During the recent winter holidays
season, I hope you had chance to relax and to reflect on the past 12 months,
while making plans for a better year ahead.
Generally speaking, I believe that year 2021 showed us all
what really matters in life and taught us what no one has taught us so far:
that our true wealth is in us!
having said that, I strongly believe that it is important to know how to
rejoice (and at the same time to be able
to offer joy to our loved ones), to know how to accept reality and to know
how to choose wisely. As in general I enjoy so much to observe life,
here are few thoughts I’ve gathered along the way (in 2021)…
Things that 2021 clearly re-emphasized and
what to take with us into the New Year
- In life, many people would like to be
happy, but every morning they wake up upset about life, complaining about the
light that is coming through the window, upset that a new day is beginning and they
have to start all over again…
- In life, many people would like to be
happy, but they put on gloomy clothes, walk with their heads bowed, greet sadly
and half-heartedly, counting the cracks in the asphalt and the holes in the
- In life, many people would like to be
happy, but they get sad and stressed at work, they rush to judge their
colleagues and blame their bosses for everything that displeases them…
- In life, many people would like to be
happy, but when they go home they take with them all stress accumulated at work
& spread it in their homes…
- In life, many people would like to be
happy, but for some raising a child (for
example) has become such a burden & child’s desire to play becomes an
extra stress...
- In life, many people would like to be
happy, but they are staring extensively at TV news, becoming terrified
by commercial movies & angry at political shows…
- In life, many people would like to be
happy, but they cover the night sky with blinds, at bedtime they are disturbed by day thoughts & blame life for insomnia…
- In life, many people would like to be
happy, but silence or reflection seems like a waste of time, spirituality seems
like naiveté & peace is hard to achieve or bear…
- In life, many people would like to be
happy, but they don't have time for themselves...
- In life, many people would like to be
happy, but they don't have time or patience for happiness…
- In life, many people would like to be
happy, but they do not have time to discover that happiness is in them, in the
morning sky, in the smile with which they greet people, in the eyes of their
family, friends or co-workers, in the child's play, in the peace of the house,
in the stars in the sky...
Being an optimist, I truly hope that one day eventually people will learn how to
be happy, understanding that true, lasting happiness comes straight from their
is good to live in the present with the teachings of the past and the dreams of
the future."