This December brought along a very heavy snow
fall, preparing all of us for a truly white “Noel”, fact which compelled me to use again the technology by meeting on line (on Thursday, December 22,
2022) for our annual pre-Christmas reunion, which was also our last social
gathering for the current year.
Talking with several friends who could join for a while filled my heart with joy, while I was able to express my most
sincere gratitude to those who are still part of Alice & Friends
Circle™, to those who understand the purpose of this
project, to those who value the altruistic community contribution over the personal
gain, to those who love and appreciate what we are doing here, and continue to
be by my side in emphasizing the beauty and significance of arts and culture, while
doing their outmost in this busy, consumerist social environment we all “swim”
Everybody knows that each year end is encouraging us to review our up to date
achievements, to re-asses our goals, to strategize for the future as we
continue this beautiful journey….and…so we did….and it was good.
closing, dear ones, I hope that the special spirit of this special season will stay
with you throughout the year ahead!
Warm greetings to each of you for a very merry
Christmas and a really happy New Year!

This event has been delivered in Romanian Language,
featuring Romanian culture.