Friday, December 18, 2020

December 2020: A charitable gesture

Astronomically speaking, winter is around the corner, but before it arrives, on Thursday (December 17'20) I was able to organize a charitable gesture, this time helping the shelter of women and children affected by domestic violence.

With a handful of modest donations collected from several supporters of "ALICE & Friends Circle" as well as my family contribution this charity gesture could take place. On this matter, after my discussions with the manager in charge of the facility, in order to have a better understanding of their most stringent needs, I was able to purchase a number of items for these unfortunate women and children. Needless to say that our rather shy helping hand was sincerely appreciated by all!
We trust that those souls won't lose faith in humanity and would keep alive their hope for good.

Also, while at this page, I would like to share that the charity work my family does is private (as we don't need to show off), but the purpose of this briefing is to continue to exemplify (from a community stand point) that if you really want to do good in this world it is possible and you don't have to be extremely rich, but you have to be willing to care!

Once again, many thanks to my loyal friends and to my beautiful family for always being by my side and supporting all these heart driven projects - I consider myself truly blessed to have you all part of my life!

"Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, the opportunity and the responsibility
to give something back by becoming more."

● Previous philanthropies I organized for ALICE & Friends Circle™ – 2019 (gesture 1 & gesture 2) | 2018