Thursday, December 31, 2020

2021 – Happy NEW YEAR!

 Best greetings to all for a peaceful, harmonious, safe and healthy New Year, filled with true, lasting joy! 
Good bye, 2020! Welcome 2021!
Life in front of us is far more important than the life behind us; let's cheer the New Year and another chance for all of us to get it right!

Happy New DREAMS! Happy New DESIRES! Happy New WAYS! Happy New DAYS! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
● My previous greetings on the same theme: NEW YEAR – 20202019

Friday, December 25, 2020

December 25, 2020: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Dear friends, at this time of the year, I wish you would enjoy the spirit of Christmas, which is Peace; the gladness of Christmas, which is Hope; and the heart of Christmas, which is Love. MERRY CHRISTMAS, dear ones!
● My previous greetings on the same theme: CHRISTMAS  20192018

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Socializing: Pre-CHRISTMAS Reunion 2020

As we are nearing the completion of this very different and tumultuous 2020, tonight (Tuesday - December 22'20) we had our usual year-end was the perfect time to speak about some old seasonal customs, to sing few traditional Christmas carols, to recite several dear poems appropriate for the occasion & to simply share a number of unforgettable childhood stories...without any doubt, a peaceful instance to bring each other joy, to bond, to reconnect & to create new memories.
Once again, dear friends - THANK YOU SO MUCH for your ongoing, loving, support, which is deeply appreciated!
I hope that the distinct peace and joy of this very special season would stay with you throughout the year ahead! 
This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture. 
● A previous event I organized on the same theme: Social Pre-CHRISTMAS Reunion 2019
 Some of my additional greetings about CHRISTMAS – 2020, 20192018

Monday, December 21, 2020

December 21, 2020: WINTER Solstice

 Winter solstice marks the arrival of winter in our Northern Hemisphere, so at this time of the year I'm wishing you all a safe and pleasant season!
"When life gives you snow, make snow angels."

The year of 2020 will end with a very interesting astronomical occurrence...the closest great conjunction of two different planets is happening, when Jupiter and Saturn will almost touch in the sky.
● Additional references:
> Jupiter and Saturn converging in the night sky, shown in weekly intervals. This simulation is for New York (USA), but the great conjunction on December 21, 2020, can be seen all over the world. 
> Excerpts:
- "On 12.21.2020 (the December solstice), Jupiter and Saturn will align so closely in the nigh sky that they will create a radiant point of light, some call 'Solstice Star', 'Star of Bethlehem', or the 'Christmas Star', said an expert."
- "Alignments between these two planets are rather rare because of how close the planets will appear to be to one another", said Patrick Hartigan, an astronomer at Rice University. "You would have to go all the way back to just before dawn on March 4, 1226 (nearly 800 ago), to see a closer alignment between these objects visible in the night sky", said astronomer Hartigan.
ARTICLE: "Jupiter and Saturn Will Align to Create the First 'Christmas Star' in nearly 800 Years"
> ARTICLE: "For the First Time in 800 Years, a 'Christmas Star' Will Illuminate the Skies This Month"
> ARTICLE: "The December 2020 Great Conjunction"
ARTICLE (via "The Globe and Mail" / Canada): "How to see and photograph the great conjunction of 2020"
ARTICLE (via "CBC News"): "Christmas Star 2020: Jupiter, Saturn to meet in rare <great conjunction>"
ARTICLE (via "The Sun"): "Great Conjunction 2020 LIVE: Watch Jupiter & Saturn 'nearly touch' TONIGHT on winter solstice plus meteor shower"
ARTICLE (via "International Business Times" / Science section): "Is 'Christmas Star' Visible on Winter Solstice 2020? How to Watch Great Conjunction"
● My previous greetings on the same theme: WINTER Solstice – 20192018

Friday, December 18, 2020

December 2020: A charitable gesture

Astronomically speaking, winter is around the corner, but before it arrives, on Thursday (December 17'20) I was able to organize a charitable gesture, this time helping the shelter of women and children affected by domestic violence.

With a handful of modest donations collected from several supporters of "ALICE & Friends Circle" as well as my family contribution this charity gesture could take place. On this matter, after my discussions with the manager in charge of the facility, in order to have a better understanding of their most stringent needs, I was able to purchase a number of items for these unfortunate women and children. Needless to say that our rather shy helping hand was sincerely appreciated by all!
We trust that those souls won't lose faith in humanity and would keep alive their hope for good.

Also, while at this page, I would like to share that the charity work my family does is private (as we don't need to show off), but the purpose of this briefing is to continue to exemplify (from a community stand point) that if you really want to do good in this world it is possible and you don't have to be extremely rich, but you have to be willing to care!

Once again, many thanks to my loyal friends and to my beautiful family for always being by my side and supporting all these heart driven projects - I consider myself truly blessed to have you all part of my life!

"Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, the opportunity and the responsibility
to give something back by becoming more."

● Previous philanthropies I organized for ALICE & Friends Circle™ – 2019 (gesture 1 & gesture 2) | 2018

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

KINDNESS – a noble virtue

These days, in a world full of all sorts of issues,
kindness is becoming more valuable than ever before, and despite the ongoing harshness many people still find ways to help each other. According to scholastic papers, kindness is defined as "a behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and a genuine concern for others."
Over time, it has been observed by many that kindness is an essential ability, a noble virtue, a universal quality, a valuable interpersonal skill, based on altruism and empathy. 
In other words, being polite, compassionate, gentle, carrying and thoughtful would be associated with kindness. 
Personally, I believe that kindness is a way to change the world for better, as well as a wonderful way (for each of us) to become better for the world. Different acts of kindness (from small to big, from minor to significant) are always heart-warming. 
For instance, kindness towards nature, towards animals and towards any other people definitively could transform the world and make it a better place to live, but this won't be complete if it doesn't include yourself. Kindness towards yourself is also crucial for one's personal journey and it starts at home; basically, it is about living with integrity, it is about being fully aware of what it is right or wrong, and by having a solid ethical foundation, based on which you could continually build upon. 
Unfortunately, sometimes people tend to believe that kindness means that someone is
naïve or weak, but the truth is that being kind actually requires courage and strength.

On the other hand, sometimes people do confuse "being kind" with "being nice", but there is a difference: "being kind" is based on your personal beliefs, values and ethics, as opposed to "being nice" which refers to the way other people perceive you. Being aware of this, many people deeply realize that true kindness is essential to our daily lives as well as an excellent avenue to happiness.

Random or planned acts of kindness always had and will continue to fill the world with good. Many times, just a simple smile could change your day, shifting your feelings from anxiety to calmness, from anger to peace...the choice is yours; it might not be easy or simple, but definitively truly satisfying!
                    "Kind words can be short and easy, but their echoes are truly endless."   

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

2020: Honoring together Romania's National Day

 ~ A yearly Romanian socio-cultural evening filled with poetry, history & good cheer, featuring Romania's National Day
On December 1st is Romania's National Day, and despite the fact that the current year is so much different than all what we have experienced before, on Tuesday (December 1'20) I was happy to organize a video-conference having each guest connecting virtually from the comfort of their own living-room. 

Also, at this time, I would like to extend a warm "Welcome!" to the new friends who are joining my circle, bringing so much joy to my heart.

The official program of the evening began with the Romanian Anthem (since this evening we were honoring Romania's National Day), followed by the Canadian Anthem (since Canada is our country of adoption), allowing the musical notes to warm up our patriotic sense, and at the same time, widely opening the door for the subsequent, appropriate, discussions.

At this event I was glad to have with us again a guest of honor - Dr. Ovidiu Grecea, who is the General Consul of Romania and the Head of the Romanian Diplomatic Mission in Vancouver, as well as Plenipotentiary Minister of Romania in Canada.
This time, Consul Grecea brought along a renewed message of peace, re-iterating the significance of a productive collaboration, effective communication as well as the importance of unity. He also stressed that the generations to come are the ones that would take further in time the Romanian pride. Consul Grecea, as a Romanian official as well as a Romanian fellow, comes often to my Romanian literary evenings, and I appreciate his presence each time he could join the group, because he represents for all of us the country we each left behind.
As I've mentioned a number of times before, I would like to refresh again that by commemorating our roots, implicitly we honor our ancestors and cultural traditions, helping us remember our dear parents & grandparents, most of whom are gone today, but whose memory will be eternal, no matter where in the world we each are. 

My program continued with a number of interesting presentations, evoking famous Romanians, reciting poems, recalling dear traditions, sharing personal perspectives, or reminding important pages of Romanian history, and here I will give you only a very brief synopsis:
- Our dear friend Dorina Aldea opened the presentations cycle with few fragments from an article she wrote (her article was published by "Observatorul" from Toronto, and with Dorina's permision, also published in comments section) and then shared few personal remarks about the historic event in itself
- This time, I was truly happy to have with us our friend Luminita Aldea (joining the group straight from Romania for a little while), who recited for all a brief prayer and sent us for publication a poem she wrote (with Luminita's permission, the entire poem is published in comments section)
- Then, Teodor T. continued with a summary sharing few historic facts, following with a personal poem & an original song, both referring to 
"December 1".
- Further, our dear friend Sandu O. brought to our attention a number of 6 contemporary names of successful Romanians.
After all the announced presentations were delivered, the famous Romanian patriotic song  "Treceti batalioane Romane Carpatii" ("Romanian Troops, Cross The Carpathian Mountains") was referred to, followed by a lively group tribute (as we each, from the comfort of our house, were accompanied by a glass of champagne or wine)....we all toasted unanimously: "TRAIASCA ROMANIA MARE!" ("LONGLIVE THE GREATER ROMANIA").
At this point, I would also like to briefly refer to another theme related song, many Romanians enjoy, called: 
"Tara noastra-i tara noastra".
The group discussions of our evening together were lengthy, fervent, animated by lots of comments and different personal remarks, jokes, perspectives (some of them quite controversial), dear memories, making us feel that time was passing by much, much faster. Without any doubt, we all had a refreshing and cheerful time!

Aside of that, while at this page, I would like to express my profound gratitude to those who were able and willing to join this gathering, when we all got the chance to fondly talk about our homeland - Romania.

Until we meet again, dear friends, my best wishes to each of you for a peaceful rest of the year!
Mesaj personal din partea lui Alice, adresat în limba română, la ceas aniversar:
Dragii mei,
Şi pe această cale, doresc să vă transmit sincera mea apreciere pentru prezenţa, susţinerea şi participarea la întâlnirea noastră de grup, având ca tematică "Ziua Naţională a României". 
Cu această ocazie am avut posibilitatea să aducem un aport omagial ţării de baştină, onorându-ne rădăcinile, străbunii, părinţii şi dascălii care au pus o piatră de temelie la fundaţia formării noastre ca oameni şi profesionişti.
Am petrecut împreună nişte momente absolut speciale în care bucuria de a fi român s-a împletit într-un mod armonios, cu sincera dorinţă de communicare şi relaţionare.
Calde mulţumiri!
“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”
"Once you understand and appreciate other people's cultural background then you would connect more with them."

This event has been delivered in Romanian Language, featuring Romanian culture. 
● Previous events I organized on the same theme: ROMANIA's NATIONAL Day – 20192018
● Some of my greetings referring to ROMANIA's NATIONAL Day – 202020192018 
NOTEDear readers, please be advised that on this website each of the previous postings, pertaining to the recurrent annual themes, portray a different perspective of the subject/s presented (same theme/s, but a different outlook without duplication due to the cultural richness of the specific topic/s discussed)

December 1, 2020: Romania’s National Day

 Every year, on December 1st, Romania celebrates its National Day (also known as "The Great Union Day"),
which is an event of a major historical significance, marking the unification of Transylvania, Bessarabia and Bukovina with the Romanian Kingdom, in 1918.
Dear Romanian fellows, near and far, together with my family, we wish you peace, good health, prosperity and joyful moments together with your loved ones!   
● My previous greetings on the same theme: ROMANIA's NATIONAL Day – 20192018