Saturday, June 24, 2023

June 24, 2023 – Universal Day of the ROMANIAN BLOUSE

Since 2013, on each June 24, Romanians around the world celebrate The Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse, occasion which allows them to bring forward the richness of their cultural heritage, their traditional customs, the timeless wisdom of their ancestors as well as their Romanian beautiful identity outfit – “ia”.
June 24 marks also the Midsummer Day – known as “Sânzienele” in Romanian folk beliefs.
Best greetings to all those who honor this day and continuously promote the Romanian culture & traditions!
Pe 24 iunie, oriunde v-ați afla, purtați ie sau o cămașă tradițională de sărbătoare și o coroniță de flori tămăduitoare. Vă doresc o zi cu soare, flori și bucurie!
● Background info:
Also, I would like to mention that on December 1, 2022, (on Romania’s National Day), UNESCO has decided to inscribe the 
Romanian traditional blouse on their list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity…please follow the links below for a more detailed reading about this significant gesture…thank you!
● My previous greetings on the same theme: The Universal Day of the ROMANIAN BLOUSE2022, 2021, 2020
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

June 21, 2023: SUMMER solstice

Welcome, SUMMER!
 “Summer Solstice” is an astronomical event, marking the 1st day of summer in Northern Hemisphere – a splendid season, which fills our hearts with bliss and joy! 
At this time of the year, Sun is the most powerful, but after the Solstice, days will start to get shorter & shorter; 
meanwhile, all is green & growing – a beautiful celestial reminder of the perpetual miracle of creation. 
May the radiant Sun Light fill & nourish your hearts!
 Scientific briefing on SUMMER SOLSTICE (few documentaries)What is a Solstice?” (National Geographic)|
What happens during the day of June 21 - summer solsticeWhat happens during the summer solstice? 
● Few relaxing moments: Summer time (Gershwin) | Classical Music for SUMMER – audio   
 My previous greetings on the same theme: SUMMER Solstice – 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019

Sunday, June 18, 2023

June 18, 2023: “Happy FATHER’s Day!“

 Yearly, many Canadians observe Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June, and in 2023 this is on June 18thToday, may we each take a moment to show our appreciation for fatherhood and fathers all across.  Just like mothers, fathers are important too….love them, cherish them and celebrate them.
To all wonderful fathers out there:...wishing you only the best and may you never forget how special you are!
● My previous greetings on the same theme:  FATHER’s Day – 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019

Thursday, June 1, 2023


The annual observance of INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN's DAY allows us honor our children, understanding that they represent the future.
This is also a time which gives each individual a new opportunity for an inspirational entry-point to advocate, promote and celebrate children’s rights, by translating these initiatives into actions that will all enable them to build a better world for every child.
"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is about." Happy International Children’s Day!
● My previous greetings on the same theme:  INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN's Day – 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Alice’s Book Club – SPRING session of 2023

While the beautiful sunny days of the current spring time have such a marvelous effect on all of us, on Wednesday (May 31’23) I was truly happy to be able to organize the second gathering of the year for my seasonal book club (the spring session of 2023), and for everybody’s convenience, we’ve meet on line.
The theme of the evening was “Fashion in daily life”, and instead of our usual novel, in order to better ignite the conversation, this time a research paper conjugated with a documented essay have been chosen as reading materials.
Of course, in addition, personal experiences and individual perspectives were amply discussed, making our evening together really special. 
It was truly beautiful to observe how well my guests embraced the proposed subject, and how easily our talks emerged, nicely leading to meaningful discussions, with breadth and depth.

As usual, respecting the privacy of the personal matters discussed, here are only few thoughts of general interest, as well as some additional concepts issued by the fashion industry leaders, which might be of interest to you:
- The best fashion is truly what makes you feel happy and, at the end of the day, confidence transcends any fashion rules
- Feeling confident in your clothes is more attractive than any trend could ever be
-  Fashion originated from people’s traditions and cultures, and became what it is today, through individuals adopting each style and making it their own 
- Each era had its style/s that directly resulted from that time’s circumstances
- Fashion industry is a very competitive industry, which depends on person’s search for identity (fashion is a reflection of who you are)
- Fashion has several benefits, such as: boosting self-confidence, lightening moods, and developing creativity
- Generally speaking, fashion choices could help people send messages and present their beliefs, implying the fact that fashion could also be very political
- Each new generation is surrounded and continuously exposed to extensive commercial influences concerning fashion
- It has been observed by many that nowadays youths are more sensitive to what people think of them, and some will always do everything to follow trends, even if they’re not presentable or appropriate, etc....

Typically, our group talks were lengthy, honest, interesting, enjoyable and balanced, leaving each of us with a very pleasant feeling of benevolent camaraderie.
In closing, once again, my most sincere appreciation to all my friends who were able to join me this evening, wishing them each a wonderful rest of spring!
Till we meet again, my warmest regards to all!
“FASHION says: me too. STYLE says: only me.”

Thursday, May 25, 2023


By far, the fashion industry remains one of the most flourishing industries of the world, but what do you think it makes it so special? I truly believe that it is us – the people – because more individuals are becoming more and more conscious of their physical appearance.
It is well known that fashion “is the dominant style within a given culture at a certain time” and we notice that is becoming too spotlighted for it to be considered unimportant.
For the purpose of this briefing, here I’m sharing with you an article from an European fashion magazine, which might broaden your perspective even more about this vast and quite intriguing subject….enjoy it!

About fashion, attire, attitude and distinction
       Fashion in clothing represents the correctness of clothes, taste, and attitude. Fashion is an "outfit", it is a "style". "For a person, everything must be beautiful: both face and clothing, thought and soul" (Chekhov).
      Fashion is also an art, as it is painting, music, literature; It combines tradition with innovation, classicism with modernism, what we inherited from our ancestors with what we shape in our contemporary times.
       Through this article, we do not want to pose as modellers, but we are just trying to highlight some generalities. Balzac, who wrote many pages about fashion, said: "The brute covers himself, the rich or the foolish adorn, and the elegant man dresses." It is about the latter that we are trying to discuss.
       In a more optimistic thinking, we must show that change and variation are necessities of human conscience; fashion can be the symbol of passion, struggle and creative activity, tensions and desires for rejuvenation, "expression of the restless innovative spirit, stimulator and orientation of man's vital momentum" (C. Angelescu).
       An English proverb says: "eat to please yourself, but dress so that you please others." In other words, fashion means balancing personal taste with the unanimously accepted one, it means adopting in a personal note what practice proves corresponding to the taste and preferences of the time, the art of choosing, from among the invariable elements, those that harmonize with everyone's personality, in the right place, at the right time.
       Dressing tastefully remains a matter of taste, but of "good taste"; Taste that has become "good taste" is no longer subjective and, associated with common sense, is included in the spheres of politeness.
       We dress for ourselves and others; no modesty, no extravagance, not like yesterday, not like tomorrow, like today!
       Contemporary fashion houses are increasingly giving everyone the right to express their personality. The current struggle in fashion is for adequacy, for sincerity.
       It is expected a relaxed fashion, devoid of rigidity; an evolved fashion, where each individual is the creator of his own outfit, learning to discern what suits him, especially when he has the format of good taste. Let it be known, however, that parrot garments, ornamented with all kinds of "globes, cherries with rum and screaming plumage" do not go on New Year's Eve, March 1, neither on the seaside nor abroad. Screaming clothes betray a lack of good taste.
       The fashion of the active man is the fashion of coordinated elements: harmony of form, style and colors, simplicity, naturalness, naturalness, intelligence! "Simplicity of cooking and speech, temperance, these are ornaments of nature" (Democritus).
       Fashion has a logic and a balance of its own, maybe even elegance. Fashion is a necessity, elegance a refinement; fashion means "what is worn", elegance "how to wear". With common sense you are born, decency is given to you by your parents, your outfit and elegance are cultivated…expression of a certain delicacy of soul, of a way of moving, speaking, dressing and communicating, our attire, in all circumstances, makes the transition from utility to elegance.
       If fashion is capricious and beauty fleeting, elegance can be steadfast and always accompanying us. An intelligent woman knows how to dress, according to her possibilities, according to her silhouette, age and occasions, filtering and choosing with discernment what suits her, what gives her charm, what completes her personality, what achieves balance and harmony of elegance. Charm and elegance are above fashion.
       For young people, dress rules are somewhat more lenient. Youth is exuberance, it is thirst for action, with its natural turmoil. A certain note of cheerfulness, movement, non-conformism and maybe even a certain negligence of clothing can be part of the elegance of youth, of course within the limits of common sense.
       The diversity of models offered by fashion designers gives the possibility to choose, depending on age and preference, the model that "gives life to years" and "does not add years to life". Everyone must be the "arbiter of his tastes", to know what benefits him; The clothing "approaches" the body, rediscovering it, emphasizing the waist, hips, neckline, in a word "femininity".
       We draw attention, however, to the fact that, considering the perspective, good manners are not easily put in the bin; It will eventually overcome the permanent desire to return to simplicity that also gives way to awareness and good proportions.
”Don't be into trends. Don't make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way to live.” (Gianni Versace)

Sunday, May 14, 2023

May 2023: “Happy MOTHER’s Day!”

Here, every year, Mother’s Day is celebrated in May, when people emphasize and celebrate the contribution a woman makes
to take up in a smooth manner her family along with her career and the ways she contributes to the society she belongs to. 
Also, I would like to refresh that in my opinion, motherhood has the greatest potential to influence human life on Earth, and I think that it is important to honor this.
To all beautiful mothers out there: Happy Mother's Day! 
Here is a short poem I wrote few years ago, and I’m glad to share it further…enjoy!
Ode to mothers (by Alice)
“Your mother is the whisper of the wind while you walk the path of your life,
She is the healing hand when you are sick,
She is the place you call home,
She is your guide in every step you take,
She is in your heart and you are in her heart, no matter where you go;
A mother’s heart is always a mother’s heart, 
And her love is true, unconditional and eternal!”
● My previous greetings on the same theme: MOTHER’s Day20222021, 2020, 2019

Thursday, May 4, 2023

5 Years Anniversary of ALICE & FRIENDS CIRCLE™

Romanian literary evening featuring 5th year anniversary of Alice & Friends Circle
as well as Resilience & Compatibility

With absolute delight, I’m sharing that on Thursday (May 4, 2023) we celebrated the fifth anniversary of ALICE & Friends Circle™, together with a group of dear friends, who made special efforts to be able to join us despite their busy schedules.
This gathering was very special in many ways, but above and beyond I’m super happy to tell you that this was the first return at our usual place after few years of social austerity….needless to say that meeting in person with the friends of our Circle, in a place that triggers for each of us so many beautiful memories, it was really heart touching!

On that Thursday, I opened the evening by expressing my most sincere appreciation for the support our Circle received over the last five years (yes, 5 years!!!), for the devotion each of my friends were showing, for their loyalty and for all the beautiful concepts they each shared at our meetings over time.
Next, every guest got the chance to express their opinion/s about the existence and the activities of ALICE & Friends Circle™….it was really special to hear all their heart-warming remarks! Also, our dear friend Dorina wrote an article about this event, and our dear friends from “Observatorul” Magazine, from Toronto, published it (to read it, please follow this link…thank you!)

Additionally, our discussions referred to the significance of resilience & compatibility, concepts of relevance for our group.
As I always do, for your convenience, below I’m sharing with you only few highlights of these talks as well as few supplementary points, while maintaining the confidentiality of the personal aspects discussed:
 Few thoughts about the significance of RESILIENCE:
          (definition: resilience is the capability to recover quickly from difficult situation/s)
- According to many scientific studies, resilience it is not a matter of chance, but rather a matter of informed choices and determination, and the last few years being filled with the turmoil of the pandemic related restrictions did show us the significance of resilience while the entire world was in the midst of such hard times
- No matter how difficult life could get, if you have resilience you would find a way to keep going
- It is important to understand that resilience doesn’t mean that you need to stay in the middle of the storm, but if it happens to find yourself in it then resilience will help you to overcome it
- Resilience is a life skill, and we each need to work on building it every day; the more we work on it, the better we will get at handling difficult situations
- Cultivating resilience will help each of us to live a happier, healthier and longer life
● Few thoughts about the significance of COMPATIBILITY (in a group setting):
          (definition: compatibility is the state in which two entities are able to coexist without problems or conflicts)
- People with common values are compatible, and in building lasting relationships within a group this is a needed attribute
- In a society that is getting increasingly lonely, people have the tendency to cultivate mostly compatible friends
- If you have too many acquaintances, you might have less time for each, but if you choose to surround yourself only with compatible friends then you would have more quality time to spend with people who truly matter
- Socio-emotional selectivity theory finds that as we get older, we have limited time left on this Earth, and we turn towards relationships that feel meaningful, based on compatibility, while we might let go of the rest.
                                                                                  …and the group talks continued for a while…..
Further, we all were heading for light refreshments, which allowed for extensive, pleasant conversations around the table, recalling that food always tastes much better when you share it with like-minded friends. 
Then, before serving the festive cake I brought for the occasion, we had a toast, cheering for continuous prosperity in our midst, good health, longevity and joy, all accompanied by the notes of the famous Romanian song, called “La mulţi ani!” , which we all truly love.
Also, an old Romanian tradition was not forgotten, and at this gathering we brought red eggs (since the Easter recently happened) and we had the chance to practice the old custom of “egg tapping(aka: egg knocking, egg fights, etc.) ….it was really enjoyable!

As you can easily imagine, time was flying by truly fast, but the new memories we’ve got the chance to produce will stay with us forever.
Concluding, before I wrap my briefing, I would like to express again my most sincere gratitude for all the love, appreciation, loyalty and support I received from my friends over the last five years….indeed, there is so much to be thankful for!
Until our paths will meet again on the same wavelength, my warmest regards to all my dear friends for a splendid rest of the spring!
“TIME may be measured in MINUTES, but LIFE is measured in MOMENTS.” 
Mesaj personal din partea lui Alice, adresat la ceas aniversar
Dragii mei,
Iată că a sosit vremea pentru a sărbători şi cea de-a cincea aniversare a Cercului nostru literar şi socio-cultural, fapt ce ne-a adus la toți multă bucurie lăuntrică, cât şi satisfacția unui fundament sănătos şi stabil, pe care putem grefa frumosul, în toată splendoarea lui.
Timpul trece în mare grabă, iar viața are felul ei aparte în care ne testează, continuu, pe toți, reliefând cu multă claritate că prietenia este un dar de preț al omului.
Doresc să vă spun că de-a lungul acestui drum special, cu fiecare relație de prietenie în parte, întâi de toate, m-am străduit să fiu eu o prietenă cât mai bună, iar timpul mi-a arătat dacă am reușit...avându-vă pe toți lângă mine, am înțeles că sunt pe drumul cel bun şi la rându-mi vreau să vă mulțumesc, la fiecare în parte, pentru prietenia voastră față de mine!  
Am apreciat mereu politețea şi autenticitatea relațiilor de prietenie şi consider că acestea joacă un rol important ce contribuie la îmbogățirea noastră sufletească, având totodată potențialul de a ne înobila viața.   
Prieteniile frumoase şi echilibrate ne unesc...să le cerem şi să le oferim cu multă onestitate, omenie şi generozitate, în același timp amintindu-ne că mâinile întinse peste problemele vieții creează acea rețea fantastică ce ne face să ne simțim vii.
“Fiecare aparține timpului pe care știe să-l trăiască.”
Cu aleasă prețuire,
“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture.
● Previous anniversaries of AliceFriends Circle – 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The peculiarity of RESILIENCE

We all know that people who remain calm while facing difficulties in life have outstanding resilience, which is based on strong coping skills and the capability to find creative ways in order to manage the situation/s they are encountering. 
It has been noticed that resilience is not necessarily a matter of chance, but rather a matter of informed choice and determination, where the mental, the emotional and the physical bodies “collaborate” well in order to properly handle adversity and triumph in the midst of hard times.
        When we talk to people who have shown exceptional resilience, it is clear that they often have cultivated & maintained authentic connections that come from many parts of their life — not only through work, but through athletic pursuits, volunteer activities, civic or religious communities, book or dinner clubs, communities of parents they’ve met through their children, and so on. Interactions with these spheres provide a critical “dimensionality”, while broadening their identity & “opening the aperture” on how they look at their lives; people become more (or less) resilient through interactions with others.
        While at this point, a good question to ask yourself could be: are my existing relationships broad and deep enough in order to be able to support me if I might face difficulties in life?....definitively, a question worth pondering upon...
        According to scholars, there are few types of resilience, such as: psychological resilience (which is the ability to overcome adversity and persevere in spite of circumstances), social resilience (which is the capacity for communities to maintain their connections after an event or disaster, for example), or resilience in natural systems (such as trees that are able to survive under harsh weather conditions).
        Extensive research papers give the following reasons whey resilience is more important than ever, and here are few key points to consider:   
“The first is that humans are evolving, which means that, as a species, we are becoming more and more resilient.
The second is that things, like work, relationships, and families, are becoming more and more challenging.
The third is that our brains aren’t equipped to handle the changing times; for instance, our ability to learn has declined.
The fourth factor that is changing and weakening our mental reserves is the rate at which we are growing.
The fifth factor that is contributing to the weakness of our brains is stress which is a physical process.”
        As we each progress with our lives, it is crucial to understand that resilience is vital in being able to bounce back when we face difficulties, otherwise our health could be affected. Resilience does not mean that you have to stay in the middle of a hurricane; it’s something you can cultivate in your life to help you live happier, healthier and longer. Nowadays, resilience has become somewhat of a buzzword, and the trait in itself allows you to push through struggles and difficulties and to continue to have a good life.
        In order to further develop our resilience it is important to take steps to reduce the stress and anxiety (and out there it is a lot of reading about this).
        Closing here my brief dissertation, I truly believe that people need to work on building resilience every day, and the more you work on it, the better you become at handling difficult situations. Focusing on the present rather than dwelling on the past, worrying less about the future, being more thankful, being more active, exploring nature, sleeping and eating well, having good friends, and so on are only few simple things everyone can do every single day, with amazing results! It is true that it takes a lot of work, perseverance and discipline to go through the entire process, but in the end it is truly worth it….try it…
“When we learn how to become resilient, we learn how to embrace the broad spectrum of human experience.