Wednesday, September 22, 2021

September 22, 2021: Happy AUTUMN, dear friends!

Dear friends, today (September 22’21) is the first day of autumn (also known as the autumnal equinox) and
at this time of the year I wish you appreciate this special sense of comfort, the warmth of your house and the reflection this season brings along.
Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.
Autumn (a video clip with soft classical music)
● My previous greetings on the same theme: AUTUMNAL Equinox  202020192018

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

September 21, 2021: INTERNATIONAL PEACE Day

“The International Day of Peace (‘Peace Day’) is observed around the world each year on September 21st. Established in 1981 by a unanimous United Nations resolution, “Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace”. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations & people. 
The theme for 2021 is “Recovering Better for an Equitable and Sustainable World”.
●  Additional resource details: UNITED NATIONS – International Peace Day 2021

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Alice’s Book Club – SUMMER session of 2021

Special edition – live session with Dr. Diana Ionescu
~ exclusively for ALICE & Friends Circle
The beautiful summer we all enjoyed so much is almost over, but before it completes, on Thursday (September 16, 2021) I was truly happy to be able to organize my seasonal book club session (the summer edition of the current year), and the theme of the evening was wellbeing 
Since the social austerity still hovers around, as a precautionary measure, and for everybody’s convenience, I’ve decided to continue with the online option for my events.

At this gathering, I was delighted to have a special guest speaker – Dr. Diana Ionescu, who is a very dear friend of mine for almost 24 years.
Dr. Ionescu, MD, FRCP(C), FCAP, is a Consultant Pathologist BCCA, the Medical Head of Anatomical Pathology at BC Cancer Laboratory; she is also the Medical Director of Clinical Trials (at BCCA Laboratories), as well as Clinical Professor at UBC (UBC Department of Pathology, BC Cancer Agency); for your reference, her professional biography is published in comments section.
That evening, Dr. Ionescu offered us all a very interesting presentation, with valuable points ranging from a very well-researched medical perspective, associated with lots of professional tips, reference resources, and personal viewpoints (for your convenience, several reference links are published in comments section).

Our time together was well spent, being garnished with lots of questions based on the presentation of the evening as well as lots of individual experiences, openly shared. 
Prior to our meeting, I gave to my book club members 2 brief reading materials (one issued by Berkeley University of California and the other by “Psychology Today”) concisely talking about ‘wellbeing’, which contributed to our conversation of the evening.  
Also, in the audience that evening briefly sharing his views was our friend Mihai S., who is medically involved with the well-known Canadian institution called "Fraser Health Authority".
On the other hand, due to confidentiality, I won’t share publicly the many personal aspects that were discussed, but from an educational stand point I will mention only few concepts of general interest (some of these concepts might be familiar to you, or some might not), and here they are:
- It is not what happened to you, but rather how do you respond to it (remember the famous saying: “life if 10% of what happens and 90% of how you react to it”?)
- It is very important to remember that we have the power to choose what life we want to live (it is all about the way you perceive it, it is all a matter of mentality)
- You can’t control the external factors, but you can control yourself (the way you respond or react determines the quality of your life)
- If you are overwhelmed, ask for help because there are many valuable resources that could improve your state of wellbeing tremendously
- Many times in life we can’t change the inevitable, so the only thing we could do is to adjust our attitude
- There are many effective methods to improve your wellbeing, such as: dancing, journaling, practicing kindness, different sports, spending time in nature, socializing (spending more quality time with your family and friends), etc., etc., etc.
Because our talks were vivid and truly meaningful, somehow it felt again that time wasn’t sufficient, so at our future meetings we might revisit this subject again.
Also, for your convenience and as time allows it, here I’m bringing to your attention two materials I've put together some time ago, relating to this topic:
Meanwhile, my sincere appreciation to all those dear friends who promptly and enthusiastically responded my call and were able to join our group.
Warm regards,
“Health is more than the absence of disease. It is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing.”

Friday, September 3, 2021

Be well, be happy…

More often than not, multiple situations remind us to live in the present, to appreciate more, to love more, to be better (with ourselves and with those around us), to laugh more, to enjoy the beauty of nature and (last but not least) to remember “TO BE”, rather than working hard in order “TO HAVE”.
Here are some additional thoughts…enjoy this light reading!
Why some people are happy and others are not? Simple. 
Because some people choose to be happy and others choose to always be concerned about what they lack.
Because some choose to see the beauty of everything and others remain eternally dissatisfied with the thought of what might happen in the future, losing the essence of the momentary thing.
Because some really live, putting soul into everything they do, while others are superficial, cold and selfish.
Because some are looking for their place, while others do everything in such a way as to create their own place, in which to develop harmoniously!
Because some seek happiness in money, while others build their own lives and happiness around people.
Because some choose to be human, while others dehumanize themselves every day in search of a perfect life, painted by opportunities, so that they could control other people!
Because some choose to find themselves and discover their vocation, while others get lost (lack of vision).
Because some understand that a purity of a thought is truly important and in one's own life automatically influences the world around them. The fact is that often society is just a reflection of your personality.
May we never forget that we are truly well as long as we are healthy, happy, and surrounded by wonderful, loving, people.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

August 31, 2021: ROMANIAN LANGUAGE Day

Since 2013, each year, on August 31st, Romanians (around the world & in the country) celebrate ROMANIAN LANGUAGE DAY, which offers them a good occasion to honor their roots. This is also a great moment of reflection on the importance and richness of the Romanian language, celebrated throughout the world by promoting the arts, culture, traditions and history of Romania.
May we each take a moment to remember Eminescu’s comment vis-à-vis of that, which says: “The language is the very flower of Romanians' ethnic soul.”
“To learn the Romanian language means to get to know the identity of the Romanians and
to have a better understanding of their personalities.”
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)

Monday, August 30, 2021

Understandings, perceptions, conclusions….

In life, many of us encounter all sorts of situations when it comes to relationships (such as friends, acquaintances of any sort, collaborators, etc.) - some of them really fill our hearts with joy & sincere gratitude, but others manage to bring along a deep and heavy sense of disappointment and a very bitter taste (especially when you walk the extra mile in helping or supporting them, & they don’t even recognize it…they act like you owe them something, but in reality it is the other way around).
So, in the light of these concepts, below I’m sharing with you a text which carries a lot of wisdom, trusting that by doing so it could shed some light upon few essential life matters. 
Observe and absorb appropriately.    
Life findings
"It took me a while to understand and accept…
That not everyone who smiles at you truly likes you;
That not everyone who compliments you truly appreciates you;
That not everyone who approves of you truly agrees with you…
That not everyone who listens to you truly understands you or is really interested in your fate.
That too few people sincerely rejoice in your successes, and that their frustration and their envy often lie behind the displayed joy…
That many of the benevolent faces that people display in public are, in fact, masks and that many of their positive feelings are just skillfully played feelings…
That you are gossiped by those who know you the least and you are judged by those who are more immoral than you…
That nothing is free in the world and that very few people offer you something without waiting for something else in return (without having hidden interests).
That too few people voluntarily extend a helping hand to you, without you having to ask them…
That many show compassion and kindness only in the eyes of the world, when in reality they are indifferent and just interested in showing a public image of a generous person (in fact, all is only about them, and never about you, even though they pretend to be your friend/s - more like a colorful façade strategically placed).
That not everyone who says he forgives really does it and that some never forgive, they even hide their hatred behind their smiles.
That some people immediately forget the good you did to them, but they will reproach you endlessly the most insignificant mistake.
That today you can mean everything to someone, and in an instant you can become nobody even if you didn't do anything wrong; when you no longer serve their purposes they become indifferent, cold and mean (and that is the moment when such individuals show their real character, their true colors).
It took me a while to fully understand and most than anything to accept these missing truths, but from the moment I accepted them my life became much easier. ”
After all, keeping in your circle only the nice, honest, compatible, positive, supportive, respectful and gentle people is a sign of practical wisdom. Choose wisely! 
In life, if the respect and appreciation are mutual then the efforts would be equal.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Socializing: Summer Picnic 2021 & Book Launch

Since the social austerity in our province at this very moment is slightly more relaxed, on Friday (August 27, 2021) I was happy to organize (in a public park), a summer picnic together with my group, this being the only ‘in person’ meeting of the current year.
Also, that evening, we all were very pleased to have with us again two dear guests of honor – Dr. Ovidiu Grecea together with his wife. As already mentioned few times before, Dr. Grecea is the Head of the Romanian Diplomatic Mission in Vancouver, as well as Plenipotentiary Minister of Romania in Canada.
In his remarks, Dr. Grecea congratulated ALICE & Friends Circle
 for the ongoing cultural activity, re-emphasizing again the role the group plays in the local cultural arena, as well as refreshing the special tenderness Romanians (in general) are capable of.
On this occasion, I’ve included into our program a “book launch section” as two friends of my group – Teodor and Cristian Trandafir (father & son) – were each publishing at the same time a volume of poetry. I did find appropriate to present the audience these two books, as nowadays it is quite seldom to encounter such synchronicities…father & son, both amateur poets, each publishing a poetry book…a nice coincidence that I enjoyed highlighting at my Circle.
Aside of that, at this gathering I suggested Teodor to invite some of his personal friends, who are not coming at our usual events, and I was pleased to notice that all of them enjoyed the evening. After I introduced these 2 books, Consul Grecea as well as few other guests shared some personal remarks on this matter too.
In brief about the 2 books presented:
·         Teodor’s poetry book called “Balsam pentru suflet” is mainly a collection of religiously inspired poems, patriotic poetry, short elegies, brief meditations, plenty of friends’ anniversaries and lots of wishes he formulated for his close fellows belonging to Romanian community from Vancouver.
·         Cristian’s book, called “Cuvinte alese” includes poems that illustrate feelings, personal experiences he collected over a number of years, as well as thoughts, opinions, impressions and appreciations, all springing from the overflow of his soul.
Each guest received a poetry book, and Teodor together with his wife Marcela were kind to interpret a few for the audience.
Next, while we enjoyed the light refreshments brought along, we continued the evening with a number of group songs. At this point in time, I was glad to distribute few brochures with several well-known Romanian songs so we all could sing together…some guests loved the gesture so much that they didn’t even return the copies back, but rather preferring to keep them as a souvenir and eventually using them as further templates for other occasions. I found that amusing!
Our evening together was pleasant and relaxing, and the fresh air from that secular forest brought upon each of us a splendid sense of peace and emotional sanity.
Concluding my briefing here, once again I’m sending along my appreciation to each guest of the evening, wishing them all best personal regards!
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture. 
Message gratefully received from “OBSERVATORUL”, from Toronto
Please use the automated translator installed at the bottom of the page to translate this message into any language you wish…thank you!
(In Romanian Language) 
"Bucuroşi să vă prezentăm un alt eveniment cultural reuşit al grupului ALICE & FRIENDS CIRCLE™  din Vancouver.
Plăcere să publicăm crónica colaboratorei noastre, doamna 
Dorina Cornelia Aldea la  şi o poză de la acest picnic şi lansare de carte la:
Sănătate şi numai bine vă dorim!"

  ARTICLE featuring our event on August 27, 2021, offered by OBSERVATORUL (from Toronto, Canada)
Începând cu anul 2000 Revista Observatorul face parte din 'The National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada' (o organizație ne-guvernamentală, care reprezintă publicații, ce servesc 150 de limbi şi comunități culturale din Canada).  
Relațiile între membrii organizației au devenit apropiate, ne cunoaștem sărbătorile tradiționale, participăm, ne felicităm la diferite ocazii speciale, aniversări, împărțim informații diverse.

La pagina 8 (în acest link:, este redat picnicul organizat de
Alice & Friends Circle (articol & fotografie),
pe data de 27 august 2021. Este o plăcere să vedem acest articol şi fotografia aferentă în forma tiparită. Lectură plăcută
  ARTICLE featuring our event on August 27, 2021, offered by Uniunea Ziariştilor Profesionişti din România, under their “BREAKING NEWS” section  (from Romania)
 ARTICLE featuring our event on August 27, 2021, offered by Ziarul românilor din Andalucía, under their “Cultură, Români în lume” section (from Spain)

Monday, July 19, 2021

Summer vibes of 2021

SUMMER – perfect in every way….the sun is most active, people are more relaxed, everything in nature is flourishing abundantly, flowers are blooming with lots of splendid colors and fragrances allowing everyone to feel their amazing smell in the air, trees are radiant, birds are singing...and if you might happen to watch a sunset, allow yourself to ponder the shades and the contrasts…or if you would choose to observe your surroundings more closely, or to appreciate a light breeze which might come from the ocean or from the hills stirring the leaves, you could experience a beautiful serenity of being, a better health, and above all, a quality time and a rejuvenating inner peace, which is beyond the brain…enjoy these beautiful, summery, moments!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Socializing: CANADA Day 2021 – Morning Coffee Talks

Each year, on July 1st is Canada Day (“National Day”), and on Thursday morning (July 1, 2021) I was happy to meet on line, for a short while, with a small group of available friends to cross reference notes about Canada – the beautiful country we all live in!
Somehow, the 1st of July this time appeared to be slightly more relaxed than the previous one, still left thought with numerous pandemic related restrictions in place, observed to various degrees throughout the entire realm.
But "Canada Day" is "Canada Day" and we each did our best to honor the occasion. 
Without any doubt, for every Canadian this is the perfect time of the year to slow down and ponder (at large) about the many things we are blessed with (as Canadians), such as peace, wonderful nature, clean air, pure waters, splendid landscape!
At today’s dialogue table (under my brand of “Morning Coffee Talks with Alice”), I’ve invited again few people belonging to different generations, eager to listen to their renewed perspectives about their life in Canada, about their experiences (good or lesser), about their dreams and about their plans for future….all in one, genuine gratitude was nicely emerging around the circle.
Once again, to each and every guest of this gathering, HAPPY CANADA DAY, dear fellow Canadians, many thanks for joining me this time and for honestly sharing your thoughts with the rest of the group…your contribution is truly appreciated!

This event was featuring the Canadian life & culture.  
● A previous event I organized on the same theme: CANADA Day – 2020
● Some of my additional greetings referring to CANADA Day – 20202019