în paralel un exercițiu de imaginație în legătură cu proiectele pe care le putem genera/organiza împreună – idei pe care le vom aborda cu prilejul unei prime întrevederi / discuții.

Cu cele mai bune gânduri pentru o săptămână cu soare şi spor,
Ştefana Rotaru

Dorina Aldea said...

M-am simtit onorata de invitatie si va multumesc mult pentru aceasta idee exceptionala si inedita de a organiza o seara romanesca la resedinta avand ca motiv primavara si Martisorul.
Acest micut Martisor, puternic incarcat cu atatea simboluri, oferit de domnul Consul General Gabriel Rotaru, mi-a inseninat ziua, mi-a adus sperante inaripate si amintiri frumoase.
Ei bine, metaforic vorbind, in aceasta seara am asociat primavara pe care o asteptam ca o reinnoire, cu martisorul care este o traditie romaneasca fara granite, ce va ramane in tezarul nostru de pret, care vesnic va fi transmis din generatie in generatie.
Ma-nclin cu respect in fata intregii echipe consulare care au organizat acest eveniment!

Anonymous said...

Un eveniment minunat, mulțumim Ștefana și Consulatului pentru aceasta inițiativa frumoasă! ❤️ Daciana

Ada Bucur said...

Mi-a facut mare placere sa-i cunosc pe Gabriel si Stefana Rotaru, consulul general si deputy consul in Vancouver, si sa fac parte dintre invitati la sarbatorirea "Martisorului". Am fost impresionata sa vad cat de interesati sunt de comunitatea romaneasca si de dorinta lor de a ne apropia si a ne cunoaste unii pe altii. Le doresc un mandat lung in Vancouver si plin de realizari!

It was a great pleasure for me to meet Gabriel and Stefana Rotaru, the Consul General and Deputy Consul in Vancouver, and to be among the guests at the celebration of 'Martisor.' I was impressed to see how interested they are in the Romanian community and their desire to bring us closer together and get to know each other. I wish them a long and successful tenure in Vancouver!

Ruxandra Aldea said...

Felicitari pentru o serbare minunata a martisorului!

Rita Nagy said...

What a DAY to REMEMBER! Joy and privilege taking us back to the 'old good days and traditions', all in a beautiful setting in the home of our General Consul of Romania in Vancouver. We have been reminded of the significance of one of the oldest tradition 'MARTISOR' thanks to our beautiful hosts Stefana & Gabriel Rotaru who opened their doors with a warm welcome.

You couldn't help but be struck by the magical atmosphere filled with delight, laughter, enthusiasm that we all enjoyed. The meaning of the tradition had been revived by our hosts in our minds and spirits for which we are grateful. Did I mention the mouth-watering Romanian foods that we all enjoyed. We are proud of our gastronomy and the table had an array of offerings: mince rolled in pickle cabbage with polenta, meatballs, zacusca (vegetable spread), vinete (eggplant), smoked cheese and bacon roulade, sarmale (cabbage rolls), carp brine, caviar to least just a few. Dear Consul General - your outreach has opened the door to a meaningful dialogue and we hope to collaborate together. Undeniably, this event opened a massive opportunity and contribution to our shared goals.

Thank You for your intent and dedication to our common endeavors to succeed, to contribute to our shared goals and have a positive impact. Your insights and eagerness to be involved are highly valued. You have my sincere gratitude! Please convey my appreciation to your team for their continued support.
You have my respect, friendship and admiration. After all, that is the true meaning of the MARTISOR.

Dana Ciocan said...

Thanks to the Romanian Consulate, for the Mărțișor party on March 1st, 2024!
It was so nice to get together, as we used to do years ago in the community!
The symbol of spring, the little jewelry with red and white thread braided together, means love and hope.
With spring coming anytime now, we all hope for best and want to share love every day.
I wish all a great spring time!
Dana Ciocan

Insurance broker

Mirela Crihana said...

O seara minunată, m-am simțit onorată de invitație!
Mii de mulțumiri echipei consulare care a organizat Ziua Mărțișorului – un simbol al primăverii.
Cu drag,

Ilinca Serban said...

Multumiri multe pentru o seara deosebit de placuta!
Am avut marea bucurie de a revedea cunostinte vechi si de a intalni persoane noi.
Atmosfera calda si familiala, cu o puternica incarcatura romaneasca, mi-a trezit nostalgia si dorul de "acasa".
Ilinca Serban

Constanta Zen said...

1 Martie 2024 – Martisor
Sincere mulțumiri Dnei. Consul Ștefana si Dl.Consul General Gabriel Rotaru pentru martisor, cat si pentru o seara minunata, plina de trăiri frumoase alaturi de invitati aleși, oameni minunati.
Sunt profund recunoscătoare pentru invitatie; a fost o seara de vis, deosebit de bine organizata!
De asemenea, mulțumesc Dnei. Felicia si Dl. Bogdan Chițu, pentru buna desfășurare a evenimentului, pentru bucatele alese românești – totul la un loc mi-au permis sa simt ce înseamnă ziua lui Martisor, fiind plecata de peste 40 de ani din Romania. Nu mai sărbătorisem de multa vreme un asa inceput de primavara.
Cu drag, va multumesc!
Bine ati venit alaturi de noi, in Vancouver!
Constanta Zen