most extraordinary feature of time is its fantastic preciousness – its value is
unfathomable, its power is truly inestimable, and its potential is something which we
cannot even begin calculating. We’ve all noticed often that a minute is enough to win a victory, a second could
be enough to make you the richest man in the world, and a fraction of a second
can make a difference between life and death.
we go through life, we realise for ourselves that, if there is anything in the
world which will never come back, it is time; once time crosses into the
threshold of the past, it never again returns to the ‘present’. Those who have
realised this basic truth of life, never allow time to pass away unused.
and unless we set up a time-table for ourselves and make a general division of
time for the various tasks and jobs at our hand, time will keep slipping away
with its golden opportunities unnoticed...unplanned living is the surest way to
waste it….
your enjoyment, here are few thoughts received from a dear friend, worth sharing
further….pleasant reading, dear ones!
“In the last
Quarter of Life”
“A lot of us are
in the last quarter of life and I share without politics, religion, race cards.
Just gentle thoughts: You know, time has
a way of catching you off-guard about how quickly it travels.
It feels like just
yesterday that I was young and ready to start adult-life. And in a way it feels
like eons ago, and I wonder where the years have gone.
I know I lived
them all. I remember all my
hopes and dreams. I remember the plans I made.
And suddenly, here
I am in the last quarter.
How did I get here
so fast? Where have the
years gone and where did my youth go?
I can recall
looking at older people, thinking how long it will take for me to get where
they are. That I am still in my youth, that I have many years ahead. At that
time I could not even think of being where I am now. And yet, here I
My friends are
retired, they all have grey hair, they move much slower than they did and when
I look at them, I see older people. Some are in a better and some a worse
condition than me. But I see the big difference. They are no longer the
youthful, carefree, full-of-life friends.
Just like me, age
shows. And we are now the older people we used to look at and thought it was
still a long way off.
I find that these
days, taking a shower takes its toll on my breath and energy levels. And an
afternoon nap is not just a treat, it’s become a necessity. And if I don’t, I
find myself sleeping in the same chair I started reading or watching television
Now I have entered
this new season of my life, totally unprepared for the discomfort, aches and
pains, loss of energy and strength and ability to do what I could, yet
sometimes didn’t. At least I know that, even though I am in the last quarter
and I have no idea how long this quarter will be, when my time on earth is
over, a new adventure awaits too. Yes, I do have
things I wish I I had never done. Yet so thankful for those I did. It is all in
a lifetime.
And if you are not
in the last quarter yet, I want to remind you that it comes faster than you
could anticipate. Do the things you still want to do as soon as possible. Do
not procrastinate. Life runs on fast legs. Do today what you
can. There is no
promise that we will all see the seasons of life. Live for today. For now.
Say the words to
the ones you love. Often. Hopefully some
will appreciate the things you did for them. And if they don’t, it is also
Life is truly a
gift. Just be happy. It is after all your choice. And remember that
health is a treasure, not wealth, gold and silver, property or your bank
You may think that
going out is the best, but believe me – coming home is much better.
You may forget
names and that is okay, because some have already forgotten that they knew you.
The things you
cared about previously, you may lose interest in. If you fall asleep
in your favourite chair, stay there.
Growing older is
wonderful. It is comfortable. It is loaded with memories that you never grow
tired of. It is an absolute treasure. Look after
“Living in the present is a sign of practical wisdom!”